How to fix flickering tv screen

Flickering and dimming are some of the common problems affecting flat-screen TVs today. You may have a highly acclaimed TV but still experience some of these problems from time to time. Your TV may flicker due to a bad video input, a non-optimal lighting condition, or a connection problem.

  • TVs are designed with a power supply circuitry that will maintain a proper voltage level to keep a picture at a stable level of brightness.
  • Faulty electrical appliances in your household could draw power affecting your TV, and cause flickering.
  • Smart TVs require regular over-the-air updates. In some cases, your TV screen might flicker due to outdated firmware.

So why is my TV flickering? Well, when your TV screen flickers, it’s often a fluctuation in the picture quality that either leads to dark or bright frames intermittently without displaying any content on the screen.

When this happens, it’s normal to feel it could be an issue that requires technical repair. However, it is essential to note that a TV screen flicker might be caused by things other than internal hardware issues.

What causes Flickering?

TVs that exhibit flickering can do so for a variety of reasons, both internal and external. In most cases, the user can fix the issues with basic troubleshooting.

Loose Cables

Defective or loose cables plugged into your unit can cause screen flickering. For example, on an HDMI cable, the result appears as flickering colors or “snow.” It is random, with abrupt color intensity and brightness on coaxial and other types of analog cables. Getting a replacement cable will fix this problem. This can also be the cause if you keep asking yourself why does your TV keeps buffering.

Faulty Electricals

Faulty electrical appliances in your household could draw power affecting your TV, and cause flickering. If you turn on an appliance in your home, and your TV abruptly flickers before getting back to normal when the appliance’s power cycle is complete. The flickering, in that case, is caused by electrical interference.

To resolve this problem, have your primary household ground checked by a qualified technician at the service panel. Make sure there is a tight connection. If possible, have a dedicated power output to service the appliance or your TV to prevent the interruption causing the flicker.

Dust and Debris

Accumulated dust can harm your TV’s electrical arcing. However, this will only affect CRTs and large-chassis rear-projection units. The best remedy for this problem is good maintenance which means keeping a clean environment.

Low Power Supply

TVs are designed with a power supply circuitry that will maintain a proper voltage level to keep a picture at a stable level of brightness. If the power supply begins to fail, you will notice a marked abrupt brightness level change and dimming. The TV unit might also project a black screen. This is a sign of hardware damage that will require professional repair and service.

Dying Bulbs

TVs like LEDs work by backlighting the projected image with a set of LED lights. If one or more LED bulbs malfunctions, the user will begin to notice flickering spots. Unfortunately, there’s no simple way to fix this, and depending on the model, you’ll require LED replacement service and repair or a new TV unit altogether.

Software/Firmware Updates

Smart TVs require regular over-the-air updates. In some cases, your TV screen might flicker due to outdated firmware. Updating the TV’s software or firmware with new updates and switching it off and on will solve the issue. You may also want to find out why your digital TV channels keep disappearing as software issues may be a cause too.


What causes TV flickering?

TVs that exhibit flickering can do so for various reasons, both internal and external, including; loose cables, faulty electricals, low power supply, dying bulbs, and outdated firmware or software.

What does it mean when my TV flickers when another appliance is on?

Faulty electrical appliances in your household could draw power affecting your TV, and cause flickering.

Does Low supply cause flicker?

Yes. TVs are designed with a power supply circuitry that will maintain a proper voltage level to keep a picture at a stable level of brightness. If the power supply begins to fail, you will notice a marked abrupt brightness level change and dimming.

Could a firmware update resolve the TV flickering issue?

Smart TVs require regular over-the-air updates. In some cases, your TV screen might flicker due to outdated firmware.

STAT: The current global Cable TV share is under 50%. There are 1,775 TV stations and over 5,000 cable systems operated by 660 institutions, reaching an estimated 90% of the entire U.S (source)

It can be overwhelming to see the TV screen flicker suddenly. A Smart TV is a huge financial commitment, and repairing it won’t be cheap. It’s not always necessary to return a flickering TV to the retailer or to make a service call. 

How to fix flickering tv screen

Flickering on a Liquid Crystal Display TV screen might be caused by a poor video source, a connection issue, or poor lighting.

You can attempt some quick remedies at home. Follow this article to learn how to fix a Flickering TV Screen On Lcd TV.

