How long can we ignore the dangers of groundwater contamination This is an example of what type of concluding device?


For which of the following does a speaker decide how to organize main points? a. Invention b. Arrangement c. Style d. Delivery


Through which of the following processes can a speaker locate weaknesses in the argument or organization of his or her speech? a. Outsourcing b. Drafting c. Outlining d. Compiling


__________ is a skill required for speeches that can also be a valuable life skill. a. Visualization b. Nonverbal cueing c. Cooperation d. Organization


The structure of a speech follows which order of parts? a. Introduction, body, conclusion b. Main idea, transition, conclusion c. Main idea, introduction, body d. Body, transition, main idea


a. introduction, body, conclusion


Which of the following express the key ideas and major themes of a speech? a. Main points b. Supporting points c. Transitions d. Informative points


When creating main points for a presentation, what should you do first? a. Think about what you want to share b. Select appropriate presentation aids c. Identify the central ideas of the speech d. Write your introduction and conclusion


c.identify the central ideas of the speech


When a speaker makes fewer main points in a speech, the odds are greater for __________. a. the recency effect b. a speech that is less than four minutes c. an angry audience d. keeping the audience's attention


d. keeping the audience's attention


What could it mean if your speech contains too many main points? a. The speech topic has not been sufficiently narrowed. b. The speech contains too many examples. c. The speech has too few supporting points. d. The introduction and conclusion have not been sufficiently developed.


a. the speech topic has not been sufficiently narrowed


What does stating the main points of your speech in parallel grammatical form accomplish? a. It makes a speech dry and dull for listeners. b. It guarantees a successful speech. c. It helps listeners retain points. d. None of the options is correct.


c. it helps listeners retain points


Which of the following speech elements help speakers to substantiate or prove a thesis with examples, narratives, facts, or statistics? a. Main points b. Supporting points c. Transitions d. Informative points


b.supporting points


How should supporting points usually be enumerated in an outline? a. Indent them below the main points and identify with capital letters. b. Place them flush left and identify with roman numerals. c. Indent them and identify with lowercase letters. d. Number them sequentially using Arabic numbers.


a. indent them below the main points and identify them with capital letters


In a written outline, ideas that are __________ are given equal weight and aligned parallel to each other; an idea that is __________ to another is given relatively less weight and indented below the more important points. a. subordinate; coordinate b. coordinate; subordinate c. reflexive; deflective d. deflective; reflexive


b. coordinate; subordinate


Which part of a speech should be the longest? a. Introduction b. Conclusion c. Body d. Transitions


Which of the following is not a function of transitions? a. To show comparisons b. To summarize c. To illustrate cause and effect d. To provide support


d. to provide support


What are the words or phrases "similarly," "likewise," "just as," "as a result," and "in conclusion" all examples of? a. Main ideas b. Supporting points c. Transitions d. Outlines


When choosing an organizational pattern for your speech, you should consider __________. a. time constraints b. the audience's needs and the specific purpose of the speech c. the location where you will be delivering the speech d. what will be easiest and most expedient for you


b. the audience's needs and the specific purpose of the speech


If you want to inform your audience of the sequence of events that led up to the 9/11 attacks, you would likely utilize which of the following organizational patterns? a. Topical b. Chronological c. Causal d. Narrative


If your speech is about the arrangement of an office space or the design of an engine, it might be best to use which of the following organizational patterns? a. Topical b. Chronological c. Spatial d. Circular


If you want to inform your audience of what could happen if global warming continues, which organizational pattern would you utilize? a. Topical b. Chronological c. Causal d. Narrative


A speech about the explosion of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, might follow what kind of organizational arrangement? a. Cause-effect b. Circular c. Spatial d. Refutation


In order to persuade your audience to take a certain action, it is useful to first outline specifically the root of the problem and then present your proposed action. This approach is an example of which organizational pattern? a. Causal b. Circular c. Problem-solution d. Monroe's motivated sequence


c. problem- solution


When each main point is a subtopic of the speech topic, which organizational pattern is the most ideal? a. Topical b. Chronological c. Problem-solution d. Refutation


