How to keep cats from tracking litter

Cats aren’t too fussed about the mess they leave in their wake.

Their paws may be clean, their fur immaculately groomed, but between the fur-balls, occasional rodent “presents” and cat litter tracked through the house, they can be a bit of a whirlwind on your home (and that’s without mentioning the smell)

How to keep cats from tracking litter

Depending on how fastidious your cat is, sometimes it can seem like they are digging a tunnel out of your home (and are getting sneaky at hiding the evidence)...

How to keep cats from tracking litter

Tracking occurs when cat litter sticks to your cat’s fur and paws, and is one of the most common problems pet parents face.

We’re breaking down the top tips from our cat experts to tackle the problem of cat litter tracking.


Perhaps one of the most important factors in preventing cat litter from tracking is the use of a litter mat. 

At Natusan, we have done a lot of research into tracking mats, testing them with a jury of our “pee-ers” including both short-haired and long-haired cats, cats that hop in and out and cats who like to squat down low to pee. 

It’s safe to say that we’re litter mat maestros, and we’ve pulled together the things to look for in a tracking mat for your cat:

  • Double Layered mats are one of the best ways to combat tracking as the litter falls through to the second layer, which can then be emptied back into the tray to minimise waste
  • Like our litter, the tracking mat should also be soft on paws, with nothing that would discourage your cat from using it.
  • It is also important that the litter tracking mat stays in place, so bear gripping and non-slip mats in mind, particularly if you have wood or tiled flooring.
  • This goes without saying, but a litter mat should be long lasting and durable enough to be used for many years. Many long-lasting products are made cheaply at the cost of the environment, making it difficult to find a sustainable tracking mat, however there are some companies that make cat litter mats from recyclable EVA, meaning that when it comes to the end of its service, it can be reborn.
  • The mat should be waterproof, easy to clean and empty out the captured litter.
  • Size matters with your mat, it needs to be large enough that your cat will take more than one step with each paw when exiting their tray, but not so large that it gets in the way or trips you up.

Finding the right kind of mat for your cat’s litter tray can be tough, but if you find the right one, it’ll work like magic…

How to keep cats from tracking litter


A simple solution, and one we took into consideration when designing our Collect & Compost kits, is to use a litter tray with higher walls, so less litter is likely to be knocked out when your cat is digging.

Most cats don’t have any issues with climbing up into a higher tray, but older cats may need a hand in the form of an entry point or something to offer a step up, this should help avoid the perils of a shallow tray...

How to keep cats from tracking litter

We found that an enclosed tray with a lip of at least 10cm works best with Natusan litter.

Some cats don’t like enclosed trays, if this is the case then a good hack is to use a larger tracking mat (or two mats) and place the whole litter tray on top so there is at least 20cm of mat surrounding the tray without affecting the balance. This way, whichever side your cat jumps out, you’re covered.

Another good hack we have found is that if your cat is particularly messy, and you find that your litter still tracks even with our Collect & Compost tray, then reversing the bottom of the tray so the lip is higher (15cm) will help with this. The higher the lip, the less tracking there will be. 


Cats with longer hair tend to track litter more frequently, as they have more fur for the litter to stick to.

A tip here is to use a small trimmer to gently trim the hair between their paw pads.

Whilst removing their “slippers” can be traumatic for us (they’re sooo cute, after all), it doesn’t negatively affect your cat in the slightest, and can actually help give them more grip.

How to keep cats from tracking litter


Not only does carpet show tracked litter more than other types of flooring, it is also harder to sweep.

The quickest and easiest surface to clean is nice and flat, such as wood, tile or laminate floor. Carpets tend to trap litter and make it tougher to remove.

Instead, keep a dustpan and brush nearby to sweep up the initial scattering around the front of the tray (your cats “trail”, if you will). Sweeping this up as soon as possible means it won't get tracked further throughout your home.

Some people use cordless mini-hoovers that they can whip out when their cat gets a little bit “generous” with their digging.

Whilst it saves time and effort unfurling the cord and plugging it in, portable hoovers aren’t exactly known for their powerful vacuums, so a lighter litter works best for this solution. Cats aren’t the biggest fans of rugs, after all...

How to keep cats from tracking litter


When litter doesn’t clump immediately, cats often end up stepping in wet litter, which then clings to dry litter and tracks it out of the box. Quick clumping litter will help to prevent this from occurring and reduce tracking.

A litter that clumps quickly keeps the rest of the tray dry, meaning less chance of it clinging to your cat’s fur and being tracked out of the tray. 

Natusan forms tight clumps fast, it is also completely natural and sustainable without the need for any nasty added chemicals such as bentonite. 

How to keep cats from tracking litter

Our litter is made from 100% natural recycled softwood and doesn’t contain clay minerals like bentonite which make other cat litters heavy.

Along with its fine texture, our litter’s composition means it’s 60% lighter than the average mineral clumping litter, and also super soft on paws. It also means that like so many cat litter, ours too can track.

Our Customer Care team are always on hand to provide bespoke advice on how to prevent tracking, get in touch, or if you have any tips for us, let us know on social media!

Why not see for yourself and discover Natusan cat litter today?