Why does My Smart TV flicker?

Among the common issues impacting flat-screen TVs today are flickering and fading. Even if your TV is highly regarded, you could occasionally run into some of these issues.

When your TV screen flickers, the cause is frequently a change in the picture quality that causes sporadic dark or bright frames without displaying any content.

It’s usual to assume that there may be a technical problem when this occurs. Nevertheless, it is important to remember that a TV screen flicker may result from causes other than internal hardware problems.

  • A poor video input, poor illumination, or a connection issue could all cause your TV to flicker.
  • TVs are built with power supply circuitry that will keep the appropriate voltage level to maintain a steady level of brightness in the picture.
  • Flickering on your TV may be caused by defective electrical gadgets in your home.
  • Over-the-air upgrades are needed frequently for smart TVs. Your TV screen may occasionally flicker as a result of outdated firmware.

What Causes A Flickering TV Screen On A Smart TV

There are several causes for your TV’s flickering. One or more of these causes may be present at once, causing the flickering.

Power supply failure

TVs are built with power supply circuitry that will keep the appropriate voltage level to maintain a steady level of brightness in the picture.

You will notice a pronounced rapid brightness level change and fading if the power source starts to fail.

The TV device could also project a black screen. This indicates hardware damage that has to be repaired and serviced by experts.

If the power supply is faulty or there is an issue with the circuitry, the TV may flicker. Check if there is a spike in incoming voltage or Viceversa.

Software update Issue

Over-the-air upgrades are needed frequently for smart TVs. If your TV’s firmware is out-of-date, your TV screen may flicker.

The problem can be fixed by updating the TV’s software or firmware and turning it on and off again.

Additionally, you might want to investigate why your digital TV channels are disappearing because software problems could be blamed for the flicker.

Turned on energy-saving mode

The TV may occasionally flicker if the selected energy efficiency mode setting.


The TV may overheat if it has been on for an extended period. Flickering could result from this warming.

Adjusting the lighting

Your TV may start to flicker due to the fluorescent lights in the room. This is particularly valid if your TV is a plasma screen.

Missing or lost cable connections

One of the common causes of TV flickering is loose cable connections. A lost connection could also cause this problem.

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Buildup of dust

Dust buildup might damage the electrical arcing on your TV. This will impact only CRTs and large-chassis rear-projection units. 

Maintaining a clean atmosphere through regular upkeep is the best solution to this issue. A buildup of dust on the TV panel may cause flickering.

The TV ports frequently become dirty with time.

Dying Led Bulbs

LED TVs operate by using a set of LED lights to backlight the image that is being projected. Flickering spots will start to appear for the user if one or more LED bulbs fail.

There is no easy fix for this, and depending on the model, you may need a new TV or LED replacement service and repair.

Methods To Fix Your Flickering TV Screen

  1. Restart your TV
  2. Unplug the TV and Plug it Back In Again
  3. Check Cables for a Loose Connection
  4. Check for Electrical Interference
  5. Inspect the Video Source for Problems
  6. Disable Energy Efficiency Feature
  7. Check the Internet Connection
  8. Check the Refresh Rate of your TV (50hz, 60hz)
  9. Overheating Motherboard Issue
  10. Screen Burn-In
  11. Flickering caused by internal Issues
  12. Your TV’s Power Supply is Dying
  13. Short an LED TV’s Pins

1. Restart your TV

How to fix flickering tv screen

The TV may have a short-term problem causing the screen to flicker. Test the tried-and-true restart technique to see if the hack is effective.

Unplug the cable from the wall outlet, wait a few seconds, then connect it back to restart your TV. Now, check if the Flickering TV Screen is fixed or not.

2. Unplug the TV and Plug it Back In Again

How to fix flickering tv screen

Consider disconnecting your TV from the outlet and letting it run without power for about a minute. Doing this will ensure your TV uses up all its power before turning it on again.

  • Reconnect the plug, then switch on the TV.
  • If the flickering disappears, an older TV model’s slight power cycle problem may have been the cause.
  • You might need to reset the TV, which you can do if it has a reset button or by following the instructions in the user manual for your TV.
  • To reset your TV, use a paperclip and hold it in place for roughly 30 seconds.
  • Check if this fixes the “Flickering TV Screen” issue.

