How to feed chickens stardew valley Reddit

I recently started playing Stardew Valley (on Xbox) and I'm really enjoying it, but I'm kinda confused. I bought a chicken, but I can't figure out for the life of me how to feed it. I bought some hay since the wiki says that they like grass or hay, but I can't feed it to them or anything. Do I just let them out of the coop, and let them look after themselves, is there something I'm missing (it's probably worth mentioning I don't have the silo yet tho I'm about to look into getting it).

But yeah, can anyone give me some pointers

I've been playing for about two days now, I've read you can feed chickens grass instead of hay. I have yet to unlock a silo and would like to know if there is a way to do it manually.

I built the silo and have been storing hay in there, but when I approach my chicks I get the message that they are “thin” looking. I looked up how to feed them, I can move my right joy con but it won’t put hay in trough. I’m new to this game and have been able to figure some stuff out, but any other tips/advice would be welcome.

So last night, I hastily bought my first chicken coop and 2 chickens without doing too much research behind it. Now I'm worried because winter is fast approaching and I didn't realize that I'll apparently need to stock a silo (don't have one) with hay to feed the chickens through winter.

I'll be buying the silo asap but I'm wondering what other stuff I need to do to prepare for these chickens (Chicken Boo and Nugget!).

I'm on Year 1, Fall, around day 17ish. Is it possible to get the silo built and sufficiently stocked in time for winter? What happens if I don't? In the meantime, should I let my chickens out of the coop? I have no fences yet and I cleared most of the grass around the immediate vicinity of the coop. Will the chickens wander away and if so, how do I corral them back into the coop? Is 2 a good number or should I buy more? What else did I miss and is there anything I should prioritize before winter hits?

Thanks a bunch for any help! Because of my snap chicken-purchase, I'm afraid end of Fall is going to be a scramble...

I'm trying to figure out how to feed my chicks. One of them is grumpy and the other looks a little thin. How do I feed them?

My chicken REFUSES to eat anything but the grass outside. If it's raining, he won't eat. I built a silo, I put hay in his little feeder thing, nothing. Did I just get a dud chicken?

I play on my iPad (the same device I am using to type this) and Dazar (my baby chicken) is hungry

its winter I have a silo I have noooo idea how to feed them though.