Anyone who has ever had a cat can attest, litter rarely ever stays in the litter box. It gets tracked everywhere around the house. It’s almost as if our cats use the box and then, just for fun, grab paw-fuls of litter and toss them out onto the floor! In fact, I’ve watched in awe as one of my beloved kitties gleefully kicked every last grain from the box! I know I’m not the only one who has this problem.

How to keep cats from tracking litter

So what can you do to minimize litter tracking by your cat? Here are five simple solutions that work to keep litter in the litter box – and out of the bed, off of the sofa, out of the living room rug…you get the idea… 

1. Location, Location, Location

Where your litter box is located makes a big difference for your cat. Some cats prefer privacy, while others prefer to share their joy of a successful bowel movement with you. Know your cat’s potty personality and put the box in a location that will appeal to him.

That said, where the box is located also makes a big difference in how litter gets tracked out of the box. Put it as far away from your bedroom as you can, and you’re far less likely to find sand in your sheets when you crawl into bed at night. (Really, there’s not much worse than crawling into a bed full of cat litter, am I right?)

Remember to make any changes to the litter box location gradually or you could be faced with a new problem. This includes moving it to a new spot in your house. If your furriest friend is especially sensitive to changes, you may have to move the box a few inches at a time until it reaches its new destination!

Also, when making any changes to your cat’s litter box, you might consider a litter attractant or Dr. Elsey’s Cat Attract which is a dust-free, clumping cat litter invented by a veterinarian that contains a natural herb attractant to encourage your cat to use the box. I used it with my cats whenever we moved homes and when we switched from traditional to automatic litter boxes.

How to keep cats from tracking litter

2. Size (and Shape) Matters…

Just as humans have different preferences when it comes to the potty, so do your cats. If you find that a lot of litter is ending up on the floor just outside the box, you may need to explore different sizes or differently shaped boxes.

Corner boxes are excellent for some cats. Most cats prefer to cover up their litter by kicking towards the corner, making this an excellent choice to keep litter off the floor.  A hooded box will stop your overly-enthusiastic cat from flinging litter from the box during the big cover up. A top-entry box is an excellent solution to stop litter tracking, because most of the litter that comes out of the box attached to your kitty’s paws will fall off when they climb through the top of the box. However, some very young and senior cats may struggle with this type of box.

Automated boxes can also be a great choice for a cat who is obsessed with covering his litter, but maybe isn’t very good at it. These boxes help your cat stop obsessive “digging” behavior and the larger sizes help keep litter inside the box.

3. Litter Mats

By all means, use a litter mat! But know that not all litter mats are created equal. Invest in a mat designed to help keep litter contained. The mat should be large (or your cat will just jump over it, flinging litter in the process) and extend well around the litter box.

Remember your cat, with those delicate bean toes, may be averse to some litter mat material, so you may need to try more than one. We love the extra soft, plush chenille mats available from Dog Gone Smart. But some cats prefer the more sturdy Litter Trapper.

The best litter mats allow easy removal of litter once it’s gathered. Dual structure mats are even more efficient as they allow the litter to fall between two attached mats, which helps prevent tracking and allows for easy cleanup.

Even with a huge litter mat, somehow your cat will still manage to smuggle some sand away from the litter box! One of the best things I ever did to cut down on the litter tracking was to put down another plush mat in the hallway leading away from the litter boxes so the cats had to walk across another rug after they left the box. Try it!

How to keep cats from tracking litter

4. Reconsider Your Litter

Clay litters are definitely the most popular cat litter. Economical, clumping, easy to use…and (unfortunately) the most easily tracked around the house. If litter is really driving you bonkers, consider switching to a silica gel or recycled paper litter. There are plenty of effective all-natural cat litters you can choose from as well, including pine, corn, wheat or even walnut shells. We used to use the Tidy Cats Breeze litter system until switching to automatic boxes and loved it, for one, because the litter absolutely does. not. track.

5. Make Cleanup Easy

So, maybe having litter flung out of the litter box is a fact of cat life. But, that still doesn’t mean it needs to be tracked all over the house! You scoop the boxes at least once a day (and if you have multiple cats, probably more than once) so incorporate a quick clean-up into your daily routine. In other words, tackle the litter before it has a chance to get tracked.

Keep a great cordless vacuum, like a Dyson Stick or a Shark Navigator next to the litter box. Every time you scoop, do a quick pass with the vacuum, too. You’ll be surprised what a difference that makes in keeping tracked litter at bay. Just don’t run the vacuum if one of your little litter-tracking angels is actually using the litter box…we never want to scare a cat while they’re using the litter box. (That can create a problem a lot worse than litter on the floor!)

How to keep cats from tracking litter

Living with cats is certainly rewarding, isn’t it? And if you take some of these tips to heart, you can focus on all the wonderful aspects of cat parenthood, and avoid the feeling of stepping on grains of litter with your bare feet!

Do you have any other anti-tracking tips to share? What has worked for you? What did you try that was a complete failure? Share with us!

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How to keep cats from tracking litter
Anyone who has ever had a cat can attest, litter rarely ever stays in the litter box. It gets tracked everywhere around the house. It’s almost as if our cats use the box and then, just for fun, grab pawfuls of litter and toss them out onto the floor! In fact, I’ve watched in awe as one of my beloved kitties gleefully kicked every last grain from the box! I know I’m not the only one who has this problem.

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How to keep cats from tracking litter