Which of the following organizational patterns requires the speaker to paint a vivid picture for the audience, with the use of plots and characters? a. Causal b. Circular c. Narrative d. Monroe's motivated sequence


When you lead your audience down a track of logical reasoning that shows how one idea continuously leads to another, you are utilizing which organizational pattern? a. Causal b. Circular c. Narrative d. Monroe's motivated sequence


A spatial pattern of arrangement would probably be most useful in describing which of the following? a. The reasons behind a political decision b. The architecture of the Vietnam War Memorial c. The historical development of the computer d. Competing theories of childrearing


b. the architecture of the Vietnam War Memorial


When organizing a speech with the causal or cause-effect pattern of arrangement, one possible order to put main points in is __________. a. multiple causes, then their single effect b. single cause, then its multiple effects c. effects, then their causes d. All of the options are correct.


d. all of the options are correct


Which of the following would be the most effective arrangement for explaining the remedy for the common cold? a. Topical b. Causal c. Narrative d. Problem-solution


d. problem- solution


A topical pattern of arrangement would probably be most useful in describing which of the following? a. Features of Chicago that make it a good city in which to establish a career b. The sequence of events that led to the raising of the Berlin Wall c. The structure and layout of Wesminster Abbey d. Field crop diseases and how farmers may remedy them


a. features of Chicago that make it a good city in which to establish a career


"During the early 1900s, oil drilling was a lucrative business in the southwestern part of the United States, but it was not an easy job." This is an example of what pattern of arrangement? a. Topical b. Narrative c. Spatial d. Chronological


A circular pattern of arrangement would probably be most useful in describing which of the following? a. The changes to Israel's borders after the Six Day War of 1967 b. Women's expanding roles in the U.S. military, as illustrated by the naval career of the speaker's own aunt c. How friendships influence physical and mental well-being and how well-being, in turn, influences friendships d. The geographical factors that lead to the earthquake in Japan in 2011


c. How friendships influence physical and mental well-being and how well-being, in turn, influences friendships


While developing a speech, a speaker will create both __________. a. a working outline and a speaking outline b. a phrase outline and a key-word outline c. a speaking outline and a delivery outline d. a planning outline and a working outline


a. a working outline and a speaking outline


A working outline allows you to __________. a. refine your specific speech purpose b. rearrange the order of main points c. delete supporting points d. All of the options are correct.


d. all of the above


Which of the following outlines is most appropriate when the speaker is so familiar with the speech that a glance at a few words associated with each point will serve as a reminder of exactly what to say? a. Working b. Sentence c. Phrase d. Key word


Why is it so important to select the appropriate outline format? a. Your outline format will affect the delivery of your speech. b. Your outline format will determine how you orally cite your sources. c. Your outline format will replace preparation and practice before a speech. d. Your outline format will substitute for research for a speech.


a. your outline format will affect the delivery of your speech


Which of the following outlines allows greater freedom of movement and eye contact during the speech? a. Formal b. Key word c. Working d. Sentence


When precise wording is necessary, especially when presenting a speech on a highly controversial topic, a __________ outline is recommended. a. working b. speaking c. sentence d. phrase


Which of the following outlines would be least helpful to a speaker who has forgotten what she plans to say next during a speech? a. Sentence b. Key word c. Phrase d. None of the options is correct.


