How many ways can 10 books be arranged on a shelf if one of the books is a Bible and it must be on one end?

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How many ways can 10 books be arranged on a shelf if one of the books is a Bible and it must be on one end?

A First Course in Probability (10th Edition)


Author:Sheldon Ross


How many ways can 10 books be arranged on a shelf if one of the books is a Bible and it must be on one end?

A First Course in Probability


Author:Sheldon Ross


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Here 6 books, one is dictionary no. of ways to arrange 5 books (except dictionary) = 5P5 =5! = 120 no. of ways to arrange dictionary = 2 ( first or last place) total no. of ways to arrange 6 books = 2 * 120 = 240

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In how many ways 10 books can be arranged on a shelf so that a particular pair of book shall be a) always together ?

b) never together?