3. Check Cables for a Loose Connection

How to fix flickering tv screen

A loose connection or damaged wires may also be to blame for the flickering on your TV screen.

Check your ports to ensure that everything is linked safely and that no connection points are frayed or damaged.

  • If you want to examine your cables for internal wiring damage, you can do it at your neighborhood hardware store.
  • Make careful to buy high-quality cables if you need to buy new wires.
  • Higher-quality cables are more durable and deliver better performance.
  • Check if this fixes the “Flickering TV Screen” issue.

4. Check for Electrical Interference

How to fix flickering tv screen

If they are on the same circuit, additional appliances in the house may utilize enough power to generate flicker. The image darkens abruptly when the appliance is turned on, which is when this is most obvious.

  • First, turn off the offending appliance. To get the TV’s brightness back to normal, restart it.
  • You could also get an electrician to examine the service panel’s main ground.
  • Make sure the connection is stable.
  • A dedicated outlet will be ready for the TV’s related audio/visual equipment or the appliance.

5. Inspect the Video Source for Problems

How to fix flickering tv screen

The TV will display what it perceives as the right image when playing a video or live event. The flashing from the original video source will also be seen on the TV.

The video conversion software or hardware may unintentionally include poor flicker frames in the recording.

  • If the flickering persists after playing the movie on your computer or smartphone, there is a problem with the video file itself.
  • This problem could be brought on by damaged frames or a lack of metadata.
  • As the flickering is a part of the source file, nothing can be done to eliminate it in this instance.
  • Check if this fixes the “Flickering TV Screen” issue.

6. Disable Energy Efficiency Feature

Most LCD and LED TVs have an energy-saving setting or “Green mode.” This feature optimizes the TV’s settings to consume the least amount of electricity. This may lead to problems, particularly in locations where your electricity fluctuates.

  • Look for an “Energy Saving” or “Power Saving” option under the “Settings” page on your TV.
  • Green mode, power efficiency mode, or power saving mode should be a selection.
  • Switch off your TV and disable this feature.

How to fix flickering tv screen

  • It should cease flickering after you turn it back on.
  • Check if this fixes the “Flickering TV Screen” issue.

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7. Check the Internet Connection

How to fix flickering tv screen

You might want to verify that your internet connection is strong enough if you’re streaming content from an online provider to your TV. Check your internet speed using a speed test to discover if it is sufficient for Wi-Fi.

  • If your TV supports LAN connection through ethernet, you can try connecting it to the router.
  • Sometimes if the connection is unreliable or the network is not fast enough.
  • The audio may be out of sync while streaming, and the video may become jerky and flicker on your TV.
  • You can either move the router closer to your TV or, as I would suggest, connect it using an Ethernet connection.
  • Check if this fixes the “Flickering TV Screen” issue.

8. Check the Refresh Rate of your TV (50hz, 60hz)

How to fix flickering tv screen

Your TV’s refresh rate and the lighting in your room might give the impression that your screen is flashing.

When your screen starts to flicker in low light, turn on a strong light to check if it persists.

You can fix this by turning on a brighter light or turning down your TV’s refresh rate.

To slow down refresh rate:

  • Open the TV’s “Settings” menu.
  • Look for “Refresh Rate” under “Display Settings” by navigating there.
  • Select the desired refresh rate by clicking on it.
  • Verify the alterations made in settings.

How to fix flickering tv screen

  • Now that the updated settings are applied, your TV will refresh its screen.
  • While newer versions allow additional refresh rates, most older models only support 50Hz and 60Hz.
  • Check if this fixes the “Flickering TV Screen” issue.

9. Overheating Motherboard Issue

How to fix flickering tv screen

If the overheating problem is not fixed, LCD TVs may completely fail. Overheating can make the image flicker and appear distorted.

Overheating in LED TVs can lead to aged LEDs malfunctioning and slowly ceasing to function, producing dead pixels.

  • Because LEDs are made up of individual bulbs, unaffected bulbs will continue to work.
  • On an LCD, however, it will gradually spread throughout the liquid display, making the panel useless.
  • You can consider upgrading the cooling system on the TV service if the problem only manifests itself after several hours of continuous use.
  • If the flickering appears shortly after turning on the device or immediately after, it could be time to consider buying a new TV.

10. Screen Burn-In

How to fix flickering tv screen

LED and LCD TVs don’t typically experience screen burn-in like CRT TVs bey struggle with related problems.