When developing a working outline, it is recommended that you do which of the following? a. Memorize all your main points and subpoints b. Separate the introduction and conclusion from the body c. Incorporate all your presentation aids at the beginning of the speech d. Identify only your supporting points


b. separate the introduction and conclusion from the body


Where do you place the main points of the speech when preparing a working outline? a. After the introduction and conclusion b. Before the introduction and conclusion c. Between the preface and the epilogue d. After the epilogue, but before the preface


c. between the preface and the epilogue


In the process of outlining your speech, when do you begin keeping track of where you need to credit a source? a. As you are creating your working outline b. After you have completed your speaking outline c. Before you choose an outline format d. After you complete the epilogue


a. As you are creating your working outline


The final step in the outline process, __________, communicates the essence of the speech and will invite the audience to listen. a. creating a title b. writing the introduction c. writing the conclusion d. writing the thesis statement


a. creating a title


What are transitions, pauses, vocal changes, and presentation aids examples of? a. Paraphrases b. Outlines c. Delivery cues d. None of the options is correct.


Which kind of outline is least conspicuous to the audience? a. Sentence b. Delivery c. Key word d. Phrase


What reminders must you always clearly indicate on your speaking outline? a. Delivery cues b. Presentation aids c. Title d. Topic sentences


You can use delivery cues for speech elements such as __________. a. timing b. quotations and statistics c. difficult-to-pronounce or -remember names or words d. All of the options are correct.


d. all of the above


Which of the following is not a function of an introduction? a. To grab the audience's attention b. To tell the audience what they are about to hear c. To introduce new information d. To establish your credibility


c. to introduce new information


What is one of the most important guidelines for developing an introduction for your speech? a. Make sure it includes humor. b. Write it after you've developed the body of the speech. c. Make sure you use a story connected to your life. d. Save your research for the body of your speech.


b. Write it after you've developed the body of the speech


What sources would you rely on for attention-getting quotations for your speech? a. Famous individuals b. Movies c. Books d. All of the options are correct.


d. all of the above


This attention-getting device gets the audience thinking without the expectation that they will actually respond. a. Telling a story b. Posing a rhetorical question c. Making a startling statement d. Establishing common ground


b. posing a rhetorical question


When posing a rhetorical question, you should be sure your audience knows which of the following? a. That your speech will attempt to answer the question b. That you expect your audience to answer the question later c. That you will interrupt your presentation to invite actual responses d. That you will poll the audience at the end of the speech


a. that your speech will atempt to answer the question


If you want to gain your audience's attention with powerful and meaningful statistics, you should present this information in __________. a. a story b. a question c. a startling statement d. common ground


c. a startling statement


Which of the following techniques can help you build rapport with your audience and place them immediately at ease? a. Posing a question b. Offering a startling statement c. Using humor d. Quoting a famous person


Which of the following is generally considered the safest form of humor to use in a speech? a. Sarcasm b. Jokes heard elsewhere c. Self-deprecating d. Cultural anecdotes


c. self- deprecating


"My fellow Americans, on this day I vow with all my power to maintain peace, democracy, and liberty for all." With these words, the speaker is attempting to __________. a. make a startling statement b. establish common ground c. prove his or her credibility d. pose a rhetorical question


b. establish common ground


When you open a speech with the following statement: "We are all here today to remember the life of an honored soldier," you are __________. a. acting inappropriately b. establishing credibility c. building rapport d. referring to the occasion


d. referring to the occasion


In the introduction to a speech, after you've gained the audience's attention, the next step is to __________. a. preview the topic and purpose that you'll elaborate on within the speech body b. jump directly to your first main point in the speech body c. preview what you'll say in the conclusion d. list your main points in reverse order


a. preview the topic and purpose that you'll elaborate on within the speech body


Why might a person include her credentials and previous work with pediatric cancer patients in the introduction of a speech? a. To put the audience at ease b. To establish credibility as a speaker c. To preview the speech's main points d. To motivate the audience to action


b. to establish credibility as a speaker


"I have felt passionate about conservation issues ever since I started volunteering with the city's local chapter of the Nature Conservancy four summers ago." This statement is intended to help the speaker __________. a. refer to the occasion b. establish common ground c. establish credibility d. None of the options is correct.


