If the selling price of a product is Rs 150 and it was sold at 25 loss what was the cost price

Janki sold her leather purse at 8 percent loss. If she had sold it for 150 rupees more, she would have made a profit of 12 percent. Find selling price of thepurse

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How to calculate cost price using sell price and loss percent?

We know that Cost Price = Selling price + Loss

                    Cost Price = Selling Price + \(\frac{Loss Percentage × cost price}{100}\)

                    Cost Price - \(\frac{Loss Percentage × cost price}{100}\) = Selling Price

                    Cost Price[1 - \(\frac{Loss Percentage}{100}\)] = Selling Price

                    Cost Price [\(\frac{100 - Loss Percentage}{100}\)] = Selling Price

Also, Cost Price = \(\frac{Selling Price × 100}{100 - Loss Percentage}\) (on Cross Multiplication);

Here, Selling Price and Loss% is known.

Solved examples will help us to find cost price when the selling price and loss% are known:

1. By selling a bicycle for $135, a shopkeeper loses 10%. How much percent would he gain or lose by selling it for $165?


Given selling price = $135                            

Loss % = 10%                                                     

We know, cost price = \(\frac{Selling Price × 100}{100 - Loss Percentage}\) 

                              = \(\frac{135 × 100}{100 - 10}\)                                            

                              = \(\frac{135 × 100}{90}\)

                              = \(\frac{13500}{100 - 10}\)

                              = 150

Therefore, cost price of the bicycle = $150

Now, if the selling price = $165, then gain = $165 - $150 = $15

Therefore, gain% = \(\frac{Gain}{Cost Price}\) × 100

                        = \(\frac{15}{150}\) × 100

                        = \(\frac{1500}{150}\)

                        = 10%

Therefore, he would have gained 10%.

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How to calculate selling price using cost and loss percent?

We know, Selling Price = cost price - loss

              Selling Price = cost price - \(\frac{Loss Percentage × Cost Price}{100}\)

              Selling Price = \(\frac{100 × Cost Price - Loss Percentage × Cost Price}{100}\)

              Selling Price = Cost Price (\(\frac{100 - Loss Percentage}{100}\)), [Here, cost price and loss% are known.]

Solved examples will help us to find selling price when the cost price and loss% are known:

1. Shelly bought a dress for $150 and sold it to Jenny there by suffering a loss of 10%. Find the selling price of the dress.


Given cost price = $150

Loss % = 10%                                                      

We know, selling price =  Cost Price (\(\frac{100 - Loss Percentage}{100}\))

                              =  150 (\(\frac{100 - 10}{100}\))     

                              =  150 (\(\frac{90}{100}\))      

                              =  (\(\frac{150 × 90}{100}\))                  

                              = 9 × 15

                              = $135        

Therefore, selling price of the dress is $135.       

2. Mike bought a laptop for $800 and sold it to Jack there by suffering a loss of 12%. Find the selling price of the laptop.


Given cost price = $800                 

Loss % = 12%                                                      

We know, selling price = Cost Price (\(\frac{100 - Loss Percentage}{100}\))

                              = 800 (\(\frac{100 - 12}{100}\))              

                              = \(\frac{800 × 88}{100}\)                       

                              = 88 × 8

                              = $724        

Therefore, selling price of the laptop is $724.                     

3. By selling a chair for $372, Daisy loses 7%. At what price must she sell it to gain 10%.


Given selling price = $ 372                           

Loss % = 7%

We know, Cost Price = \(\frac{Selling Price × 100}{100 - Loss Percentage}\) 

Therefore, cost price = \(\frac{372 × 100}{100 - 7}\)          

                              = \(\frac{372 × 100}{93}\)   

                              = $400                                                  

Now cost price = $400                                                   

Gain% = 10%                                                                     

Therefore, selling price = Cost Price [\(\frac{100 + Gain Percentage}{100}\)]

                               = 400 [\(\frac{100 + 10}{100}\)]                    

                               = 110 × 4

                               = $440            

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