How to grow a mushroom farm in minecraft

In this instructable im gonna be showing you how to make a mushroom farm!

First you wanna dig down 7 blocks to form a staircase.

At the very back of the room, in the middle dig up three blocks and then add a torch. Do the same at the very front of the room.

Now just plant the mushrooms just like in the pic.

Now just wait, the mushrooms will grow soon. Thanks for checking out my instructable, if you liked this one, then go check out some of my others!

  • How to grow a mushroom farm in minecraft
  • How to grow a mushroom farm in minecraft
  • How to grow a mushroom farm in minecraft

Mushrooms are an excellent food source. They can be grown anywhere without water, and are the most nutritious food for vegan miners.

Wild Mushrooms

How to grow a mushroom farm in minecraft

To make mushroom stew you need both red and brown mushrooms. Both can be found growing in many places, especially underground in caves and in swamps. Mushrooms are also very common in The Nether.

Cultivating Mushrooms

Growing conditions

Mushrooms can be planted on almost any surface that is not too brightly-lit (ie. not under direct sunlight, and at least 2 blocks away from a torch or other light source).

Mushrooms will slowly spread to nearby dirt blocks, as long as there are no more than 4 mushrooms of the same type in a 9x9 square. Therefore, a very spread-out mushroom farm in which one red and one brown mushroom are placed at widely-spaced intervals is somewhat practical.

How to grow a mushroom farm in minecraft

This mushroom field has a roof to keep the sun off, and recessed lighting to prevent mobs from spawning. Mushrooms are planted 5 blocks apart in an alternating pattern of red and brown. Mushrooms can be planted on almost any block, but will only spread to dirt.

Huge Mushrooms

How to grow a mushroom farm in minecraft

If you fertilise a mushroom by applying Bonemeal, it will sprout into a Huge Mushroom. When harvested it will yield up to 20 mushrooms. This is the most efficient way to farm mushrooms.


The mushroom must be planted on a dirt or grass block. You will need a lot of space.

Huge Mushroom Space Requirements
Mushroom Type Horizontal space Vertical Space


9x9 (4 blocks all sides)

8 blocks


7x7 (3 blocks all sides)

6 clocks

When planted, right-click with bonemeal.


The mushroom can be harvested with a sword or other tool. Each block has a chance of producng a mushroom whe destroyed.

Automated Mushroom Farms

It is possible to build mushroom farms in the form of towers that have a stack of mushroom-growing floors, that are harvested at the push of a button. One good example is described here.

Growing Mushrooms in the Nether

Mushrooms are commonly found in the Nether, but do not spread over Netherrack. The best way to grow mushrooms there, then, is to bring some dirt and bonemeal from the Overworld and use the Huge Mushroom method.

Mushroom Stew

Mushroom Stew is made by combining one red mushroom, one brown mushroom, and a wooden bowl.

How to grow a mushroom farm in minecraft

Note that the ingredients can be stacked in your inventory, but the stew can not.

The ingredients can be placed in any shape on the crafting area, so you do not need a crafting table to make the stew.

How to grow a mushroom farm in minecraft

Mushroom Biomes

How to grow a mushroom farm in minecraft

Mushroom biomes are proof that late nights and too many mushrooms can do strange things to a game developer. They are places where Huge Mushrooms grow, and where strange cow-like creatures called Mooshrooms live.

How to grow a mushroom farm in minecraft

Mooshrooms can be sheared with a pair of shears, just like sheep, and provide mushrooms. They can also be 'milked' by right-clicking on them holding a wooden bowl. Instead of milk, however, you get mushroom soup. I am not making this up.


Mycelium is a special block similar to grass, that is only found in mushroom biomes. Like grass, mycelium will spread to cover adjacent dirt blocks. Mushrooms grow faster on mycelium and survive higher light levels than they do on other blocks. If you make a mushroom farm, it would be wise to use mycelium.

However, like grass, the only way you can dig up a mycelium block and carry it to your farm is with a tool enchanted with Silk Touch.

