How to stop night eating syndrome

This article is more than 8 years old.

If you or someone you know is engaging in repetitive nighttime eating–even without being hungry–you may want to pay attention to some recent research about this concerning behavior.

Based on a new study, an uncommon eating disorder whose hallmark is excessive eating at nighttime, but not always outright binging, may be a warning sign of more serious mental health issues, and should be taken seriously.

The research was published in the Journal of Adolescent Health online, February 3.

Investigators reviewed mental health history and prevalence of eating disorders in nearly 1,600 university students and discovered that close to 4 percent of students met night eating syndrome criteria. They also found that close to a third of those who met criteria also engaged in binge eating.

While those with night eating syndrome may consume most of their calories at night, additional important features include no significant caloric consumption or appetite in the morning, and the feeling that it is essential to eat in order to get back to sleep.  Based on the study, occasional late night snacks were not a concern unless they occurred more frequently or on a nightly basis.

According to the researchers, it is important to separate night eating from binge eating because available treatments and management for night eating are different than other eating disorders, which may also coexist.

Individuals with night eating syndrome (NES) often describe feelings such as lack of control over their eating behaviors, resulting in feelings of guilt and shame related to their condition.

It is also important to distinguish between sleep-related eating disorder, (SRED) a disorder which has received a significant amount of media attention, and night eating syndrome. People with SRED eat while sleepwalking, or while in a twilight state between sleep and being awake. People with SRED are not aware of what they’re doing, and often they may wake up to discover dishes or food  in their bed, and have no memory of eating at all. A high percentage of these patients typically use prescription sleeping medications.  By contrast, those with night eating syndrome are fully awake and aware of what they are consuming–with no memory deficits or lack of recall for their nightly eating rituals.

Results of the recent study published Feb 3 indicate that night eating was also common in the students taking medications for ADHD, as well as those with anorexia nervosa.  As a result, it is possible that other disorders may increase the risk of developing a nighttime eating syndrome.

Based upon classification criteria in the newest psychiatric DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-5) night eating disorder is a distinct diagnosis.   While the  hallmark of the syndrome is often defined by increased appetite at night, it commonly is characterized by so called “grazing” on food during the evening, as opposed to outright binging–and also may include waking up during the night to eat.  Often the urge to eat is linked to the feeling it that it will improve sleep or allow the person to get back to sleep.

According to the National Institutes of Mental Health, night eating syndrome affects an estimated 1-2 percent of the population, equally prevalent in both men and women.

Another study from JAMA noted that by 6 p.m., people with night eating syndrome consumed just about a third of their daily caloric intake, while those without the condition had consumed close to seventy five percent. Those who ate predominantly at night consumed 56% of daily calories, while those without the condition consumed only 15%, from the hours of 8 p.m. to 6 a.m.

Night eaters in this study were also much more likely than other individuals to have an addiction problem. Other research indicates that people with night eating syndrome tend to suffer from a distinct form of depression. In contrast to the usual pattern where depression is more pronounced in the early part of the day, night eaters tend to become more depressed during the evening.

Results of the recently published study, Feb 3 indicated that participants generally consumed more calories at night. The take-away was that college students under stress with erratic and inadequate amounts of sleep place them at risk for night eating.

The bulk of earlier research into night eating was based on data from smaller studies and did not take into account the possibility of binge eating disorder which can also be found in night time eaters.

So a question the researchers set out to answer, was how common night eating syndrome is, and what are the predisposing risks and factors.

In a separate sub-analysis designed to answer this question, data was examined from a 2008 survey of students from 10 U.S. universities, involving 1,636 students, of which 60 percent were young females and 74 percent were white. Additionally, close to 60 percent of the students were also involved in competitive sports.

The survey, which was online, evaluated height and weight, plus had questions evaluating night eating, eating disorders and health-related quality of life. Night Eating Questionnaire (NEQ) scores were then tabulated to and used as a tool to diagnose night eating syndrome.

