How to make pet simulator x in Roblox studio

Help and Feedback Scripting Support

Hello! I was wondering how I make a pet simulator x like movement where of course the pet follows you, I can easily script that, but with the back-and-forth movement smoothly. As I said above, I can make a pet that follows you, but it looks really low quality, and the pet looks like a possessed dead body. I just want to know like if I would make an infinite tween animation, but would that interfere with the body gyro or stuff like that? Or like is it something totally different. Thanks, BMWLux (:



with the back-and-forth movement smoothly

I don’t understand, can you explain in more detail or post a video?

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Please try the Search bar up top first.
I typed in 'pet ’ and got a bunch of posts like this one:

Pet follow module [Simulator style] Community Resources

Since releasing my 100 free simulator pet models one of my most persistent requests was to make a script which makes pets follow the player, so here we are. System in action (Ignore bad gif quality) API: :AddPet(Player, PetName) Searches the pet folder for a pet by that name. :AddPet(PetName) Also works and automatically assigns the pet to the local player. :RemovePet(Player, PetName) Searches the players existing pets and removes a pet by that name. :HidePets(Player) Hides that players p…

No, im saying like in pet simulator x where they go back and forth like if you have played the game I think you would understand. Yeah no for sure I have. I can make them follow you really easily I just dont get the back and forth like when you walk and the pets come after you they have a little animation and i guess that animation is what I’m looking for (:

You mean the regular rthro animation?

dude lol, i mean the pet from pet simulator x animation XD wdym rthro? XDD

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You can get it in two ways:

RIGS Rigging is a little tricky to master, but once you get it you can bring whatever you want to life.

By rigging your pets it’s easy to animate them via any animation plugin.

Here are some useful links on this way

How to rig a custom character (2021 edition) Community Tutorials

Notes Last year, (aka like 6 months ago) I made a topic on how to create a custom character model. Since then, I have learned more about rigging so I have made an updated topic here. This should be a MUCH better tutorial as my first one was confusing and messy. I tried to make this one better. This topic is not for mesh/bone rigs. I will not be showing how to animate. I will only be showing you how to create/rig the character, and how to setup the animation plugin with your character. I…


Another way is to change their CFrames with scripts to get the movement you want. Imo is more difficult than rigging if you are not familiar with CFrames


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Help and Feedback Scripting Support

Ok so i am making a game a bit like pet simulator where you Can click on a thing like a box you do something to that npc and get some coins and the npc or coins need a custom health bar and Idk how to make that also the player Can do it and when you get pets on they go atack and you damage more when also using pets

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Do you mean something like coins leaderstats?

No like coins you can mine like in pet simulator x

Like something you pick up off the ground? I’ve never played so your description isn’t working for me.

Basically you’re going to just put 2 number values in the model for the coins (or store them in a script) with one as max health, and the other as current health, then when a player clicks a model, you’re going to send the NPC (or pets) over to it, to start attacking and doing their amount of damage to the current health.

When the current health is 0 you award the coins.

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but like how do i make the pets send and damage the npc

You’ll need to develop your own systems for this, the majority of them are relatively easy such as the pet following system. You can use resources such as LuaBearyGood’s pet system.

Someone here already posted that you will need to use Health values as well. You can link the Mouse.Button1Down signal to a remote that checks for the health of a box and rewards coins if it’s below 0, elsewhere it will take the health of the box down.

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but how do i make so the player can mine the coins and get coins

can i get the link of the coin system like the link to devforum

You’ll need to program it yourself.

but idk how to use remotes to link a button to check


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