How to find a Mushroom Biome

Mushroom biomes are rare, and usually exist as remote islands in the ocean. However, if you just want to see one, here's how:

  1. Start a new game.
  2. In the 'Create New World' screen, click More World options...
  3. Type the word lost into the box and continue to create the new world.

You should find yourself near a small mushroom biome.

There are a plethora of different plants, and crops that can be grown within the world of minecraft. Almost all of them rely on a universal set of rules that require them to be grown except for a few notable exceptions. One of these exceptions is the unique and humble mushroom.

How to grow a mushroom farm in minecraft

An item within the game that doesn’t grow under normal circumstances and also cannot be farmed under normal circumstances. In this article we shall go over how exactly you can grow mushrooms in an efficient manner and the prerequisites that will be required of you to make it possible in the first place.

There are not any concrete materials from which mushrooms tend to grow. But, I will leave behind a list of items that can be used to create an effective farm for you to use for growing mushrooms.

  1. Dirt blocks
  2. Slabs of any kind.

It doesn’t require a great deal for this farm as you will see with further instructions below.

Unlike many other types of plants or crops, mushrooms will not grow by planting anything within an area. They are grown through spawn generation and will only spawn in areas that are below a light level threshold of 13. They can grow almost anywhere so long as they have limited light through which they can grow under. Mushrooms can also grow in caves and leaves of trees if you look closely enough. Almost any area with a low light level can grow mushrooms.

How to grow a mushroom farm in minecraft

Due to how low the lighting is in the Nether, finding mushrooms is actually quite an easy task to accomplish in such an area.

How to grow a mushroom farm in minecraft

If you wish to create your own mushroom farm you can employ a variety of different methods to use. Firstly you should create a walled-off section so that certain nether dwelling mobs don’t mess around with your crop. Something else you should consider is getting yourself a soul lantern to keep certain mobs away from the area, while simultaneously giving a light that is low enough for your mushrooms to spawn in.

How to grow a mushroom farm in minecraft

They will even spawn on glowstone strangely enough, so take advantage of this and build your farm around these light sources for your own advantage.

Step 1: If you desire to grow a mushroom farm of your own then it’s for the best that you start underground. It’s best that you create an underground space that is at least 4 to 5 blocks high that the farm allows the mushrooms enough of an area to grow.

How to grow a mushroom farm in minecraft

Step 2: Make sure that when you do build this space, that you make the ground area nothing but dirt blocks so that the mushrooms can grow efficiently. After that you will want to make holes in the top part of your farm to let a limited amount of light seep into the area, but make sure that none of these holes are directly above any of the mushrooms that you grow so that they are not exposed to too much light.

How to grow a mushroom farm in minecraft

Step 3: After all of this is done you should have your mushroom farm created no problem. Take care to adjust the size of this farm depending on how many mushrooms you want to grow at once.

How to grow a mushroom farm in minecraft

If you don’t want to wait for the mushrooms to spawn in the given farm that was shown to you earlier then you’re in luck. Youtuber Druv has an alternative automatic mushroom farm that can be seen:

How to grow a mushroom farm in minecraft

Once your mushrooms are fully grown, all that is left is to harvest your bounty for whatever purpose you desire. It’s a simple process, oftentimes accomplished by a sword so that you don’t accidentally destroy the mushroom itself.

Q. How long does it take for mushrooms to grow in Minecraft?

It’s not so much about how long as much as it is about the changes going in your favor. When in optimal light and growing conditions each block has a 12.5% chance to grow a red mushroom or a 25% chance to grow a brown mushroom. It’s all about the odds being in your favor until you finally luck out.

Q. Why are my mushrooms not growing in Minecraft?

The biggest reason is more often than not light level. If you have a light level above 12 in an area you are trying to spawn mushrooms, the chances of your success is more often than not going to be limited.

Q. Do mushrooms spread on mycelium?

Mushrooms can indeed spread on this substance, much like on podzol or nylium.

Creating a mushroom farm for you to grow can be a simple process provided that you create the proper environment where such a fungus can grow. So long as you can control the light levels of the environment then controlling their growth can become a very simple matter.