Binge eating was also measured by students’ reports of details such as a feeling of loss of control over eating. Recurrent binge eating was defined as binge eating large amounts of food at least four times during the previous month.

A total of 67 respondents (4.2 percent) met the criteria for night eating syndrome. They were also more likely than other students to have other eating-disorder behaviors such as excessive laxative use, compulsive exercise and purging, as well as lower quality of life. Another 222 students (14 percent) appeared to be binge eaters.

Of the 67 students with night eating syndrome, 22 were also binge eaters. Excluding the binge eaters from the group of students with night eating syndrome reduced the prevalence of night eating to 2.9 percent.

A history of depression and self-injuring was more common among those with night eating disorder.

Medical Effects of Night Eating Syndrome

Those with night eating syndrome may also display concerning behaviors found in those with other eating disorders, which may predispose them not only to  emotional or psychological effects, but to serious medical problems including weight gain, the metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and elevated blood pressure.

Individuals with night eating syndrome often have a history of substance abuse, and may also suffer from depression. They typically report being more depressed at night. They also frequently have sleep disorders.

Recognition and awareness of night eating syndrome is vital so individuals can be referred for treatment. It is especially important to be aware of persons waking up and eating multiple times throughout the night, concurrent with missing food and progressive weight gain.

Signs and Clues Suggesting Night Eating Syndrome

Those with night eating syndrome may be overweight or obese, but can  also be close to normal weight as well. They may also feel as though they have no control over their eating behavior, eat in secret and  even when they are not hungry. They may also feel shame and remorse over their behavior.

Some may hide food out of shame or embarrassment. Those with night eating syndrome typically eat rapidly, eating more than most people would in a similar time period and may also feel a loss of control over their eating. Some may eat even when they are not hungry and continue eating even when they are uncomfortably full. Feeling embarrassed by the amount they eat, they typically eat alone to minimize their embarrassment. They often feel guilt, depression, disgust, distress or a combination of these symptoms.

Those with night-eating syndrome eat a majority of their food during the evening. They generally eat little or nothing in the morning, and wake up during the night and typically fill up on high-calorie snacks.

Traits of patients with night-eating syndrome may include being overweight, frequent failed attempts at dieting, depression or anxiety, substance abuse, concern about weight and shape, perfectionism and a negative self-image.

Etiology of Night Eating Syndrome

The exact cause of night eating syndrome is not clear, as well as its link to addiction and depression. One theory is that night eating syndrome involves a disruption in the hormones that regulate sleep, appetite, and mood–specifically, an alteration or disruption in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.  It is possible that night eating syndrome may be a form of “self-medication”, since a large proportion of snacking late at night generally involves carbohydrate-rich or “comfort” type foods.

There may also be a number of contributing factors to night eating syndrome. Some college students may develop the habit of nighttime eating, and this may continue into adulthood. Those with night eating syndrome may also be high achievers who work through lunch, and may then make up the caloric debt by eating more at night.

Night eating syndrome can also be viewed as a response to dieting. With restriction of calories during the day, persons typically overcompensate at night by eating greater amounts. Night eating may also be a response to stress bottled up during the day, with eating serving as a way to self- medicate, according to some persons with the syndrome.

Treatments For Night Eating Syndrome

Consistent with other eating disorders, successful treatment of night eating syndrome generally requires a combination of therapies.

Educating patients about their condition is an important first step in therapy for night eating syndrome, primarily so they develop a greater awareness of their eating behaviors and can begin to identify triggers that influence how they eat.

Potential treatments of night eating syndrome may include nutrition assessment and therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), exercise physiology, dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), interpersonal therapy (IT) along with management of stress. Online support groups as well as individual counseling may also help patients reduce symptoms and gain independence and control over the syndrome.

Identification of individuals with night eating syndrome and referral for further evaluation is essential in order to help identify other important issues such as underlying depression and substance abuse that require further attention.

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