How long does a fig tree take to bear fruit?

Fig trees grow at a slow but steady rate of 12 inches (30 cm) per year up to a height of 30 feet tall (9 meters). As a general rule of thumb, you’ll never see a common fig tree grow faster than this without fertilizer aid. However, you generally don’t want to speed up the growth process. Growing faster than 12 inches per year weakens fig trees and reduces cold hardiness. This leads to poor winter protection in colder climates that can kill the tree. It’s best to let your fig tree grow at its natural rate and not try to force it to grow faster.

How long does a fig tree take to bear fruit?

How Long Does a Fig Tree Take to Produce Fruit?

Most fig varieties won’t bear fruit until they reach 3–5 years old. The first crop of figs will not be the best for harvesting. Additionally, many fig varieties develop what’s known as a breba crop. This is when leftover figs from the previous harvest grow into very small and overly acidic fruits. These types of figs are generally not pleasant to eat so you probably won’t want to harvest them. 

  • Most varieties of figs won’t bear fruit for 3–5 years.
  • Watch out for the breba fruit crop, off-season figs that don’t generally taste good to eat.

Instead, you should wait for the second full crop the following year before actually harvesting figs. Breba crop figs may still grow in off-seasons on your fig tree. Generally, you’ll want to let these smaller fruits be and not bother with them. Some fig cultivars do grow a worthwhile breba crop though. Be sure to consult your local garden center to determine which fig cultivars grow good breba crop figs.

How Fast Do Fig Trees Grow Per Year?

A healthy fig tree growth rate will be 12 inches (30 cm) of height per year. Common varieties will rarely grow faster than this without additional fertilizer help. Container-grown fig trees may grow a bit slower than this due to the restrictive nature of the container. Fig trees need room for the root ball to spread its roots for best growth. Potted plants don’t have as much room for root systems to develop so this hinders vertical growth.

Are Fig Trees Slow-Growing?

Fig trees are fairly slow growers. Taking a tree from seedling through the juvenile period to full maturation will take several decades, up to 30 years. This slow growth is exacerbated by a dormant season in the winter months where the tree won’t grow at all. 

  • Fig trees are naturally pretty slow-growing, only gaining 12 inches (30 cm) of height every year.
  • Your fig tree will grow more slowly in regions with long dormant seasons.
  • Growing fig trees in pots can restrict their growth even more.

Container-grown figs are likely to grow at an even slower rate than outdoor fig varieties. This can depend on the types of soils used for planting and fertilization. In general, pots constrict root growth. This limited root growth in turn stunts tree growth. If you want your fig cultivars to grow at their optimum growth rate and bear a great fruit crop, it’s best to plant them outside.

How Long Does it Take a Fig Tree to Reach Full Size?

It will take your fig tree around 30 years to reach its full size. However, it will be a large, mature tree by the time it is 3–5 years old. It will just keep growing until age 30. Mature trees can continue to live and produce fruit until they are 200 years old. However, some varieties like the fiddle leaf fig tree will only live to about 50.

  • A fig tree reaches significant size by the time it is 3–5 years old.
  • Fig trees continue to grow until they are 30 years old.
  • Hardy cultivars of figs tend to have an average lifespan of around 200 years.

Take good care of your fig tree and it will provide late summer to late autumn harvests for generations. Be sure to provide annual pruning to keep your fig tree healthy.

Can You Speed Up Fig Tree Growth?

You can speed up fig fruit tree growth with certain fertilizers but it’s a bad idea to do so. Speeding up the growth too much leads to splits and cracks in your tree’s bark. This is both unattractive and also weakens your fig tree’s winter protection. This will make it easier for cold winter temperatures to harm your tree. The safest way to speed up growth is to introduce ideal growth conditions. These include

  • Dry climates with hot summers and mild winters. 
  • 1 inch (2.5 cm) of water each week for moist soil.
  • Full sun (at least 6 hours of direct sunlight daily).
  • Rich soil.
  • Well-draining soil.
  • Regular fertilization.

Plant your fig tree in a sunny spot where it can get hours of sun each day. It helps to engage in soil preparation to make sure your soil has all the right nutrients for your figs. If growing container-grown trees, be sure to provide adequate drainage holes.

How Long Does it Take to Grow a Fig Tree?

The common fig tree only grows 12 inches (30 cm) per year. While this does make for pretty slow growth, the tree makes up for it with a long life span. Here are some key things to remember about fig tree growth rates:

  • Fig trees begin to bear sizable fruit crops by the time they are 3–5 years old.
  • Fig trees take 30 year to reach their maximum size.
  • Most fig varieties, such as the fiddle leaf fig tree, grow at a rate of 12 inches ( 30 cm) per year
  • Fig trees are fairly slow growers but they can live 50–200 years.
  • Attempting to speed fig tree growth with fertilizer can weaken or kill your tree.
  • Provide what your fig tree needs (6 hours of sunlight per day, attentive watering to keep soil moist, hot weather, limited fertilizer).

Take good care of your tree and it will provide you with decades of delicious fruit. Plant fig trees in sunny areas to drive healthy growth and ensure your fig tree remains healthy throughout its long lifespan.

Wondering how to grow a fig tree? With their glossy green, fan-shaped leaves, scented foliage and sweet, fleshy fruit, fig trees bring a touch of the exotic to the backyard.

One of the best fruit trees to grow, these Mediterranean plants enjoy hot weather and well-drained rocky soil – but you can replicate these conditions in any yard with a little care.

Here, we provide expert advice on how to grow a fig tree in the ground or a container, how to care for it, and how long it will take to bear fruit.

