How does water specific heat relate to its usefulness for life

Learning Objectives
  • Explain the biological significance of water’s high specific heat


The capability for a molecule to absorb heat energy is called heat capacity, which can be calculated by the equation shown in the figure. Water’s high heat capacity is a property caused by hydrogen bonding among water molecules. When heat is absorbed, hydrogen bonds are broken and water molecules can move freely. When the temperature of water decreases, the hydrogen bonds are formed and release a considerable amount of energy. Water has the highest specific heat capacity of any liquid. Specific heat is defined as the amount of heat one gram of a substance must absorb or lose to change its temperature by one degree Celsius. For water, this amount is one calorie, or 4.184 Joules. As a result, it takes water a long time to heat and a long time to cool. In fact, the specific heat capacity of water is about five times more than that of sand. This explains why the land cools faster than the sea.


The resistance to sudden temperature changes makes water an excellent habitat, allowing organisms to survive without experiencing wide temperature fluctuation. Furthermore, because many organisms are mainly composed of water, the property of high heat capacity allows highly regulated internal body temperatures. For example, the temperature of your body does not drastically drop to the same temperature as the outside temperature while you are skiing or playing in the snow. Due to its high heat capacity, water is used by warm blooded animals to more evenly disperse heat in their bodies; it acts in a similar manner to a car’s cooling system, transporting heat from warm places to cool places, causing the body to maintain a more even temperature.

  • Water has the highest heat capacity of all liquids.
  • Oceans cool slower than the land due to the high heat capacity of water.
  • To change the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius, it takes 1.00 calorie.
  • heat capacity: The capability of a substance to absorb heat energy
  • specific heat: the amount of heat, in calories, needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius

Finally the high specific heat of water makes it resistant to temperature change allowing life forms to maintain relatively constant internal temperatures. The high specific heat and surface tension of water contribute to its high boiling point helping to keep it in liquid form for most biological processes.

How does water’s specific heat relate to its usefulness for life give examples?

Water’s high specific heat is very useful to life. If water did not have such a high heat capacity the temperature of Earth would change violently with the changing of day to night. The oceans would become frigid at night and boil during the day. This world would be very difficult to survive in.

Why is water’s specific heat important to life?

Water covers around 70% of the Earth’s surface and its high specific heat plays a very important role as it is able to absorb a lot of heat without a significant rise in the temperature. When temperatures decrease the heat which is stored is released restraining a rapid drop in temperature.

How does water’s specific heat relate to its usefulness for life quizlet?

With a high specific heat a large body of water can absorb and store a huge amount of heat from the sun during the daytime. As it cools during the night it warms the air. This is important to life because some organisms live in the pond water while others rely on it for water.

How does specific heat relate to everyday life?

Substances having a small specific heat capacity are very useful as material in cooking instruments such as frying pans pots kettles and so on because when small amount of heat is applied it will heat quickly. … Due to high specific heat it absorbs a large amount of heat without appreciable rise in temperature.

How does water’s specific heat compared to irons?

The specific heat of metals are lower than that of water. Specific heat capacity is the measurement of how much energy (in J) has to be added to 1 kg of a substance to increase the temperature of that substance by 1oC . … Water has the highest specific heat capacity of any liquid.

What causes the high specific heat of water and why is that so important to living organism mention two reasons?

Water’s high heat capacity is a property caused by hydrogen bonding among water molecules. When heat is absorbed hydrogen bonds are broken and water molecules can move freely. When the temperature of water decreases the hydrogen bonds are formed and release a considerable amount of energy.

How does water’s specific heat affect the environment?

The specific heat of water is greater than that of dry soil therefore water both absorbs and releases heat more slowly than land. … This causes land areas to heat more rapidly and to higher temperatures and also cool more rapidly and to lower temperatures compared to oceans.

How does water’s versatility as a solvent help living things survive?

Water is called the “universal solvent” because it is capable of dissolving more substances than any other liquid. This is important to every living thing on earth. It means that wherever water goes either through the air the ground or through our bodies it takes along valuable chemicals minerals and nutrients.

What are the properties of water that make it essential to life?

Discussion of the properties of water that make it essential to life as we know it: polarity “universal” solvent high heat capacity high heat of vaporization cohesion adhesion and lower density when frozen.

How does water’s high specific heat contribute to the moderation of temperature and explain how this is important to life?

summarize how water’s high specific heat contributes to the moderation of temperature. How is this property important to life? bodies of water can absorb tons of heat from the sun. when it gets colder outside the water can warm the air which makes a milder climate and stabilizes ocean temperatures.

Why is it important that water has a high specific heat quizlet?

The high specific heat of water helps to 1) moderate temperature in coastal areas 2) stabilize ocean temperatures creating a favorable environment for marine life 3) because it covers most of the earth it keeps temperature fluctuations within the limits for life 4) helps organisms (that are made primarily out of …

Which is a result of water’s high specific heat?

Because of its high heat capacity water can minimize changes in temperature. For instance the specific heat capacity of water is about five times greater than that of sand. The land cools faster than the sea once the sun goes down and the slow-cooling water can release heat to nearby land during the night.

What are the three uses of specific heat of water in daily life?

