How to write a letter to a ceo about missing

How to write a letter to a ceo about missing

To, The Registrar, __________ (University Name),

__________ (Address)

Subject: Issuance of result _________ (University roll number)

I would most respectfully state that my name is _________ (name) and I am a student of _________ (year/ department) of your esteemed University having roll number _________ (University roll number).

I am writing this letter to state that the result for my batch was declared on __/__/____ (Date) but unfortunately, my result was not available on the portal. As per the records my result is ________ (RLA/missing/any other). I request you to kindly look into the matter and do the needful.

I shall be highly obliged for your kind support.

Thanking You, _________ (Name), _________ (Roll Number),

_________ (Contact Number)

When you're required to formally notify your employer in writing when you have either missed work, won't be able to come to work, or would like to take a day off, it's important to write a professional email message or letter with the basic details of why you were or will be absent. Even if you're not required to provide a formal excuse, it's a good idea to send a short email to explain your absence.

Companies may require employees to provide a written letter of excuse or send an email message when they miss time from work for doctor’s appointments or for other reasons. In addition, you may need to request a formal leave of absence in writing. If you're taking a personal day off, you may be required to request that in writing as well.

If you're sending an email to say you won't be in the office today, a brief message should be sufficient to provide your boss with appropriate notice. If you're requesting a leave of absence or other extended time off, however, you will need to provide more detailed information in your request. 

Send your message as soon as you know that you will need time away from work.

The more advance notice you can provide, the easier it will be for the company to arrange to cover your workload and the more amenable they will be to granting your request. 

These sample letters and email messages with excuses for missing work can and should be edited to fit your own personal circumstances—you shouldn’t simply copy-and-paste them.

Also see below for tips on what—and what not—to include in your request for a leave of absence letter.

When you're providing an excuse for missing work, there's no need to provide too much information. Keep your message as simple as possible, but include basic information regarding why you weren't at work, and when you will return.

Subject: Absence From Work - Your Name

Dear Mr./Mrs. Lastname,

I’m writing to inform you that I was absent from work on June 11, 2021, due to illness. I was unable to report to work that day because I had to go to the urgent care clinic. I was treated and told to go home and rest for the remainder of the day.

Please let me know if you need more information, and thank you for understanding.


Your Name

When you're requesting a personal day off from work, you don't need to provide a reason. Simply request the time off, giving as much notice as possible.

Whenever possible, try to schedule days off when you know the office will be covered and there aren't urgent deadlines to meet.

Subject: Personal Day - Your Name

Dear Mr./Mrs. Lastname,

I'd like to take a personal day off from work on Monday, July 22.

Please let me know if that's convenient, and I appreciate your consideration. Thank you!


Your Name

If you find that you need a leave of absence, your employer will expect you to explain why this is so necessary for you. Your absence will both inconvenience them and perhaps cost them time or money if they need to find a temporary replacement for you. Your letter should thus include an adequate reason for your request, supported by the following logistical details: 

  • The date(s) you won't be available to work.
  • The date you will return to work, if you know it.
  • An offer to help while you're out of the office, if that's feasible.
  • An offer to complete all outstanding projects/client work before your leave begins, if time allows.
  • An offer to provide documentation if you are requesting a medical or military leave of absence.
  • The email and/or phone number where your employer can contact you if they have a question.
  • Any other additional information required by your employer, if they have a formal policy to request sick time or leave from your job.

Think carefully about how much personal information you want to share with your employer regarding your excuse or request for a leave of absence.

You don’t want your employer to think that you are prevaricating or that your absence may be paving the way for a permanent departure.

  • Don't include too much information. You don't need to provide all of the details of a medical problem or a personal crisis. Keep your letter short and simple.
  • Don't make something up or include any information that can't be verified. Stick to the facts because your employer may ask for a note from your doctor to substantiate your request.
  • Do keep it simple. Provide the information your employer requires, but keep your email or letter short and simple.