Planting fruit trees successfully means considering your location and climate. In a cooler climate (zone 5 and below), a container-grown fig that can be brought inside to overwinter will have the best chance of growing well and providing an abundant harvest. In zone 6, they can be grown in a yard with winter protection. And they are hardy in zones 7 and 8. This is what you need to know about how to grow a fig tree.

How to grow a fig tree in a container

How long does a fig tree take to bear fruit?

(Image credit: Blickwinkel/Alamy)

For a reliable crop and easy protection of your plant, growing a fig tree in a container is the best option. The restricted root growth actually works to your benefit, as it means the tree produces more fruit.

Pot a young fig tree in early spring in a deep container around 12 to 15in (30 to 38cm) in diameter. The plant will flourish best in a rich compost with adequate drainage. Drill additional holes in the base of the container to prevent waterlogging, put a layer of crocks at the base, and raise the pot on feet to allow water to drain away. Don’t forget to water the tree, though – it doesn’t like to sit in water but if it’s left too dry, its fruit will suffer.

‘A half-barrel with drainage holes drilled in the bottom makes the ideal container for a fig, as long as it can be moved inside a cool glasshouse or a polytunnel over the winter,’ says sustainability and horticultural expert Tom Petherick, author of Sufficient: A Modern Guide to Sustainable Living (opens in new tab)

Container-grown figs are best kept compact, so should be grown as a bush with a short stem.

‘Choose the less vigorous varieties of fig for growing in containers. They like a free-draining compost and any roots that protrude from the drainage holes must be removed as fig roots are very vigorous. Trees restricted in this way will fruit more readily.’

Established plants may need repotting every two to three years. Prep your fig tree for the move by shaking or brushing any loose compost from the roots, then trimming thicker roots before replanting in a slightly larger container.

How to grow a fig tree in the ground

How long does a fig tree take to bear fruit?

(Image credit: Peter Jordan/Alamy)

Even if a fig tree is growing in the ground, rather than in a container, you will need to ensure its vigorous roots are restricted. Dig a deep hole, then part fill it with rubble or line the hole with paving slabs – the tree’s long tap root will be able to source the water it needs.

Put well-rotted manure in the base of the hole, position the tree, then fill around it with compost before firming it in and watering well.

Where to position a fig tree

How long does a fig tree take to bear fruit?

(Image credit: Joe Blossom/Alamy)

Whether in a pot or the ground, fig trees need a warm and sunny location in order to thrive. ‘During the summer months, figs must have access to full sun at all times to give the fruit a chance to ripen,’ explains Tom Petherick.

The advantage of growing a fig tree in a container is that it can be moved to a protected spot during the cooler months, but you may decide to enjoy its lush leaves and spreading branches in your garden all year round.

Place a tree close to a wall, where warmth can radiate from the brickwork at night to help the development of the fruit.

‘Fig trees can be grown up a wall but have strong roots that can cause damage to foundations, so be mindful of this and never plant them less than 3ft (1m) from a building,’ says horticulturist and botanist Frances Tophill, author of The Modern Gardener (opens in new tab)

Looking after a fig tree

‘It takes three years of pruning to establish the shape of a fig tree – goblet shaped is ideal. The center of the tree must be kept open to let in light and air and to prevent disease,’ says Tom Petherrick. This can be achieved when pruning a fig tree.

Feed the tree every fortnight with a potassium-based food to help with formation of the fruit. In addition, mulch annually with compost or well-rotted manure to enrich the soil around the fig tree. This will also help control weeds around the base of the tree.

Figs are native to Syria and Persia, so do best in a warm climate – which can be a challenge in some states in the winter months. Unless your garden is blessed with year-round mild weather, you’ll need to protect a fig tree from frost, snow and harsh conditions.

Container-grown plants can be moved into a greenhouse, conservatory, garage, shed or barn in the winter months. If you can’t move the pot, or the fig tree is growing in the ground, then carefully wrap the tree’s branches in bubble wrap, straw and hessian sacking, or horticultural fleece. Remove when the risk of frost has passed.

How fig trees are pollinated for fruiting

How long does a fig tree take to bear fruit?

(Image credit: Future)

‘Figs are majestic and lush trees. The fruit itself has a fascinating life cycle that is not for the faint-hearted,’ says Frances Tophill.

Fig trees are self-fertile, which means you only need one tree in order for fruit to grow.

‘A pregnant fig wasp enters the developing fruit with pollen on her. This fertilizes the fruit and allows it to develop,' explains Frances. 'Inside the fruit, the wasp lays her eggs and then dies. So in every fertilized fig there is dead wasp. Don’t let that put you off, though – they are still delicious.’ 

Get the best fruit from your fig tree

How long does a fig tree take to bear fruit?

(Image credit: Frank Tozier/Alamy)

In cooler climates, you can expect just one fig crop per year from an outdoor tree. In warm climates, you can be fortunate enough to get two crops of figs per year. 

After pruning in the summer, the fruits will begin to grow on the new shoots. They will be pea-sized by late summer, and will remain on the plant throughout the fall and winter, as long as they are protected from frost.

These overwintered fruitlets are known as ‘embryo’ figs. When spring comes around again, the embryo figs will begin to grow and ripen – they will be ready for harvest from August through late October.

Protect your crop from hungry birds and squirrels by covering your fig tree with netting.

Are figs easy to grow?

Yes, figs are easy to grow so long as they are in a sunny position, are fed regularly during the growing season, and watered – but not waterlogged – they should do well. What’s essential unless you live in a warm, Mediterranean-style climate, is that you protect the tree from frost and cold in the winter months.

How long does it take a fig tree to bear fruit?

It may take two or three years for a young fig tree to establish and to bear fruit. After that, you can expect to harvest figs – one crop a year – or more if you live somewhere warm and sunny.