How to make minecraft traps

Minecraft traps are some of the best ways to prank friends or protect a base from others.

There are many traps in Minecraft: popular, uncommon, complex, simple, etc. They often include lava, TNT, long falls, and drowning (water, sand, or gravel). Players who usually fall victim to traps are those who are attempting to loot, breaking into bases and other structures, or who're unaware and fall into prank traps.

Quicksand is a slow doom and is a very witty trap done by the one who placed it. These traps are best placed on the beach or the desert, where they're more challenging to identify.

This makes other players' demise more likely. If someone encounters repeated offenses of looting, griefing, and other instances of wrong-doing, this is a perfect trap to exercise spitefulness and revenge.

Those who fall victim will certainly not waste time targeting a player that sets a trap in such a sly way.

#4 - Landmine

Landmines best trap those in a hurry as well as those who're unsuspecting. Minecraft landmines are often activated by pressure plates hidden well. For example, some players use pressure plates as a way to add depth and texture on a walking path.

This subtle decoration can be secretly explosive, causing the death of some players who either were pranked or are trying to get up to no good.

#3 - Explosive chest trap

This is a great way to reprimand those that loot in Minecraft. Some players can take weeks to get specific game resources, just to have them stolen when playing on a LAN or a multiplayer survival server.

This can leave some players feeling defeated and even causing them to abandon that world/server for good.

A trapped chest in Minecraft is perfect for defending a player's riches. Placed conveniently right when first entering the base is ideal, as those who snatch goods are desperate and trying to move quickly.

When they open the chest, these looters will be too slow to realize what they've done and have to respawn before they can even process the situation. This trap, paired with a hidden room protecting the actual valuables, is the best route to take when sharing a server with pesky players.

#2 - Pitfall

Pitfalls can be used to trap both players and mobs. Either for drops or protection of goods, this is a classic trap that always does its job in Minecraft.

Many players assume that they have to follow Minecraft tutorials strictly, with no variance. Pitfalls are one project that players can tinker with, either by making the drop deeper for instant death, shallower for a drawn-out doom, or with lava at the bottom, so nothing remains.

Explosive beds are a perfect prank for friends.

To make an explosive bed, players must dig a 4x2 block deep hole and place TNT on the bottom layer. This is the right amount of TNT to make the sleeping player's death certain.

Then, players can pick one of the spots to place an observer. This is the block doing the handy work, and if the game is in survival mode, this will be the most challenging block to acquire if they are not very far along. Then, users must fill the top with what matches the floor.

Finally, they can place a bed atop and blocks adjacent to the headboard to hide the observer.

Note: This article reflects the author's views.

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Ever wanted to prank your friends? How about strangers you don't even know? Just wanted to see reaction or just for fun? This will tell you how to make the simplest trap in Minecraft.

  1. 1

    Obtain four sand blocks and 5 gunpowder to make some TNT.

    • To obtain sand blocks, find beaches and deserts. They are most likely to have sand.
    • To obtain gunpowder, kill a Creeper (don't let it explode), Ghast, or find some in chests, usually found in dungeons.

  2. 2

    Get two stone blocks. You get stone by mining cobblestone and smelting it in a furnace. The cobblestone will turn into regular stone. Craft a stone pressure plate by placing two stone blocks next to each other in the crafting space in your inventory or a crafting table.

    • To open your inventory, press E.

  3. 3

    Place the block of TNT anywhere.

    • Make sure it isn't next to one of your creations.

  4. 4

    Place the pressure plate directly on top of the TNT block that you placed. Wait for someone to step on it. It will explode, killing or hurting them.

  5. 5

    Try experimenting. There are lots of different ways to customize simple traps. Make sure to clean up the mess you might have caused experimenting or else it would seem to obvious what was going to happen to the victim!

  1. 1

    Place a Pressure Plate.

  2. 2

    Place 4 iron doors around the plate. If you use wood doors, it is very easy to break and your trap will only last a few seconds. Unless the person trapped has a pickaxe, it could take a while to get out.

  3. 3

    Place a block of Obsidian on top of the doors. If you are unable to get obsidian, use another hard to break item. Bedrock would be ideal, but since there is no way to get it in survival mode, obsidian is the easiest.

  4. 4

    Lure someone into the trap. Once they step on the plate, the doors will close and they will be stuck inside. Since the only way to press the button again is to step off the block and back on it, since they cannot jump up or go forward, the doors will remain closed indefinitely. You can also place TNT under the pressure plate so when someone gets trapped, the TNT will go off.

  • Question

    How do I escape from the trap?

    For trap one: be careful and break any pressure-plates visible. For trap two: break the block above you and jump (it will de-activate the pressure-plate and open the door); before you fall, try to go out of the door. You can also try breaking the door or the pressure-plate.

  • Question

    How do I get someone in the trap?

    Try disguising the trap so that the person don't realize it's there. You can also trick the person into walking onto the pressure plate.

  • Question

    How do I build a better trap in Minecraft?

    You want to make the trap in a way that the victim does not know it is, in fact, a trap. One example is that is a pressure plate can be easily seen, so try another method of activating the trap that's less obvious, such as a tripwire.

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