Do you think mobile commerce via smartphone will grow rapidly in the future why or why not

Smartphones. They’ve come a long way since the 1992 IBM Simon. What we used in the early stages of mobile phone development to call, text (and, let’s admit it, play Snake) has now become a phone, camera and small computer on which users can literally do anything and everything they want. Now everything is possible: finding a cab, learning a new language and occasionally indulging in a bit of retail therapy, of course.

With approximately 2.53 billion smartphone users worldwide in 2018, (a figure expected to reach as much as 2.87 billion in 2020 according to Statista) it’s obvious that the smartphone epidemic isn’t going to stop anytime soon. If early mobile commerce was mainly focused on the selling and purchasing of ringtones, logos, and songs, it is now predominantly driven by products such as clothes, beauty products, and home & living. As a consequence, mobile shopping has become an important revenue stream for e-retailers, as an effective channel to reach potential customers and boost sales. But how is mobile commerce progressing and why is it important for the eCommerce future? Let’s dive into the future of mobile commerce!

The transformation of e-commerce with mobile commerce

The revolution of traditional commerce started in the ’90s with the launch of the internet, and consequently a few years later, with the development of e-commerce. This revolutionary way of doing commerce allowed retailers not only to sell products from their stores, but also target a wider audience, locally and globally, and with a wider product offering. In addition to e-commerce, the revolution of smartphones enabled sellers to use mobile phones as an additional tool to increase their business. M-commerce was thus born.

Today, m-commerce is a major focus for the global e-commerce industry. With an inflation of 26% in mobile traffic on its platform in 2018 compared to three years before, Stylight stats indicate that mobile shopping won’t stop increasing anytime soon.

A global evolution of products and online shops on Stylight

Do you think mobile commerce via smartphone will grow rapidly in the future why or why not

In terms of revenue, over the last few years, m-commerce has represented a considerable part of e-commerce companies’ turnover. A European study conducted by the digital marketplace RetailMeNot revealed that in 2018, sales on smartphones reached 8.9 billion euros, and are estimated to reach 12.7 billion euros in 2019 and 17.5 billion euros in 2020, representing 28.8% of online sales (compared to 13.2% in 2017).

M-commerce does not mean the end of offline shopping

There is a vast misconception that m-shoppers go through life just staring at their phone’s screens. This is not necessarily the case: m-shoppers live and shop offline as well, but integrate m-shopping into their offline experience. Evidence shows that m-commerce has had a significant impact on how consumers purchase products offline. According to Todd Pollak, Retail Industry Director at Google, consumers employ their smartphones and m-shopping services prior to offline shopping to gain inspiration for their purchase (specific brand or product to buy), to help them plan their trip to the store (locations or proximity), and help them narrow down their purchase options with, for example, deals.

M-commerce rarely involves only one device. Today, a significant number of online transactions involve multiple devices. What is however interesting is that, according to Criteo, the conversion rate on shopping apps is now higher than on desktop (17% vs. 12%). This is certainly a reason for brands and retailers to embrace mobile commerce instead of fearing it!

Do you think mobile commerce via smartphone will grow rapidly in the future why or why not

Multiple devices appear as a critical matter for Stylight, who has understood pretty quickly that a single website was not enough, no matter how well designed it is. As a result, the platform now encompasses apps on iOS, Android. Consequently, if companies want to maximize their chances of selling to customers, they need to ensure that they have a dedicated desktop and mobile website as well as an iOS and Android app.

Finally, most important is that all of a company’s products are displayed on each and every channel. Shopping on multiple devices is practiced by a large part of the population, and consumers expect to find no difference between the products they find on a brand’s website compared to its mobile version. The shopping experience should remain the same, no matter what device consumers use.

What will happen to mobile commerce in the next few years?

Now let’s talk about the most interesting part. Brands and retailers, if you haven’t invested in mobile commerce yet, it’s your time to do so: the market intelligence and advisory firm Mordor Intelligence predicts that the mobile commerce market will reach a 27% Compound Annual Growth Rate by 2024. The four top global m-commerce markets (e.g China, U.S., UK, and Japan) will be still top of the game.