c. establish credibility


A technique to help the audience mentally organize your speech is to __________ in the introduction. a. use humor b. preview your main points c. motivate your audience d. establish rapport


b. preview your main points


__________ is not a way to motivate your listeners to accept your goals. a. Convincing the audience that the topic is relevant to them b. Addressing the topic's practical implications and what the audience stands to gain by listening to you c. Convincing the audience that the speech purpose is consistent with their motives and values d. Omitting information and cultivating a sense of mystery so that the audience is left wanting more


d. omitting information and cultivating a sense of mystery so that the audience is left wanting more


Which of the following is a function of a conclusion? a. It encourages the audience to respond in some way. b. It reminds your audience members of your main points. c. It lets the audience know your speech is coming to a close. d. All of options are correct.


d. all of the above


The conclusion to a speech should be approximately how long? a. Twice as long as the introduction b. Equal in length to the speech's body c. About one-sixth of the overall speech length d. About one to two sentences long


c. about one-sixth of the overall speech length


How should a speaker alert the audience that the speech is coming to an end? a. By experiencing closure b. By using transitional signals c. By coming to an abrupt stop d. By returning to the thesis statement


b. by using transitional signals


"I've covered a lot of ground here today, but as I draw to a close, I'd like to stress four things." What does this statement signal? a. A summary of the main points and goals b. An encouragement for the audience to use new information c. A call to action d. An apology for speaking for so long


a. a summary of the main points and goals


Which of the following is true about summarizing the main points of your speech in your conclusion? a. It is repetitive and ineffective. b. It is effective only in speeches that are organized topically. c. It reduces the effectiveness of calls to action. d. It can help your audience remember the speech better.


d. it can help your audience remember the speech better


When you __________, you give your audience an opportunity to evaluate how well they comprehended the central theme of your speech. a. signal the close of your speech b. summarize your main points c. reiterate the speech purpose d. challenge the audience to respond


c. reiterate the speech purpose


A well-developed conclusion __________. a. wakes up your audience at the end b. challenges your audience members to respond c. should leave the audience with no unanswered questions d. requires at least one presentation aid


b. challenges your audience members to respond


At the conclusion of a speech about the importance of voting, you pass out voter registration cards and ask the audience members to fill them out. What is this an example of? a. Signaling the close of the speech b. Summarizing the main points c. Reiterating the speech purpose d. Challenging the audience to respond


d. challenging the audience to respond


Which of the following words best describes an effective conclusion to a speech? a. Extemporaneous b. Abrupt c. Repetitive d. Memorable


Listeners are most likely to remember and act on a speech that __________. a. makes a lasting impression b. goes on longer than they expect c. uses offensive humor d. is delivered from memory


a. makes a lasting impression


To capture your audience's attention in the conclusion, use the same devices that are used to make introductions interesting and effective, including __________. a. stories, subpoints, and transitions b. main points, statistics, and previews c. quotations, stories, and rhetorical questions d. rhetorical questions, main points, and subpoints


c. quotations, stories, and rhetorical questions


What should you do at the end of your speech to give the audience a sense of having come full circle? a. Introduce new questions b. Link back to the introduction c. Restate each and every supporting point d. All of the options are correct.


b. link back to the introduction


"How long can we ignore the dangers of groundwater contamination?" This is an example of what type of concluding device? a. Rhetorical question b. Startling statement c. Thesis repetition d. Quotation


c. thesis repetition


The rules for writing an effective conclusion include all of the following except __________. a. leave a lasting impression on the audience b. alert the audience that the speech is ending c. summarize the main points d. provide additional support for the thesis


d. provide additional support for the thesis


What can be said about repeating the main points in the introduction, the body, and the conclusion of a speech? a. It helps the audience to remember the main points. b. It is usually considered redundant. c. It holds the audience's interest throughout. d. It is only necessary during a persuasive speech.


a. it helps the audience to remember the main points


James Albert Winans states that public speaking is nothing more than __________, which means things such as vocal variations, facial expressions, and gestures should appear natural. a. elocution b. practice c. extemporaneous d. conversation


