Is eating fruit a good way to lose weight

Weight Loss Tips: Fruits to steer away from if looking to lose weight.

Weight Loss Tips: Losing weight requires patience, and lots of hard work to get to the desired goal. It requires you to engage in physical activities, and most importantly eat a healthy diet. You cannot eat healthy one day, and reward yourself with something indulgent the next day and expect your calories to stop taking count of calories. Most health experts suggest adding fibre and protein-rich foods to your diet, so as to stay full for longer which would further prevent you from overeating. It is advisable to consume a diet rich in whole grains, lean-meats, nuts and seeds, low-fat dairy products and fresh fruits and vegetables to lose weight the healthy way. But did you know, not all fresh fruits are meant to be consumed while you are on a weight loss journey? While they are considered healthy, some fruits do not make it to the list of foods that help you lose weight efficiently; majorly because they are excessively sweet, or have a high calorie count. Read on to know more about these fruits that you shouldn't have while you are trying to lose weight.

(Also Read: Should You Eat Fruits Before Or After A Meal?)

Fruits you should avoid if you are trying to lose weight

1. Avocado

Any high-calorie fruit should be consumed less. One of these high-calorie fruits is avocado; it is said that 100 gram of this fruit contains about 160 calories. While avocado is a good source of healthy fats, it can up your numbers on the weighing scale easily when consumed beyond reasonable amounts. This doesn't mean you completely eliminate it out of your diet, it is best to eat this fruit in moderation.

2. Coconut Meat

While coconut water is considered great for health, coconut meat - the white, soft flesh found at the bottom of the coconuts may add body mass if consumed in large quantities. It is high in calories and carbohydrates. Coconut meat is sweet in taste but those watching their weight may want to stay away from it.

3. Dry Fruits

Dry fruits like prunes, raisins, et al have more calories as they are void of water content. It is said that one gram of raisins may contain more calories as compared to grapes. So, about a cup of raisins contains 500 calories and one cup of prunes contains over 450 calories, which is a lot if you are watching your weight. It is best to eat dry fruits in limited quantities.

(Also Read: Should You Eat Fruits On An Empty Stomach?)

4. Banana

Yes, you read that right! Banana is super-healthy, but it is something you cannot have in excess. Bananas come loaded with calories and have excessive natural sugars present in it. One banana has about 150 calories, which is about 37.5 grams of carbohydrates. So, if you are someone who consumes 2-3 bananas every day, chances are this could lead to weight gain. It is best to have just one banana a day. Being low in glycaemic index, banana can, in fact, make for a healthy snack when enjoyed in moderation.

5. Mango

Tropical fruits like pineapple and mango may have hidden calories that can hinder your weight loss plans. It is best to avoid these fruits that are excessively sweet too.

All these fruits are healthy, and at no point should you fear consuming them! But eating them in large quantities could slow down your weight loss journey. It is best to practice portion control and lose weight the healthy way.

Cherries, grapes, white peaches. Bananas, apricots, cantaloupe. Watermelon, apples, pears. We could go on and on, but we'll get to the heart of it: Fruit is refreshing, delicious, and affordable. It's also really darn good for you and can help amp up your weight loss efforts—big time. To that end, we tapped dietitians to share all the amazing ways fruit can fill you up and slim you down. Read on, and for more on how to eat healthy, don't miss 15 Underrated Weight Loss Tips That Actually Work.


"Fruit is low in calories but high in nutrients including fiber, which helps you feel full not just for the short term, but for many hours between meals. This often leads to less calories eaten and can therefore help manage your weight," comments Joanna Foley, RD, CLT.

Speaking of filling up, not all fruits are created equal. What's one of your best bets for filling up between or during meals to curb overeating? Every millennials' favorite: Avocados. "Avocados are one of the highest-fiber fruits and also have the benefit of providing healthy fats which also helps keep you full," she says, noting that there are many ways to load up on avocados from slipping them into smoothies to adding them to sandwiches as a healthy, satiating topping.

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"Eating fruit high in flavonoids may help with weight control and limit weight gain. Several classes of flavonoids have been shown to decrease energy intake which can assist with weight loss," says Tara Tomaino, RD, Registered Dietitian at The Park, a New Jersey-based work-life campus that offers wellness and concierge services, from The Connell Company. Just check out this research. "Strawberries and blueberries are two fruits high in flavonoids that should be included in a healthy diet. Add these richly colored berries to your day by topping oatmeal, cereal, or yogurt with sliced strawberries. Frozen berries are great added to a bowl of Greek yogurt or to a whole grain muffin mix," she adds.6254a4d1642c605c54bf1cab17d50f1e


"The fiber in fruit causes your blood sugar to not spike so much [compared to meals that don't contain fiber after eating] and makes your body respond better to insulin. Improved insulin sensitivity helps manage your weight," says Foley. "Berries are particularly great for balancing blood sugar and burning fat, and can be easily added to smoothies, oatmeal, yogurt, or eaten by themselves for a delicious and nutritious treat." Already a berry aficionado? These are the best states for berry picking.

READ MORE: 8 Low-Carb Fruits For Weight Loss


Kick off a cycle of habits beneficial for you by making an effort to eat fruit every single day. "Making healthy choices (such as eating fruit) can often increase motivation to make other healthy lifestyle changes, which add up and can promote weight loss over time," comments Diana Gariglio-Clelland, RD, dietitian for Next Luxury. For some of the best weight-loss-friendly fruits, check out the nine best fruits for weight loss, approved by a nutritionist.


Instead of reaching for that pint of sorbet after dinner, a handful of frozen grapes may very well do the trick—without added sugar and with plenty of antioxidants and other polyphenols, says Toby Amidor, MS, RD, CDN, FAND award-winning nutrition expert and partner with Grapes from California. "Instead of soda, which is the number one way Americans get added sugar, replace it with a fruit smoothie," she also suggests.

Echoing Amidor, Gariglio-Clelland shares "fruit is naturally rich in sugar, making it a sweet alternative for added sugars in traditional desserts. Swapping ice cream for berries with a splash of cream is a decadent but more healthy treat, as is a fresh fruit smoothie without added sugars." Berries and cream coming right up, you don't have to tell us twice.


Mmmm, bring on the good-for-you gut bacteria. "Eating fruit can improve the diversity of your gut bacteria, which research shows plays an important role in weight management," comments Foley. "Apples contain a type of prebiotic fiber that helps feed the healthy bacteria in your gut," she adds, noting that some excellent ways to enjoy apples if you're not just chomping down on a whole fruit include slicing them into salads or oatmeal.

READ MORE: 9 Ways Bananas Can Help You Lose Weight, Say Dietitians


Many fruits are good for your waistline, but let's hear it for this summer favorite. "Watermelon, when consumed as a part of an overall anti-inflammatory diet may support weight loss. Participants in a study who consumed a more anti-inflammatory diet including watermelon experienced a reduction in body fat," says Tomaino, pointing to this research. "The high water content of watermelon promotes a feeling of fullness which may prevent overeating. Whip up a salad with watermelon, feta cheese, and mint leaves or blend watermelon with ice and lime juice to create a refreshing slushie," she suggests.

For more, check out The #1 Best Fruit To Eat, According to a Dietitian.


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