How to make him value and respect you

If you want a man to respect you then you seriously need to hold your ground. You need to give him straight up reasons to respect you for you. If not, then you need to kick his butt straight out the door, just saying.

How To Make Him Respect You

Don’t Ever…Put Everybody Else First!

If you want a man to pay attention and respect you, you shouldn’t put every other person in your life first.

Please tell me this makes sense?

When you choose to ignore your man and put your friends and family in front of him, you are showing him straight up you don’t appreciate and respect him. Shame on you!

Please Just Stop Comparing Yourself To Other People

No doubt girls do this all the time. This is all that talk about wishing what you had when you don’t. Bigger boobs, thinner thighs, whatever.

Just don’t venture down this path because you are guaranteed to get no respect for the man you are trying to capture the undivided attention from.

Do Not Wear Too Much Makeup

If you are pulling a “Tammy Fay Baker” you are way off track if you are serious about getting some positive attention from a man you desire.

Most men think you are wearing too much makeup because you aren’t happy with yourself, you are insecure and trying to hide it. That’s not a good thing.

Other men think you are wearing pounds of makeup because you are easy to get into the sack. Yikes!

If you want to gain respect, you need to chill on the makeup and not hide behind the mask.

Choosing the makeup means you are chancing the fact he just might choose to not respect you. Not a good start to building a solid relationship for sure.

Don’t Be A Baby And Cry

One of the worst things you can do when you are trying to gain the respect of a gentleman is to start balling your eyes out. That’s a no-no regardless of how you look at it.

Crying shows him you are weak and insecure and unable to deal with life in general.

Ask yourself if a man should ever in a zillion years want a girl that can’t deal with the basic in life minus the drama?

Drama is not a good thing when you are trying to get a man to respect you, and if you are crying you are showing him point blank you are susceptible to reaction to drama.

Just try not to cry in front of him off the hop and you are on the right track.

Here are a few other tactical moves to ensure you get him to respect you for you.


No doubt number one in the books of boys is they want respect from that gal in their life. All Womens Talk experts know if you don’t believe this just ask your man!

So how do you give a guy respect?

All it means is be your true to yourself and give his feelings a second glance. Don’t judge and be supportive and you are on the right track.

Show him with your actions that you think he is important and you are on course to help him respect you.

Keep Your Tone Pleasant

No doubt women like a tone of voice that’s pleasant and inviting. We all want an nice warm inviting tone when conversing, right?

A pleasant one of voice can only mean good things.

Make sure you are giving him the nice tone of voice he deserves and you might well be off to the races with a smile.

Sheer Independence

No doubt guys love their independence. Be clear this doesn’t mean they want to flying solo all the time, but they do like to do some things on their own minus the guilt trip.

Some girls are just so needy it’s crazy.

Be sure to let your man hang out with his guy friends when he likes without reservation. Do this and you are gaining so much more than you know.

Deliver Recognition

Any man worthwhile wants a little recognition. Make sure you set aside the time to let the man in your life know you realize how fantastic he is and you want’ more.

Most guys don’t get recognized for their worth and that totally sucks.

Make the time to show the man you have your eyes on him and he is worth the view. Show him with words and body language that you think he is awesome and take it from there.

You are seriously set up for success from this.

Be Supportive

I don’t care who you are, you need support from time to time.

Let your man know you are there for them and will help them the best you can. Make sure they know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you are on their side. This will communicate to them you are magical.

No doubt, if it is important to your man he wants it to be important to you too.

Make sure he knows you are behind him no matter how crazy his thinking might be, that’s what real loving support is all about.

He Wants Arm Candy

What man wouldn’t want a super hot girl on his arm that gets a look from every other guy in the room?


This shows him you care about how you look and feel and you also want to look sexy for him.

No matter how much he downplays it to maybe try and take the pressure off you, he wants you to look good on every occasion.

And please understand, you don’t have to be a toothpick size zero supermodel to be happy. Just put some effort into your hair and makeup and wardrobe and you’ll dazzle him with your inner beauty.

Hint – Don’t be afraid to pull out that little black dress from time to time.

Having your man ogle over you is all good in my books. Also pay attention to what he likes to see you in and make sure you deliver.

Why wouldn’t you want to wear something that your boyfriend thinks makes you look smoking hot?

Have a little fun here but just make sure you do put a little effort into your overall big picture appearance if you want to drive home some respect for your guy.

Deliver Encouragement 24/7

Yes, most men like to pull the rough and tough card and act like they don’t need anything or anyone to succeed. But that’s not true.

Studies show men love and need to be encouraged by their partner. This may even mean the odd kick in the butt if they aren’t getting done what they need to.

Think boxing…When a woman is in the corner, he always wins!

Belief in them and you will earn their love, admiration, respect and trust for as long as you want it.

Don’t Be Afraid To Be Their Companion

It doesn’t have to be all about sex!

Truth – Guys like the companionship of the woman they are dating.

Maybe he wants to watch some play ball or just chill on the couch after work watching a chick-flick.

Bottom line is, he likes you two hanging out and relaxing. Of course, he also needs his guy time too but that doesn’t mean he still doesn’t need to just hang out with you one on one.

You need to zone into this and make sure you open more doors of opportunity to spend time with him. Trust me…that’s going to help him respect and adore you more.

Guys Need You To Admire Them

This one is interconnected with respect. Men really love admiration but you need to be careful. They want to make sure it’s not fake, it needs to be sincere.

If not, it’s just never going to work.