As a speaker, you need to be wary of focusing too much on the __________ of your presentation. Remember that the success of your presentation also relies on the content of the message. a. practice b. conversation c. elocution d. awareness


In order to ensure that your audience is paying attention to your message and not to your behavior, __________. a. speak from manuscript b. project a sense of confidence c. use plenty of presentation aids d. speak extemporaneously


b. project a sense of confidence


In order to build a positive relationship with your audience, maintain eye contact and a friendly tone. These strategies ensure that your presentation __________. a. shows concern for audience members b. intimidates your audience members c. keeps the audience attentive d. All of the options are correct.


a. shows concern for audience members


Which of the following is not an effective way to deliver your speech? a. Use animated facial expressions. b. Position yourself close to the audience. c. Vary your tone of voice. d. Maintain an air of superiority.


d. maintain an air of superiority


Which of the following methods of delivery makes it hardest to maintain eye contact? a. Speaking from memory b. Speaking from manuscript c. Extemporaneous speaking d. Impromptu speaking


b. speaking from manuscript


Which method of delivery is not advised for non-native speakers because it will exaggerate a speaker's difficulty with pronunciation and articulation? a. Manuscript b. Impromptu c. Memorized d. Extemporaneous


Which of the following is a form of speech that requires the speaker to commit words to memory? a. Oratory b. Manuscript c. Impromptu d. Extemporaneous


During wedding receptions, individuals usually give __________ about the couple because the use of notes can sometimes seem impersonal. a. a speech from manuscript b. a speech from memory c. an impromptu speech d. an extemporaneous speech


b. a speech from memory


In the classroom, your teacher might ask for your opinion on a topic. In this instance, you are expected to give a(n) __________ response because you had not previously prepared an answer. a. manuscript b. memory c. impromptu d. extemporaneous


If a keynote speaker at a conference becomes ill, you could be called upon at the last minute to give a brief presentation on the material, for which you would have to prepare a(n) __________ speech. a. manuscript b. memory c. impromptu d. extemporaneous


__________, the famous philosopher and rhetorician, spoke about the unethical use of public speaking. a. Socrates b. Aristotle c. Sophists d. Plato


What is the most common method of public speaking that corrupt leaders have used to manipulate their listeners? a. Effective presentation aids b. Forceful delivery c. Propagandistic video d. A weak argument cannot be camouflaged.


b. forceful delivery


The focus of a(n) __________ speech is to communicate ideas from an outline of key words and phrases, rather than from an exact prepared message. a. manuscript b. impromptu c. memorized d. extemporaneous


Which of the following methods of speech delivery is most conducive to achieving a conversational style? a. Speaking from memory b. Speaking from manuscript c. Extemporaneous speaking d. Impromptu speaking


c. extemporaneous speaking


The word persuasion is derived from the Greek verb that means __________. a. "To believe" b. "To influence" c. "To challenge" d. "To contradict"


Which of the following is not a goal of a persuasive speech? a. To seek a response b. To influence attitudes c. To broaden alternatives d. To respect audience choices


In order to be an ethical persuasive speaker, you must remember that audience members should be __________. a. coerced to change their beliefs b. amused by the information presented c. included in the presentation as much as possible d. respected for holding another viewpoint


When a speaker presents information and then draws conclusions from that information, the presenter is using which rhetorical proof? a. logos b. pathos c. ethos d. anthos


A speaker attempts to persuade her audience of the evils of drunk driving by sharing the true story of a relative who died in a drunk-driving accident. This story appeals to the audiences __________. a. logos b. pathos c. ethos d. anthos


Unethical speakers utilize __________. a. fear and anxiety tactics b. irrelevant emotional appeals c. propaganda d. All of the options are correct.


