How long do you boil Nathans hot dogs?

The fastest and easiest way to cook hot dogs for a crowd or for your family dinner. You will love this boiling method for hot dogs!

This is by far the quickest way to whip up some hot dogs, but if you need to make several hot dogs for a crowd, I highly recommend trying to cook Hot Dogs in the Crock Pot!

So Many Ways to Cook Them!

Have you ever boiled hot dogs before?

It’s such a cinch to do and takes almost no time at all. Perfect for when you need a handful of cooked hot dogs in just a short amount of time. You can even boil frozen hot dogs- just double the cooking time.

I LOVE hot dogs. There are so many different and easy ways to cook them. This quick method is one of my favorite and they taste so yummy. My kids love boiled hot dogs for a fast lunch or dinner. Pair them with a fruit salad or some roasted vegetables and you’ve got a well-rounded meal!

How Long to Boil Hot Dogs

Using a large saucepan add 1 qt of water and bring it to a boil. Add 8 hot dogs to the water. Bring to a full boil and heat for 4-5 minutes. If you are using frozen hot dogs boil for about 8 minutes. 

**Note: hot dogs are typically already fully cooked. All you need to do is reheat them. This will help kill any bacteria that may have begun to form. 

How to keep the skins from splitting: I don’t usually have trouble with hot dog skins splitting unless I’m using the grill or microwave, but if you are worried this will happen simply use a fork to poke holes all over the hot dog before putting it in the pot of water. 

Party Tips

Planning for a party? The worst is running out of food right in the middle of a party. Plan on 1-2 dogs per child and 2-3 per adult. I typically err on the higher end since hot dogs store wonderfully. Any extras whether cooked or uncooked can be stored in the fridge or freezer for later. 

Keeping your hot dogs warm: Like most foods, you do not want your hot dogs to sit out for more than two hours. Not just because they’ll grow cold, but they may also grow harmful bacteria. To keep your hot dogs warm during the party and for longer than two hours there are a few things you can do:

  • Use a crock pot set to warm
  • Wrap them tightly in aluminum foil
  • Use a chafing dish
  •  Keep them in a large thermos or insulated plastic cooler with hot water. 

Buns,Toppings, and Storing

Don’t forget the Buns: The bun can be just as important as the hot dog itself. Choose a bun that is similar to a hamburger bun in taste and texture. If you can, buy ones labeled “bun length” so that the hot dog will fit perfectly without excess bun. 

Toasting your bun is a wonderful way to elevate your dog. Simply spread a layer of butter on the inside of the bun and broil them for 1-2 minutes or until butter is melted and the bun has begun to brown. Watch carefully so you don’t char broil the bun. You can also heat up a frying pan and lay the bun butter side down to heat and toast. For extra flavor sprinkle garlic salt on the butter before toasting. 

Toppings: Aside from the traditional ketchup and mustard there are so many toppings that you can dress your dog up with. 

  • Chili
  • Sweet relish
  • Minced/Fried onions 
  • Sauerkraut 
  • Jalapenos or hot peppers
  • Thinly sliced tomatoes
  • Shredded cheese 
  • Coleslaw
  • Mayo

Storage: Unopened hot dog packages can last in the fridge (see expiration date on package) or for up to 6 months in the freezer. Once the package has been opened keep the remaining hot dogs in a ziploc bag in the fridge for 3-4 days.

Leftover Hot Dogs can be kept in an airtight container in the fridge for 3-4 days, or in the freezer for up to 2 months. Just reheat in a pot of water or in the microwave.

For Sides to Serve with Hot Dogs, try:

And for more party foods, check out:

  • Hot dogs
  • Water
  • Hot dog buns
  • Condiments such as chili and cheese, onions, mustard, ketchup, and relish.

  1. 1

    Bring a large pot of water to a rolling boil. The pot should be large enough to fit all the hot dogs you want to boil. Leave a few inches of room at the top of the pot so it won't boil over when you add the dogs.

  2. 2

    Place the hot dogs in the pot. Carefully slip them into the pot one by one. Don't toss them in all at once, or the boiling water could splash you.[1] X Research source Go to source

  3. 3

    Boil the hot dogs for six minutes. Hot dogs come pre-cooked, but they taste best when they're heated thorough. Boiling them for six minutes is enough time to get the hot dogs piping hot, but it's short enough to keep them from splitting down the middle. You want to avoid letting the hot dogs split, since they'll lose a lot of flavor if they do.

    • If you're boiling a large pack of hot dogs, they may need an extra minute or two. Test a dog to see if it's ready before removing the rest of them from heat.
    • If you're boiling just a dog or two, they may be ready before six minutes are up. Test a dog at five minutes to see if it's hot enough to suit you. If not, put it back in the water.

  4. 4

    Remove the hot dogs from heat and drain them. You can remove them one by one with tongs, shaking off the water as you go. As an alternative, pour the entire pot of dogs through a strainer, so that the water runs through and the dogs are caught.[2] X Research source Go to source

    • If you made enough hot dogs for people to come back for seconds, leave the extra dogs in the pot of warm water. Just move it to a cool burner and put a lid on the pot; the extra dogs are still likely to be hot when you're ready to eat them.
    • If you're serving a big crowd and you want to keep a lot of hot dogs warm, keep the burner on the lowest heat setting until all the hot dogs are gone.

  1. 1

    Fill a microwave-safe bowl half-full with water. Make sure the bowl is large enough to hold the amount of hot dogs you want to cook. A glass or plastic microwave-safe bowl works fine.[3] X Research source Go to source

  2. 2

    Slit the hot dogs with a knife. This will prevent the dogs from bursting in the microwave. Make a lengthwise slit through the skin of each hot dog you're cooking.