Your LCD might have burn-in difficulties if it shows a static image for a prolonged period.

  • Due to this, the image may continue to appear on the screen after changing what is displayed.
  • A similar problem might affect LEDs and result in the screen flickering due to inconsistent display.
  • By lowering the brightness, you can lessen the frequency of this problem.
  • Use your TV because this issue is typically caused by a brightness that is too high.
  • Check if this fixes the “Flickering TV Screen” issue.

11. Flickering caused by internal Issues

The TV’s internal problems or loose connections may also contribute to LCD screen flickering.

The failure of the connecting ribbon or another electrical component nearby may cause the flicker.

  • Regardless of the visual source, internal connectivity issues generate flickering that is always visible.
  • The TV may be practically out of commission and must be entirely replaced.
  • To check the TV’s internals, you must first locate the screws needed to remove the rear panel from the device. Depending on your TV model, these will typically be placed in various spots around the rear.
  • Use a microfiber cloth to remove any dust or dirt accumulated over time.
  • Examine every connection point on your TV, including the power, HDMI, audio in/out, and any other connections you might utilize.
  • If you notice any fraying or other damage, a certified technician may need to replace these components’ ribbon cables.
  • Connection hiccups and screen flickering may simply result from accumulated dust and debris.
  • Check if this fixes the “Flickering TV Screen” issue.

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12. Your TV’s Power Supply is Dying

Your TV also contains a power supply unit, and with time it will no longer be able to give electricity to all of the different parts of your TV.

Random power cycles, screen flickering, and your TV occasionally not turning on are some early indicators of a failing power supply.

  • You can hire an expert to inspect and replace the power supply unit.
  • You can have a power supply replaced at home if you know how to do it.
  • It’s significant to note that specific internal components in some TVs may require unique connections and connectors.
  • It would be best to call a technician to look at your TV even if you know how to fix it.

13. Short an LED TV’s Pins

How to fix flickering tv screen

Your device’s coprocessor has a minor bug, which makes your TV switch off the LED backlight. To shorten the coprocessor pins, you must open the TV and access the motherboard.

  • It’s recommended to leave these modifications to a professional if you are not familiar with them.
  • If done incorrectly, damaging these components will necessitate a very costly repair.
  • The two pins on the coprocessor of your TV can be shortened if you know how, which should help to stop the screen from flickering.
  • Check if this fixes the “Flickering TV Screen” issue.

Why Does One Side Of My TV Flicker?

Due to a faulty backlight, your television is probably flickering on one side. Additionally, a change in the LED power voltage or the blowing out of one or more capacitors.

  • Check the TV’s rear panel for a failing backlight.
  • Even though it might only be one or two defective LED backlights, it’s frequently advised that you replace the complete strip.
  • If you don’t feel confident doing it yourself, you can alternatively call a technician to assist you.
  • Look for blown-out capacitors on the power supply board.
  • Change them out for new ones with the same specs.
  • On either side of the power board, keep an eye out for fluctuations in the LED power voltage.
  • Check if this fixes the “Flickering TV Screen” issue.


There are many possible causes for the flickering issue on televisions, though flickering and dimming are common.

The flickering issue can be caused by a problem with the cable connection, a momentary bug, or a power outlet issue.

You should determine if there are any issues with the video source. You’ll experience flickering on your TV if the video source exhibits it.

I’ve given the best solutions to cure the flickering TV screen problem. Follow each suggestion until you find the one that works best for you.


If your cable connections are loose, your cables are damaged, or your connection ports are damaged, your TV screen will flicker. Electrical interference or even the lighting in the room can cause your TV’s screen to flicker. 06

When your screen starts to flicker in low light, turn on a strong light to check if it persists. If it doesn’t, the illumination is the problem. You can fix this by turning on a brighter light or turning down your TV’s refresh rate.

On your Samsung remote control, select Settings by pressing the Home button. Select Eco Solution after descending to the General tab on the left-hand side. Use your remote control to select Minimum Backlight and then press Enter. Your TV’s backlight can be changed using a slider that will appear.

An LCD television that blinks indicates that the image on the screen is strobing in and out. You notice brief dark flashes as a result of the event. Periods of blinking may occasionally happen on LCD televisions without any apparent cause. You can fix this by turning the power off and back on.