When a speaker attempts to manipulate the audiences emotions to promote a belief system or dogma, he or she is employing __________. a. a fear appeal b. propaganda c. relevant information d. insensitivity


If audience members do not believe the speaker to be a credible source, then he or she must lack which appeal? a. Logos b. Pathos c. Ethos d. Anthos


Which of the following will help increase your credibility as a speaker? a. Demonstrating your knowledge of the topic b. Letting the audience know you care about them c. Presenting truthful information d. All of the options are correct.


Which of the following represents the correct order of Maslow's hierarchy of needs? a. Safety needs, physiological needs, self-esteem needs, social needs, self-actualization needs b. Self-actualization needs, self-esteem needs, social needs, safety needs, physiological needs c. Physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, self-esteem needs, self-actualization needs d. Self-esteem needs, social needs, self-actualization needs, physiological needs, safety needs


"What would my mother think if I went through with this?" is an example of an individual's evaluation of the costs and benefits associated with a particular action, also known as __________. a. Maslow's hierarchy of needs b. Monroe's motivated sequence c. fear appeal d. expectancy-outcome values theory


If you want to persuade audience members to recycle, you might tell them that they will feel better about themselves because they are helping the environment. This would be an example of which contemporary persuasive appeal? a. Self-actualization need b. Physiological need c. Social need d. Self-esteem need


According to the elaboration likelihood model, those who lack the motivation to listen and think critically engage in __________ processing. a. passive b. obtrusive c. central d. peripheral


According to the elaboration likelihood model of persuasion (ELM), individuals who think critically about the information presented to them engage in __________ processing. a. critical b. central c. peripheral d. enlightened


Modern behavioral science has identified four factors that influence a speakers credibility and ability to persuade listeners, including __________. a. expertise, trustworthiness, similarity, and physical attractiveness b. physical attractiveness, attire, stylishness, and popularity c. trustworthiness, predictability, expertise, and age d. None of the options is correct.


__________ reasoning uses credible sources and steers clear of fallacies. a. Logical b. Believable c. Sound d. Fool-proof


The following make up the core components of an argument: a. fact, value, reasoning. b. claim, evidence, warrants. c. logos, ethos, pathos. d. claim, reasoning, pathos.


"There are many factors that have influenced global warming" is an example of which of the following? a. A claim b. Evidence c. A warrant d. Reasoning


Which of the following is not a guideline for presenting arguments in the public arena? a. The argument should attack someone's personality. b. The argument must be sensitive to all cultures. c. The argument must acknowledge opposing views. d. The argument must present relevant truths.


The element of an argument that ties everything together is the __________. a. claim b. evidence c. warrant d. reasoning


The warrants play which role in an argument? a. Make a claim b. Justify the link between the claim and the evidence c. Present evidence to support a claim d. All of the options are correct.


Since solid evidence is needed to persuade audience members of the reality of global warming, the argument will require a claim of __________. a. fact b. value c. policy d. strength


Claims of __________ involve ethical judgments. a. fact b. policy c. opinion d. value


An argument that addresses the ethics of assisted suicide is an example of an argument based on __________. a. rituals b. claims of value c. acceptance d. regulations


When you want to strengthen your claim, you need to search for strong __________. a. evidence b. warrants c. reasoning d. None of the options is correct.


Claims of __________ suggest that a specific course of action be taken. a. fact b. policy c. value d. emotions


In a persuasive speech, __________ may be the strongest type of evidence you can rely on to support your claim. a. artificial evidence b. hypothetical evidence c. existing audience knowledge d. insightful evidence


"As editor of the newspaper, he was always very lenient about deadlines; therefore, he should not be allowed to run for student office." Which fallacy of reasoning does this statement represent? a. Appeal to tradition b. Red herring fallacy c. Ad hominem argument d. This is not a fallacy of reasoning.