Make sure you tell him things you truly appreciate and love about him and you can’t go wrong. Start stuffing him full of nonsense you think he wants to hear and you’re on your own. It’s just not going to work.

Make The Effort To Be Appreciative

Everyone on the plant wants to feel appreciated right?

It seriously doesn’t take a lot to show someone you appreciate them for who they are. This one comes down to the actions in particular.

Make sure you use your manners and tell them “thank-you” and mean it. If they buy you flowers or take you out for coffee, you better make them feel like they just bought you a new house!

It doesn’t matter the “size” of the appreciation. What matters is that you appreciate them for the thought in what they did for you or just what you love and admire about them.

When you show him and tell him again and again how much you appreciate your man for who he is, you will gain respect.

Make Him Feel Needed

It doesn’t matter whether or not your boyfriend knows you want him, you need to show him regardless.

Men like to feel wanted and desired and you need to be sincere about it. If you want to make-out with him, just tell him. If you are looking for his confidence ,you need to show him. It doesn’t matter what level you are at in the relationship, you just need to let him know straight up you want him.

How you do that is totally up to you of course.

Stick To The Plan

You need to do whatever it takes to show a man he can trust you if you’re going to earn his respect. And one route to do this is to stick to the plan.

What does this mean?

Well, it means if you are supposed to go out to dinner or out for a coffee, make sure you don’t break the date.

Guys don’t want a girl that’s not going to be dependable and stick to the plans. Men need to feel respected for their time and if you are changing the plans all the time, you can’t expect him to give you the respect you want.

Makes sense right?

Never Ever Throw A Baby Tantrum

All I’m going to say here is grow up, are you serious? If you think throwing a tantrum is going to get you the right attention let alone respect, you are totally misinformed.

Tantrums will never ever in a zillion years get you any respect. That you can take signed, sealed and delivered.

Think about it for a minute…

Have you ever seen a grown woman throw a tantrum? Do you respect her for that?

If you want to get spazzy and emotionally out of control and throw a tantrum, it better be in acting classes. That’s all I’m going to say here.

Don’t Be Afraid To Screw Up

When you muck up and admit it, you are showing your guy that you’re human and willing to fess up when you make a mistake and learn from it. That’s a hugely attractive trait in anyone.

Nobody wants a perfect know-it-all that never makes mistakes. Or rather never admits when they make a mistake.

Take charge and own up to your muck-ups and you are communicating to your guy that he should love and respect you inside out.

Back Off On The Sexiness If You Can’t Deal With Men Ogling You

Okay, you deserve to dress as you want. But please be careful here. If you want to dress sexy and don’t think guys are going to react to that, you better think twice. Some men will be inappropriate and immature and you need to be okay with that.

If you can’t wrap your head around this concrete fact, then just don’t be sexy.

However, no matter what, don’t ever be ashamed of your body. You have the right to dress as you like, just be aware that men in general will react if you’re happy to pop into the coffee shop in you super short mini dress and spiked heels.

Never Ever Have A Kid With A Man To Make Him Love You

I can tell you for fact this is the worst decision you could possibly make.

Do not ever ever in a zillion years try and get pregnant to make a man love and respect you. It’s all bad news.

Just talk to the millions of single moms out there that would love to have someone positive helping them. A man that loves them and adores them and wants their children to become something special.

Do not ever prove your love to a man or look to gain his respect by suddenly getting knocked up. You’re on your own if you do this and I can tell you it’s a stupidly hard path to follow.

Don’t Steer Clear Of Challenging Him

A man likes a girl that will challenge him on occasion, because that shows him who you are and that you care about what he thinks.

Just don’t go overboard with this one because if you challenge him on everything, it will get tiring fast and he will start to fight back.

Keep it in moderation and you’re showing him you deserve his respect!

Please Don’t Try And Make Excuses For Your Screw-Ups

Excuses get you nowhere fast and if you are seriously trying to capture the undivided attention of a special man, don’t you dare start making excuses for your life screw ups.

It’s not that you need to be proud of your mistakes. But you do need to be accountable because this shows your man you are willing to accept responsibility for your mess-ups and move forward positively.

Integrity and honor gets you a long, long, way.

Don’t Be Afraid To Laugh At Yourself

When you can laugh at yourself, you are showing your guy that you are comfortable in your skin and that’s endearing anyway you look at it.

Some say, laughing is the key to a man’s heart? Could be!

Do Not Do Every Little Thing Your Boyfriend Says

Understand that the man you have your eyes on is not Mr. King of the world!

Perhaps he might get into a crazy nasty mood or otherwise, don’t let him get away with it. Take control and show him you deserve his respect. End of story.

Final Words

When you are looking to get a man to respect you it’s important that you show him you deserve it! And unfortunately with many men, it takes a little effort on your part to show him you deserve it.

*Be confident in who you are.

*Make sure you are positive and understanding.

*Show him you will be there for him and can be trusted.

*Don’t be afraid to step outside of your skin and get uncomfortable to get comfortable.

*When he’s on your mind, make sure you let him know.

*Tell him what you love about him.

*Don’t steer clear of conflict and be a “yes” girl.

*When he needs you to listen, make sure you do.

*Don’t be a know-it-all.

Get feedback from him to figure out what he needs from you in order to give you the respect you want. This means you have to ask the questions so you can create a plan of action to get it.

Where there’s a will, there’s a way!

Keep your mind open and follow his cues. Think positively and take action to always try and better yourself and your strategies to earn his respect.

If it’s meant to be, it will be. Believe in that.

Show the man you want to be with that he needs to understand and respect you for you and it will happen.

Take action today.

Best of luck!


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