How to do read more on tumblr mobile

By Alan Sembera

How to do read more on tumblr mobile

i James Woodson/Digital Vision/Getty Images

Use "Read More" breaks to shorten long posts and make your blog more visually appealing. Readers will still be able to see the first part of your post on your blog page, and can click the "Read More" link at the end to view the post in its entirety. By taking advantage of this feature, you can fit more of your posts on a single screen, and your followers don't have to contend with one post filling up their entire dashboard.

Click the "Text" posting option on your Tumblr dashboard to create a new post. To add the "Read More" link to a text post you already published, open the post in edit mode.

Compose your post as you would normally. If you plan to add images to your text post, you can insert them now.

Position your cursor at the point where you want to insert the link break, and then click the Insert Read More Break button in the posting window. The icon looks like a dotted line between two solid lines.

Click "Post" or "Save Post" when done. The "Read More" link appears in the post on your main blog page and on your followers' dashboards. Clicking the link opens the full post on a separate page.

The above steps work only when you use Tumblr's default rich-text editor to compose your posts. If you changed your Tumblr settings to use the plain text editor instead, you can insert a "Read More" link by typing "<!-- more -->" (without quotes) into your post at the point where you want to insert the link.

Type “:readmore:” without the quote in a new paragraph, click enter! You can type Read More after you are done editing your post, just like on Website; Click enter in between the paragraph, do the “:readmore:” enter once again, and bam!!

How do you add a keep reading on Tumblr?

Add a Read-more Link to Tumblr Posts:

  1. When using the rich-text editor, identify a spot in your text for the break.
  2. A circled plus-sign icon will appear to the left.
  3. Click the fourth icon — the gray bar with three white dots — to add a read-more link.
  4. Tumblr inserts a “Keep reading” line.

How do you do cuts on Tumblr?

Click right before the first letter of that part to have the “blinking text cursor” placed there. Then click on the 2nd button from the right, next to the “html” button. A dotted line and “READ MORE” will appear right above the line where your text cursor was.

How do you center text on a Tumblr post?

Center a Post Click the “” option in the New Text Post form to change to HTML code view. Your text will be enclosed between the


tags. Edit the first “

” tag to “


How do you post on Tumblr Mobile 2020?

Swipe over to the Tumblr icon, then tap it. A link post form will open. Add a caption if you want, then tap “Post.” To share or download photos, just press and hold (long tap) the photo, then tap “Save Image” in the Action Sheet and it’ll save to your camera roll.

How do you format on Tumblr mobile?

Once you’ve added some text to your post, highlight any of that text to bring up formatting tools:

  1. Colors are found in the first row.
  2. Press and hold the Aa icon to change the text subtype:
  3. You can also tap the Aa icon to cycle through these subtypes.
  4. To the right of the Aa icon, you’ll find a few more options.

How do you cut posts on Tumblr 2019?

Scroll to the top of the post and hover your mouse on the top right corner (where the main content of the post begins). A little red X will appear. Don’t be afraid. Click it.

How do you read posts on Tumblr?

Tumblr’s dashboard is really easy to navigate around. At the top, you have an option of viewing all posts or just those that you have created. When you follow other Tumblr users, you can view their posts on your dashboard. Each post has like and re-blog options at the top-right.

How do you align text on Tumblr?

If the text on your tumblr theme’s description box isn’t aligned they way you want, Go to customize and go down to where your description is. Where it says center, change that to right or left for your alignment. Or keep it centered.

How do you put HTML on Tumblr posts?

Click “Theme” at the top of the Tumblr blog’s “Customize” page and a list of possible themes will appear on the page. Click the “Use custom HTML” button located just under those themes. The screen will change to display your blog’s current HTML code.

Why can’t I see my Tumblr archive?

To view the archives for your Tumblr blog, you only need to add “/archives” to the end of your blog URL. While most Tumblr themes enable you to show this archive page via a link or button, you can also add the HTML code to the theme yourself.

How do you gain Tumblr followers?

Tumblr tips to get more followers instantly.

  1. Follow as many people as you can.
  2. Start commenting on others Tumblr posts.
  3. Frequently update with interesting pictures.
  4. Timing is the key, Best Time to Post on Tumblr.
  5. Go social, make new friends and let them share your Tumblr posts.
  6. Tumblr blog appearance is almost everything.

What can I do with HTML code on Tumblr?

You can do things like add effects to the text on the page, change the font and add scrolls by adding a little HTML code. If you want to learn more about learning HTML, then you can take a very inexpensive online HTML class. Any of these codes can be inserted where you are allowed to put custom HTML codes in Tumblr.