Which of the following fallacies involves pretending that there are only two arguments to be made when there may be many more? a. Ad hominem argument b. Either-or fallacy c. Begging the question d. Bandwagoning


"Everyone knows that Coke is better than Pepsi because everyone drinks Coke" is an example of __________. a. an ad hominem argument b. a red herring fallacy c. an either-or fallacy d. bandwagoning


Which of the following should you consider when selecting an organizational pattern for your speech? a. The nature of your audience b. The nature of your evidence c. The response you would like from the audience d. All of the options are correct.


Which of the following statements is not something to consider when choosing an organizational pattern for your speech? a. Your speech purpose b. Arguments and evidence to present c. An anecdote for your introduction d. Your target audience


When speaking before a hostile audience, you should __________. a. consider using the refutation pattern of organization b. consider using the narrative organizational pattern c. avoid revealing any claims that oppose your argument d. change your speech purpose to suit your audience


The narrative organizational pattern for a speech would be best suited to which of the following audience types? a. Sympathetic b. Hostile c. Critical and conflicted d. Uninformed


A persuasive speech about how to reduce neighborhood crime would be best presented using a __________ organizational pattern. a. problem-solution b. comparative advantage c. refutation d. None of the options is correct.


The problem-cause-solution pattern __________. a. is another name for the problem-solution pattern b. differs from other patterns in that it offers a proposed solution c. involves following a five-step organizational process d. explains the reasons for the existence of the problem


The motivated sequence pattern of arrangement is a variant of which other pattern of arrangement? a. Comparative advantage b. Refutation c. Problem-solution d. Cause-effect


A speech titled "The Need for Disability Awareness" would likely follow what type of organizational pattern? a. Comparative advantage b. Monroe's motivated sequence c. Refutation d. None of the options is correct.


The __________ step in Monroe's motivated sequence helps audiences see the potential benefits of implementing the proposed solution. a. attention b. need c. satisfaction d. visualization


When the speaker asks the audience to make some decision about the information just provided to them, the speaker has reached the __________ step in Monroe's motivated sequence. a. need b. satisfaction c. visualization d. call to action


To maintain your credibility when using the __________ organizational pattern, you should present well-known alternatives or alternatives that are accepted by an opposing group. a. Monroe's motivated sequence b. problem-solution c. comparative advantage d. expectancy outcome


In the last point of a __________ speech, you will want to show why your option is the superior one and support it with strong evidence. a. Monroe's motivated sequence b. problem-solution c. comparative advantage d. cause-effect


If you are trying to persuade an audience that is concerned about global warming to buy energy-efficient cars, you should use the __________ organizational style. a. Monroe's motivated sequence b. problem-solution c. comparative advantage d. refutation


Which of the following is true of the refutation organizational format? a. It maintains an air of constant arguing. b. Speech points are organized to disprove opposing claims. c. It relies on more supporting material than other patterns. d. It allows the strongest arguments to be made.


If you are an entrepreneur who is trying to persuade potential clients to use your services, you might tell them the negative effects of not using your services. In this case, the best organizational pattern for your speech would be __________. a. Monroe's motivated sequence b. problem-solution c. comparative advantage d. refutation


Which of the following is not an underlying goal of a special occasion speech? a. To commemorate b. To defend c. To entertain d. To celebrate


What is the purpose of a speech that is primarily lighthearted and includes some tasteful humor? a. To commemorate b. To celebrate c. To entertain d. To inspire


A group trying to raise money for breast cancer awareness might bring in a speaker who affirms the organization's purpose. This type of speech would follow the __________ function of a special occasion speech. a. commemoration b. inspiration c. social agenda-setting d. elaboration


Speeches of __________ attempt to prepare the audience for the speaker and give reasons for the audience to listen to the presenter. a. presentation b. inspiration c. commemoration d. introduction


When introducing a speaker to the audience, the introducer should __________. a. cue the audience to welcome the speaker b. tell the audience to listen closely c. keep the speaker's topic as a surprise d. refrain from offering information on the speakers background


A __________ is made in response to receiving an award of some kind. a. speech of introduction b. speech of presentation c. speech of acceptance d. roast


