How to change nipple rings for the first time

You’ve just gotten your nipple ring, and you’re excited about the jewelry possibilities ahead of you. The celebrities you’ve seen have inspired you to be bold enough to wear that top that shows off your new nipple piercing and jewelry. Maybe for you, it’s your little secret or with a partner. You want to see if nipple piercings do add a new dimension to your intimate moments.

Any of these can make anyone impatient and want to know when the best time to change a nipple piercing is. Here, we answer this question and more so that you don’t end up doing anything that you’ll regret in the long run.

When can I change my nipple piercing?

As with any jewelry, the best time to change from the original piercing ring to a new one is when they’ve completely healed. That’s because when a hole is getting punctured into your flesh, that is considered a trauma. After, your body goes into the process of healing the area so that you’re left with a hole. Changing your piercing before that proper healing has taken place will cause a setback in the healing process.

You can only change the piercing under exceptional circumstances, such as if the piercing is too long or it keeps moving. Even then, get the professional to do it. If you have any concerns, you can have them examine the area to determine what kind of nipple ring you need to change to.

Can I change my nipple piercing after a month?

You can do anything you wish; the question is, would it be the best thing to do? In this case, changing your nipple piercing ring after a month is not a good idea. That’s because it takes three to twelve months for a nipple piercing to heal, depending on one’s body. Changing the jewelry will lengthen the healing by a few weeks. Only change the jewelry the piercer put in after the nipple is completely healed.

Can I change my nipple piercing after 2 months?

It is not advisable because it’s too soon to change the piercing. However, if you need to wait for the six-week mark to change it, and even then, go back to where you got the piercing done to do it for you as taking the initial nipple ring can be difficult. After, expect a longer healing time than six months.


Can I change my nipple piercing after 3 months?

It is not advisable unless you’re sure that the nipple is completely healed. It’s not abnormal for people to recover fast. Keep an eye out for signs that it’s improved before making the change to a new nipple ring.

Can I change my nipple piercing after 4 months?

If the nipple is completely healed, yes. You can do it by yourself, but if you’re worried, you can go to the piercer. They might charge you for the service and the sterilized products they use during the changing process, but it would be worthwhile.

Can I change my nipple piercing after 5 months?

Yes. During this time, if you didn’t suffer infections, then you’ve likely healed. It would be an ideal time to wear those nipple rings that you’ve longed to wear since day one.

Can I change my nipple piercing after 6 months?

Yes. Unless you have an infection or the nipple ring is getting rejected, after six months, you’re free to change the nipple piercing. It’s also time to rip the benefits of the long wait to recovery.

When is the earliest I can change my nipple piercing?

The best time to change a nipple piercing is when it is completely healed. Changing the jewelry before will prologue the healing time. However, if you’re okay with that and want to put in something more appealing, go ahead. Only remember to let that particular piercing remain until you’re healed. In short, don’t change the piercing more than once until you’re in the clear.

How do you know when your nipple piercings are completely healed?

You can tell that when the nipple doesn’t have any discharge, the nipple is not sore, and when you slightly tag at the nipple ring, you don’t feel anything. The ring should also move or rotate freely without causing any pain. The other thing to keep in mind is what’s more important is listening to your body. You can tell when it’s right for you to change the piercing or if you need to wait a little bit longer.

How do you know if your nipple piercing is infected?

There are quite a few telling signs of whether your nipple piercing is infected. The area will be red, swollen, and feel warm or hot. From punctures, you’ll notice some discharge that’s either green or brown and sometimes blood. Overall, you’ll experience that the level of discomfort has gone up. If the infection gets worse, it can cause a fever as your body begins to fight off infection. However, if you have a white fluid or crust, that is normal. Your body is producing lymph fluid and a sign of the body healing.

When you get an infection, you can use some home remedies to cure them and only see the doctor in case the area worsens, or you develop a fever. A saltwater solution can be used to clean the infection about five times a day, and go down to twice a day when you see signs of improvement. Remember, you should never touch your nipples when they are healing. When doing the aftercare routine, make sure you’ve cleaned your hands first.

The other thing that could happen to your body is if the body rejects the piercing. If it has, you’ll notice that the skin color and the piercing holes have changed color, and there is skin thickness and either losing or tightening on top of the jewelry. Also, when the inflammation continues for a long time, then it could be an indication your body has rejected the piercing. Should the jewelry migrate, there’ll be either scarring or stretch marks. You should see a piercer immediately when these signs manifest.

Should I let my nipple piercing breathe?

Yes, letting your nipple piercing breathe is an integral part of aftercare. For the first few weeks, consider wearing loose cotton tops or t-shirts that will not press on the nipples. However, when you’re getting out and about, you might want to consider earing a bra if you’re going to wear a different fabric. That’s because you don’t want your nipple ring getting caught in a sweater as that will cause some tearing in the wound, which would be painful.

Depending on your cup size, women are recommended to wear a sports bra when going to sleep. That’s so that you don’t end up pressing too hard against the breast and affecting the piercing’s healing process. If they are not a bother, you can leave them as they are when you’re sleeping. Everyone is different; therefore, do what you feel is the most practical and comfortable for you.


Getting a nipple piercing comes with a lot of commitment that not everyone initially understands. It needs a lot of care to heal the right way, and also, there’s a couple of rules you need to follow. The first one is don’t touch the piercing. Leave it alone until it is fully healed. You might want to squeeze it, see if the nipple piercing can move, or simply play with it, but if you’re to minimize the healing duration, leave the piercing alone.

The most common cause of infections when it comes to nipple piercings is germs from our hands, and when it comes into contact with bodily fluids. Therefore, during sex, don’t play with the nipple or introduce other things to it. There will be ample time to do what once the area is healed. For now, you and your partner would have to forgo anything that would introduce an infection.

The only time you ought to come into contact with, and with clean hands, is when you’re doing saltwater baths for them. You can either use a cotton swab with a saltwater solution or soak them in a shot glass using the suction method. Avoid using topicals or any other antibiotic creams if you don’t have an infection. The solution that you use works fine.

How soon you get to change the piercing does have a lot to do with the aftercare. During this time, you also want to maintain a healthy diet and some exercise to increase your body’s ability to heal the wound. Otherwise, keep an eye in the piercing for any changes that might worry you. Remember, it is best to go back to the professional piercer if you’re unsure or a doctor. They are best placed to tell you what’s going on.

For more piercing tips, visit this page for more. Or visit our home page for more!

How to change nipple rings for the first time

Tiger is a fashion&jewelry lover. He is also a fashion jewelry manufacturer that help thousands of small business to grow and also do business with some big fashion jewelry brands. He is a truly metal expert and he will share some information you are looking for.