Is a single infinitive phrase that states precisely what a speaker hopes to accomplish in his or her speech?

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SELECTING A TOPIC AND PURPOSE Notes for Effective Speech (CAS 100) Adapted from Stephen Lucas, The Art of Public Speaking

Decide Where to Begin • Methods • Make an inventory of your expertise. • Focus on social issues of consequence. • Pick a topic that you • Are drawn to; • Want to know more about.

Steer Clear of Overused and Trivial Topics • Stay away from overused topics. • Consider topics that yield fresh insights. • Beware of choosing highly charged topics.

Try Brainstorming to Generate Ideas • Word association • Write down a single topic. • Write things that come to mind. • Continue until you have 15 -20 items. • Narrow the list. • Select the best topic.

Try Brainstorming to Generate Ideas (cont. ) • Topic (mind) mapping • Write a potential topic on paper. • Write down related ideas around it. • A topic map • Allows you to visualize relationships; • Spurs creative thinking.

General Purpose: The broad goal of a speech.

Specific Purpose Statement: A single infinitive phrase that states precisely what a speaker hopes to accomplish in his or her speech.

Guidelines for the Specific Purpose Statement • Write as a full infinitive phrase • Express as a statement, not as a question • Avoid figurative language • Limit to one distinct idea • Avoid being too vague or general

Write the Specific Purpose as a Full Infinitive Phrase Ineffective: Calendars More Effective: To inform my audience about the four major kinds of calendars used in the world today.

Express the Specific Purpose as a Statement, Not as a Question Ineffective: Is the U. S. space program necessary? More Effective: To persuade my audience that the U. S. space program provides many important benefits to people here on earth.

Avoid Figurative Language in the Specific Purpose Statement Ineffective: To inform my audience that yoga is extremely cool. More effective: To inform my audience how yoga can improve their health.

Limit the Specific Purpose to One Distinct Idea Ineffective: To persuade my audience to become literacy tutors and to donate time to the Special Olympics.

More effective: To persuade my audience to become literacy tutors. OR More effective: To persuade my audience to donate time to the Special Olympics.

Be sure the Specific Purpose is not too vague or general Ineffective: To inform my audience about the Civil War. More Effective: To inform my audience about the role of African-American soldiers in the Civil War.

Questions to Ask About Your Specific Purpose • Does my purpose meet the assignment? • Can I accomplish my purpose in the time allotted? • Is the purpose relevant to my audience? • Is the purpose too trivial for my audience? • Is the purpose too technical for my audience?


Central Idea: A one-sentence statement that sums up or encapsulates the major ideas of a speech.

Guidelines for the Central Idea • Express as a full sentence • Do not express as a question • Avoid figurative language • Do not be vague or overly general

Make Sure the Central Idea is Not Too General Ineffective: More Effective: Paying college athletes a salary is a good idea. Because college athletes in revenue-producing sports such as football and basketball generate millions of dollars in revenue for their schools, the NCAA should allow such athletes to receive a $250 monthly salary as part of their scholarships.

State the Central Idea as a Complete Sentence Ineffective: Uses of the laser. More Effective: The laser is a highly versatile device with important uses in medicine, industry, art, and communications.

State the Central Idea as a Statement, Not as a Question Ineffective: How does indoor soccer differ from outdoor soccer? More Effective: Played on a smaller, enclosed field that resembles a hockey rink with artificial turf, indoor soccer involves faster action, more scoring, and different strategies than outdoor soccer.

Avoid Figurative Language in the Central Idea Ineffective: Mexico’s Yucatan peninsula is an awesome place for a vacation. More Effective: Mexico’s Yucatan peninsula has many attractions for vacationers, including a warm climate, excellent food, and extensive Mayan ruins.

General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: To inform my audience of the three major races in alpine skiing. Central Idea: The three major races in alpine skiing are the downhill, the slalom, and the giant slalom. Now move on to your…

Main Points: 1. The first major race in alpine skiing is the downhill. 2. The second major race in alpine skiing is the slalom. 3. The third major race in alpine skiing is the giant slalom.

Residual Message What a speaker wants the audience to remember after it has forgotten everything else in a speech


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