The number of couponing websites and sales available online will enable consumers to have an increased purchasing power. More so than before, consumers will be able to play an active role in their own shopping experience. M-payment options to choose from will be on the rise, as retailers will want to find more ways to create trust in consumers. The number of mobile payments is expected to eventually catch up to the number of purchases done via a computer.

Like other leaders in the digital world, Stylight will keep developing new tools to facilitate mobile user experience. In the upcoming years we will develop more customer-friendly as well as transaction-generating apps, to go from a device-focused strategy to a people-focused one.

Do you think mobile commerce via smartphone will grow rapidly in the future why or why not

Fashion m-commerce will remain one of the major verticals in the future, and beauty as well as home & living won’t be far behind. These sectors are also expected to be significant ones, and it goes without saying that the m-commerce industry should focus on them.

And last but not least, social media will play a huge role in the mobile purchasing process, as brands will continue to find new ways to reach out to potential customers. As recommendation plays a major role in the purchasing decision, other users’ advice, as well as additional information about a product, will be used more often on a brand’s’ social media channels.

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Mobile commerce (alternately known as m commerce or m-commerce) is the browsing, buying, and selling of products and services on mobile devices such as cellphones or tablets. In other words, it's a complete online shopping experience, but with all the convenience of being on a cellphone or tablet.

Mobile Commerce (M-Commerce) Statistics

M-commerce is booming, and not showing any signs of slowing down. Within the next two years, it is expected that the majority of purchases will be completed using mobile devices.

  • 96% of Americans own a cellphone (Source: Pew Research Center
  • 8 out of 10 Americans shop on their mobile devices (Source: Pew Research Center
  • Mobile commerce is expected to outpace non-mobile commerce in 2021 (Source:Statista
  • Mobile digital advertising spend is nearly double that of desktop advertising spend—$71B was spent on mobile advertising in 2018, while only $37B was spent on desktop. (Source:
  • On Black Friday of 2018, 66% of shopping was done on mobile devices (Source:PixelUnion

Types of Mobile Commerce

Mobile commerce doesn't just refer to buying a product online—it includes all purchase decision behaviors made using a mobile device.

The different types of mobile commerce include:

  • Browsing products online using a mobile device
  • Searching for specific products online using a mobile device
  • Reading product reviews or viewing product comparisons on a mobile device
  • Purchasing app-economy services (such as rideshare or food delivery apps)
  • Purchasing or renting digital content (paid apps, video, music, etc.) on a mobile device
  • Interacting with branded apps (such as the Amazon shopping app) on a mobile device
  • Mobile banking
  • Mobile retail payments (such as Samsung Pay or Apple Pay)
  • Mobile person-to-person payments (such as Venmo or the Cash app)

With the rise of mobile technology, it is becoming less valuable to think about what is mobile commerce and what isn't—almost all types of commerce, from shopping to investing, are already being done on mobile. As such, much of the discussion around mobile commerce focuses on user experiences when engaging in mobile commerce.

The Future of Mobile Commerce

The most prominent trend of mobile commerce is its market share growth. M-commerce spending in 2018 totalled 501 billion, expected to grow to 740B by 2023:

Do you think mobile commerce via smartphone will grow rapidly in the future why or why not

Source: Statista

Another trend in m-commerce is that customers desire more information on mobile websites.  Studies show that 80% of smartphone users want more product information when shopping on their mobile devices. A large part of m-commerce's appeal may be convenience, but if that convenience comes at the sacrifice of information, customers will be sure to look elsewhere. Make sure to include all of the information available on your desktop pages in a mobile-friendly format—accordion menus and dropdowns can help control page length.

The last big trend, by far, is the rise of tablet commerce. Much of it has to do with the nature of tablets themselves. With their larger screens and portability, tablets make it easier to navigate mobile ecommerce websites. With these features, it's no surprise that 55% of tablet owners use their tablets for online shopping, whereas only 28% of smartphone owners shop on that device.

With all its growing clout, m-commerce is the rising star of the ecommerce world. By understanding it and keeping tabs on where it's going, business owners put themselves in the best position to take advantage of all m-commerce has to offer.

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