  3. 3

    Cook the hot dogs on high for 75 seconds. Check the dogs after 75 seconds to determine if they need more time by cutting off the tip of a hot dot to see if it's thoroughly heated. If it needs more time, continue cooking in 30 second increments until all of the hot dogs are fully heated.[4] X Research source Go to source

    • You can also check to see if it needs more time by looking at the texture of the hot dog; if the skin looks wrinkled and darker in color, it's probably done.
    • If you're cooking more than a few hot dogs, they will need an extra minute or two to fully heat.
    • Note that a microwaved hot dog isn't fully safe to eat unless it's cooked for at least 75 seconds.[5] X Research source Go to source

  4. 4

    Drain the hot dogs. Use a fork to remove them from the hot water and drain the dogs on a paper towel before serving.

  1. 1

    Season the water before you boil the hot dogs. Plain boiled hot dogs taste great, but you might want to give yours a kick by adding some spices. Try adding half a teaspoon of salt if you like your hot dogs salty. In addition, pour in one or more of the following spices before you turn up the heat:

    • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
    • 1/2 teaspoon Italian spice mix
    • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper

  2. 2

    Pour a beer into the water. Beer imparts a delicious sausage flavor to the hot dogs. It's the perfect way to add flavor if you're cooking up a batch of dogs to eat while watching sports or serving a roomful of adults who like the flavor of beer. Just add an entire beer to the water to replace a cup and a half of water. Bring it to a boil and cook the dogs as normal.[6] X Research source Go to source

    • If you're up for an experiment, try different types of beer. For example, a pale ale will impart a very different taste than a darker beer.
    • This method works for hot dogs of any kind, but tastes especially good with all-beef dogs.

  3. 3

    Add a garlic clove to the water. Tossing in a garlic clove or two while the water comes to a boil is a great way to add earthy flavor to your hot dogs. You don't even have to peel the garlic; just throw in a clove or two unpeeled.

  4. 4

    Try sauteing the hot dogs after you boil them. If you want crispy dogs, quickly sauteing them after you've boiled them is the way to go. Heat a skillet over medium high and add a dash of olive oil. Use a knife to split your dogs in half lengthwise. When the oil is hot, sauté the dogs split-side down until they're brown and crispy.

  5. 5

    Dress the dogs with your favorite condiments. No matter how you cook your dogs, the best flavor comes afterward in the form of great condiments. Place your dogs in their buns and add your favorite toppings. Here are a few ideas:

    • Chili
    • Shredded cheese
    • Ketchup and mustard
    • Chopped onions, raw or sauteed
    • Sauteed mushrooms
    • Pickle relish

  • How will I know when to put hot dogs inside the pot?

    Wait until the water is at a rolling boil. You will see lots of bubbles, some of which are very large.

  • What if the hot dogs are frozen?

    You can boil frozen hot dogs. They may just need a little longer to cook.

  • I know this may be a stupid question, but what if I'm having a party and some children are going to be there? Could I still do method 3?

    Not stupid at all! When food is cooked with beer/wine, the alcohol is more or less cooked away. You don't really have to worry about getting the kids drunk or anything. Of course, if you want to be extra cautious and avoid the potential for judgmental comments from parents, just skip the beer.

  • I used to put the pack of franks itself in the boiling water. Is this is wrong?

    Yes. You don't want melted plastic in your food.

  • If cooking hot dogs or sausages in a skillet, how do I keep them from getting charred all over?

    Keep turning the hot dogs with a fork to evenly distribute the heat. Monitor your cooking times and heat.

  • How much water do I boil if I'm only cooking four hot dogs?

    You don't need to think about it too much. Just fill the pot with enough water to hold the hot dogs -- maybe three inches -- and that will be fine.

  • Do I have completely split the hot dogs of just slit it?

    You should just slit the hot dog a bit.

  • Do hot dogs turn red when done?

    No, hot dogs are already cooked, so you're just heating them up. They won't really change color.

  • How do I know if the hotdog is cooked?

    Make sure that it is hot in the middle. If it is cold, then let it boil more. It should not take more than a couple minutes using boiling water.

  • If I put 20 hot dogs in a crock pot, do I put an inch of seasoned water in the bottom or fill it up?

    You'll want to make sure there's enough liquid in the pot to cover the hot dogs. Depending on the size and shape of your crock pot, you may not need to fill it completely to cover the hot dogs.

  • Medium-sized pot
  • Stove
  • Tongs
  • Hot dogs
  • Hot dog buns
  • Condiments

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Co-authors: 103

Updated: November 17, 2020

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Article Rating: 65% - 19 votes

Categories: Hot Dogs

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  • "While I've boiled hot dogs before, this article gave me a little more insight as to how to do it properly. My goal is to make hot dogs tastier than they are. I'd like them to taste more like the quality dogs you get at Costco."

  • "I found out how to avoid the hot dogs from bursting by bringing the water to a boil first, then add the hot dogs. Thanks."

  • "Most packages don't have the method of how to cook hot dogs the correct way. This is an excellent article."

  • "The timing. I'm not good with timing, so knowing the specific time to cook is quite useful."

  • "I have hotdogs in the freezer but I don't know how to cook them..Thanks for the help.."

  • "Awesome, easy-to-understand, step-by-step, clear process!"

  • "Went great, never cooked hot dogs before. Forgot cheese."

  • "Serving eight people tomorrow, thanks for the help! "

  • "I wanted to boil my hot dogs, thanks."

  • "Great to know the proper way."

  • "Good tips for extra flavor."

  • "It made my cooking easier."

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