Where to put the read more code in Tumblr?

Type [ [MORE]] where you want the “Read More” break to appear; it must be between the closing tag of the preceding paragraph and the opening tag of the next. Placing the code on its own line makes it easier to keep track of your post’s structure. credit: Image courtesy of Tumblr.

Where can I find a theme for Tumblr?

Find your next Tumblr theme or learn to make your own from our variety of resources! We reblog themes, tutorials and scripts. Theme makers are welcomed to submit their themes and resources to be showcased here. #theme hunter & #themehunter.

You can insert a read more link, but again there are certain disadvantages. The link takes the readers to another window or page, and again the entire story has to be read through. You can hide any text behind the link using the Read More option given by Tumblr. This popularly known by the term cut.

#how to add read more on mobile


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The Tumblr App Sucks But Here’s How To Format Posts In It

All right, kiddos, gather ‘round for a little tutorial on the wonders of Markdown, you can access the whole documentation here, if you’re interested, this is only a small introduction on how to use it in the Tumblr App.

Markdown is a language that makes it super easy to turn normal human-readable syntax into HTML. You know, HTML, the things websites are made of? Yeah. Cool as all hell, I know.

  • How can I use it in tumblr?

You can use Markdown whilst making a tumblr post by simply clicking on the litte settings wheel, and changing your text editor from Rich Text to Markdown, and just get writing! If you click Preview, you can see how what you’re writing will look on everyone’s dashes!

If you’ve ever used the Tumblr App to make a post, you’ll know formatting is nigh impossible, literally impossible if you use the default Rich Text editor. So if you want to do some formatting (and I’m talking almost everything tumblr allows you to put into a post) you’re gonna want to use our friend Markdown.

Just click on the settings wheel on the bottom-right corner of your screen to change the settings of your post (the same way you’d change a post to be Drafted, or Queued) and scroll until you find the option EDITOR, and just change that bad boy to Markdown. Click the back arrow, and just start writing! Once you’re done, just click post, and your Post will be fully formatted!

  • So how can I do cool stuff on Markdown for my dank ass posts?

All right, let’s go through the basics:


One important thing about Markdown that might be hard to get used to, is that you need to press Enter twice for a newline to actually appear. If you only press it once, the text will show up on the same line!

To make your text bold, put it between two asterisks, like this: **text**.

To make your text italic, put it between underscores like this: _text_

To turn your text into a bigger text (the H option), put a hash and a space in front of it, like this: # text. The space between hash and text is important!

Maybe the most annoying part of tumblr’s formatting ways, this is ridiculously easy in Markdown, if a bit hard to remember. The link’s syntax is this: [text](the_actual_link).

An example of this would be [this is a link to a cool blog]( which will show up like this: this is a link to a cool blog

Sadly Markdown’s syntax doesn’t support strikethrough! This is a real bummer, but you can always use the traditional HTML tag strike, like this: < strike > text <\ strike >. Just without the spaces in between the angles and the word!

List syntax is super organic in Markdown. In a new line, use - a space, and your text. To create another element in the list, just press enter, and repeat the process! You can think of the dashes as the bullets in your list, as with the hash, the space between the symbol and the text is important!

Same as the latter, but instead of using a dash you need to use a number, and a period, like so 1. again, don’t forget the space!

To put your text in a blockquote (or indentation) just put one > in front of the line you want in the blockquote! The blockquote will extend until you press Enter twice (meaning it’ll put the whole line in blockquote).

Yes, you can insert images on your posts with Markdown, if you have a link to them. Just use this syntax (it’s pretty similar to the link one!) ![alt text (aka the text that’ll show up if your image ain’t available)](/path/to/img.jpg).

An example of this would be ![yeeeeeeeeeahhhhhhhhh]( Which would show up like this:

How to do read more on tumblr mobile

This recently introduced feature of will put a divider between two lines of text, and in Markdown it’s as simple as using 3 or more dashes in a line like this - - -.

So Markdown DOES support Read Mores, which I didn’t knew when I first posted this, excuse me lol. Just put a [[ MORE ]] WITHOUT THE SPACES BETWEEN THE WORD AND THE [ SYMBOL on the new line where you want the Read More to go.

Not implemented! A real shame, but there are some things you might just need the full Tumblr PC experience for!

  • So where do we go from here?

Now that you know how to write Tumblr Posts on Markdown, USE IT EVERYWHERE. Markdown is something I use literally every day of my life. To work with it you might need to download a special editor (Atom is SO recommended, it’s ridiculous) but usually these are also a hundred times better than writing on Microsoft Word. Markdown’s your friend, use it!