Explanation: Fomentation: Hot water bottles are used for fomentation as the water remains hot in the bottle for a long time in spite of giving off large quantities of heat. Car radiators: Water is used as coolant car radiators. Bottled Wines: In cold countries wine bottles re kept under water.

Why is high specific heat capacity important to life?

The high specific heat of water means that it requires a large amount of heat to raise the temperature of water. This helps the temperature of the environment from becoming too hot or too cold. Also humans are about 66% water thus this property of water helps us regulate our body temperature too.

What are the specific uses of heat in industry and into your daily life?

The heat is very important in our daily life in warming the house cooking heating the water and drying the washed clothes. The heat has many usages in the industry as making and processing the food and manufacture of the glass the paper the textile ………etc.

What statement explains the relationship between the water and the metal you are studying?

What statement explains the relationship between the water and the metal you are studying? The heat lost by the metal is equal to the heat gained by the water.

What are the two common values used as the specific heat of water?

Heat Capacity and Specific Heat

Substance Specific Heat (J/g°C)
Water (s) 2.06
Water (g) 1.87
Ammonia (g) 2.09
Ethanol (l) 2.44

The SI unit of specific heat capacity is joule per kelvin per kilogram J⋅kg−1⋅K−1. For example the heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water by 1 K is 4184 joules so the specific heat capacity of water is 4184 J⋅kg−1⋅K−1.

What was the effect of increasing the water’s mass?

Analyze: For each factor listed in the chart below explain how the final temperature was changed and why you think that change occurred. A. What was the effect of increasing the water’s mass? Increasing mass will increase the substance’s heat but won’t affect its temperature since they are not reated.

Is water essential for life?

Water. … Liquid water is an essential requirement for life on Earth because it functions as a solvent. It is capable of dissolving substances and enabling key chemical reactions in animal plant and microbial cells. Its chemical and physical properties allow it to dissolve more substances than most other liquids.

Why is the density of water so important to life on Earth?

Water is less dense as a solid than as a liquid.

This property is important as it keeps ponds lakes and oceans from freezing solid and allows life to continue to thrive under the icy surface.

How does the specific heat capacity of water affect people’s homeostasis?

High specific heat is waters ability to slowly heat up and cool down. This allows water to help maintain homeostasis in the human body. The heat stored in water is moving to the surface evaporating while taking heat with it.

What are some examples of water being used as a solvent to support life?

That water serves as the solvent for sodium chloride (salt) and other substances so that the fluids of our bodies are similar to sea water. This leads Hill and Kolb to refer jokingly to us as “walking bags of sea water”. Water serves to suspend the red blood cells to carry oxygen to the cells.

How do water’s hydrogen bonds contribute to cohesion?

This sticking together of like substances is called cohesion. Depending on how attracted molecules of the same substance are to one another the substance will be more or less cohesive. Hydrogen bonds cause water to be exceptionally attracted to each other. Therefore water is very cohesive.

What about water’s structure allows it to be versatile?

Polarity and Hydrogen Bonding

Water is so unique and so versatile because it is a polar molecule (it has polarity). … Hydrogen Bonding: This occurs when the partial positive hydrogens of the water molecule are attracted to and form a weak bond with the partial negative end of the oxygen from a different water molecule.

Why are some uses of water known as unique?

Water also known by the chemical formula H2O is composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Additionally water is unique in that it’s less dense in solid form than as a liquid. This quality allows for the existence of life on Earth because it prevents bodies of water including oceans from freezing over.

How does water’s structure explain its properties?

Summary. Water molecules are polar so they form hydrogen bonds. This gives water unique properties such as a relatively high boiling point high specific heat cohesion adhesion and density.

What are three reasons water is important to life on Earth?

Five reasons water is so important to your health

  • Water boots energy. Water delivers important nutrients to all of our cells especially muscle cells postponing muscle fatigue.
  • Water helps weight loss. …
  • Water aids in digestion. …
  • Water detoxifies. …
  • Water hydrates skin.

Water can moderate temperature because of the two properties: high-specific heat and the high heat of vaporization. … The hydrogen bonds between water molecules absorb the heat when they break and release heat when they form which minimizes temperature changes.

How does water’s high heat of vaporization affect living organisms quizlet?

High specific heat stabilizes ocean temperatures. This is important to life because organisms made of water are able to resist changes in their own temperature. … Heat of Vaporization– quantity of heat a liquid must absorb for 1g of it to be converted from the liquid to the gaseous state.

What does it mean that water has a high specific heat quizlet?

What does water’s high specific heat mean? It means the amount of heat that must be absorbed or lost for 1g of that substance to change its temperature by 1*C.

How does specific heat of water affect climate apex?

“The high specific heat of water affects Earth’s climate because it makes the temperatures of the oceans relatively resistant to change.”

How does specific heat relate to real life?

So more the specific heat more the energy required for heating the substance. 1) Utensils used for making tea or coffee or cooking vegetables or rice are made of materials of low specific heat. … 2) Materials of high specific heat can be used as insulators. For example wood has a high specific heat.

Specific Heat Capacity | Matter | Physics | FuseSchool

Applications Of High Specific Heat Capacity Of Water

Importance of Water in Life | Importance of Water

Specific heat of water | Water acids and bases | Biology | Khan Academy