Speeches of presentation accomplish which of the following? a. Introduce the audience to the next presenter b. Highlight past presentations that have won awards c. Inspire audiences to be great presenters d. Honor the individual who is being presented with an award


Which of the following is not a guideline for a speech of presentation? a. Convey the meaning of the award. b. Talk about the recipient of the award. c. Offer funny jokes about the speaker. d. Identify the sponsors or organization that made the award possible


In a(n) __________ speech, presenters make lighthearted jokes about the individual to whom tribute is being paid. a. presentation b. roast c. toast d. inspirational


The word __________ comes from the Greek word "to praise." a. eulogy b. commemorate c. appeal d. honor


When giving a eulogy, __________. a. maintain control of your emotions b. remember the life of the individual c. make references to family members of the deceased d. All of the options are correct.


An after-dinner speech should __________. a. be lighthearted b. be unrehearsed to seem natural c. include presentation aids d. None of the options is correct.


A sermon is a type of special occasion speech that __________. a. roasts the special guest b. explains the cause and effect of religion c. inspires listeners d. relies upon stand-up comedy


Which of the following is true about speeches of inspiration? a. They have religious content. b. They should be delivered using a dynamic style. c. They should not contain emotional appeals. d. They should have weak conclusions.


When giving a special occasion speech, speakers should be particularly sensitive to audience __________ for the particular occasion. a. expectations b. inspiration c. tolerance d. motivation


Groups composed of members who are geographically dispersed and convene via mediated communication are known as __________. a. groupthinks b. virtual groups c. interpersonal groups d. collective minds


When relating to others within a group, individuals should assume __________. a. assigned seating b. counterproductive roles c. authoritative roles d. interpersonal roles


A(n) __________ is a list of the topics that should be discussed and the amount of time allotted for each topic in a group presentation. a. agenda b. guideline c. rule book d. speaker list


When a group engages in __________, questions are clarified, ideas are challenged, and counterexamples are presented. a. groupthink b. productive conflict c. personal-based conflict d. blocking


When group members waste time by attacking each other rather than focusing on the issue, they engage in __________. a. productive conflict b. personal-based conflict c. issues-based conflict d. None of the options is correct.


When a group stays focused on the task at hand by addressing possible ideas and the pitfalls of those ideas, they practice __________. a. groupthink b. collective mind c. personal-based conflict d. issues-based conflict


For a group to be truly effective, communicating carefully, consistently, and conscientiously, it must adopt a __________. a. strong leader b. break during meetings c. distinct role for every group member d. collective mind


A common pitfall in groups is __________, when individuals accept arguments without thinking critically. a. productivity b. obstacles c. groupthink d. group generation


Which of these behaviors do groups prone to groupthink exhibit? a. A tendency to be direct, straightforward, and brutally honest b. A tendency to analyze ideas endlessly rather than make decisions c. A tendency to emphasize individualism d. A tendency to rationalize rather than test ideas


Negative group experiences are often the result of __________. a. lack of a clear goal b. issues-based conflict c. gatekeepers d. positive feedback


Which of the following is a way to encourage group participation? a. Make sure someone plays the role of devil's advocate. b. Facilitate the discussion so all group members can participate. c. Maintain a positive tone so all group members feel safe. d. All of the options are correct.


Which educator developed a six-step process for effective decision making in groups? a. Dewey Martin b. James McCroskey c. John Dewey d. James Dewey


According to Dewey's model of decision making, what is the final step? a. Evaluate solutions b. Identify the problem c. Conduct research d. None of the options is correct.


Which of the following is not a step in thinking reflectively to make decisions in groups? a. Establish guidelines and criteria. b. Elaborate on the pitfalls of all solutions. c. Identify the problem. d. Select the best solution.


Which of the following is not a preparatory step that will help make a team presentation run smoothly? a. Analyze audience demographics. b. Establish transitions between the speakers. c. Allow each member to create a unique presentation aid. d. Rehearse the entire presentation more than once.