1-mile walk test average heart rate

Woman's feet walking on brick path

Image Credit: BAaAej Ayjak/iStock/Getty Images

Checking your heart rate after walking just one mile may not seem to be very useful. But it can provide useful information, for both the new exerciser and for the recreational athlete. If you are just starting an exercise program, particularly a walk program, it can indicate if you are exercising efficiently. For the athlete, it can provide a measurement of aerobic capacity, called VO2 max, which traditionally has required an expensive laboratory test.

Walking Heart Rate and Aerobic Exercise

For cardiovascular fitness, it is best to exercise at around 60 to 80 percent of maximum heart rate, and is frequently called the aerobic zone. This is also the best intensity level for losing weight. For new exercisers who have been sedentary, a low-intensity program like walking is often recommended. Even in a walking workout, reaching the 60 to 80 percent maximum heart rate range is important.

Calculating Maximum Heart Rate

A number of different calculations and tests can be help you determine your maximum heart rate. You've probably heard of the 220-age formula. Unfortunately, research has shown that this calculation can be off by 10 to 20 beats per minute for over half the population, and off by more than that for one-third of those who use it. Author and former collegiate champion John L. Parker, Jr. recommends using 205 minus one-half your age and adding five beats for women and long-time runners.

Regardless of how the maximum heart rate is calculated, simply multiply by 0.6 and 0.8 to find the target heart rate zone for exercise. For example, Mary is 42 years old and starting her walking program. Using Parker's formula, her maximum heart rate would be 205 – (42 X 0.5) = 184 + 5 (for being female) = 189 beats per minute. Her training heart rate range would be 189 X 0.6 and 189 X 0.8, or 113 to 152 beats per minute. If her heart rate after walking 1 mile is in that range, she's exercising at the best intensity.

Walking Heart Rate and the Talk Test

There is a way to validate the aerobic zone and whether the heart rate shown on your heart rate monitor is in that zone. It's called the Talk Test. It is a subjective test, and is based on the ability to breathe comfortably and rhythmically throughout the entire workout. You should be able to carry on a conversation with someone while exercising, without having to stop and catch your breath. If you can do that, then you're in the aerobic zone.

Walking Heart Rate and VO2 Max

VO2 max is another indicator of physical fitness. It is defined as the maximum amount of oxygen your body can use during exertion. It's considered by many who study exercise science to be the most valid measurement of cardiovascular fitness, and VO2 max can be increased through aerobic training.

VO2 max can be determined by a 1-mile walk test, using your heart rate at the end of the walk. This is often called the Rockport Walk Test. You'll need a flat, measured 1-mile course, such as a track, and a heart rate monitor. Walk 1 mile as fast as possible, and measure your heart rate immediately upon finishing. Record the time it took to complete the walk. Using one of the fitness calculators online, such as those at ExRx.net or Why I Exercise, enter your weight, age, sex, heart rate and time for the walk. The calculator will then determine your VO2 max. You can compare this number to your age group to determine level of fitness.

The Rockport walking test is an evaluation you can self-administer to determine your cardiovascular fitness. The aim of the test is to measure your VO2 max, the maximum amount of oxygen you can utilize during intense exercise, measured in milliliters of oxygen used per kilogram of body weight per minute (ml/kg/min).

The Rockport walking test was developed in 1986 by physiologists and cardiologists at the Department of Exercise Science at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

Preparing for the Rockport Walking Test

The Rockport walking test evaluates the capacity of your lungs in relation to the volume of exercise you can tolerate. It is designed for both women and men between the ages of 20 and 69.

Before performing this or any fitness test, it is always best to check with your healthcare provider. The test requires you to push your physical limits and may not be appropriate for everyone. People with certain health conditions should only participate in the test the supervision of a medical or fitness professional.

Items needed to perform the test include:

  • Accurate scale (that measures in pounds)
  • Good pair of walking shoes
  • Level 1-mile (1.6-kilometer) track or treadmill
  • Stopwatch
  • Walking clothes

You would also need something to measure your heart rate. You can either take your own pulse, purchase a heart rate monitor, or use a fitness tracker, like the Fitbit Charge, that has both a heart monitor and stopwatch function.

A 2011 study published in Military Medicine concluded that the Rockport walking test compared favorably to the Air Force 1.5-mile running test in assessing cardiovascular fitness.

Because it is less strenuous, the Rockport walking test may be more appropriate for adults who are older, overweight, or sedentary.

How the Test Is Performed

To take the Rockport walking test, you will need to find a level, 1-mile course. High school tracks are usually ideal. For most of these tracks, four laps around the innermost lane equal one mile.

You can also use an online mapping app to measure out a 1-mile course on an unobstructed path or walkway with no stop signs, ditches, barriers, or elevation. Even a rise of 3% alter the outcome of the test.

To perform the Rockport walking test:

  1. Warm up for 5 to 10 minutes with easy walking.
  2. Start your stopwatch and immediately start walking as fast as you can. Make every effort to push yourself, but avoid jogging.
  3. At the end of the 1 mile, stop your stopwatch and record your time in decimals. For example, 11 minutes plus (30 seconds ÷ 60 seconds) = 11.5 minutes.
  4. Take your heart rate immediately. If taking your own pulse, count the heartbeats for 15 seconds and multiply by four. For example, if there are 40 heartbeats in 15 seconds, your heart rate would be 160 beats per minute (bpm).

Calculating Your VO2 Max

Upon completion of the test, you will need to do some math to determine your VO2 max. In addition to your heart rate, you will also need to measure your weight in pounds. The formula is as follows:

VO2 max = 132.853 - (0.0769 x your weight in pounds) - (0.3877 x your age) + (6.315 if you are male or 0 if you are female) - (3.2649 x your walking time) - (0.1565 x your heart rate at the end of the test)

For example, if you are a 33-year-old man who weighs 160 pounds and completed the test in 11 minutes, 30 seconds with a post-exercise heart rate of 160 bpm, you would calculate your VO2 max as follows:

  • 132.853 - (0.0769 x 160 pounds) = 120.549
  • 120.549 - (0.3877 x 33 years of age) = 107.7549
  • 107.7549 + (6.315 because you are male) = 114.0699
  • 114.0699 - (3.2649 x 11.5 minutes) = 76.52355
  • 76.52355 - (0.1565 x 160 bpm) = 51.48355

Rounding off to the first three digits, your VO2 max would be 51.5 ml/kg/min.

If you aren't comfortable with long math, there are a number of online calculators you can use that allow you to plug in the individual values.

Grading Your Results

To determine your cardiovascular fitness, you would grade your VO2 max results based on your age and gender.

VO2 Max Norms for Women
Age Very Poor Poor Fair Good Excellent Superior
13-19 Under 25.0 25.0-30.9 31.0-34.9 35.0-38.9 39.0-41.9 Over 41.9
20-29 Under 23.6 23.6-28.9 29.0-32.9 33.0-36.9 37.0-41.0 Over 41.0
30-39 Under 22.8 22.8-26.9 27.0-31.4 31.5-35.6 35.7-40.0 Over 40.0
40-49 Under 21.0 21.0-24.4 24.5-28.9 29.0-32.8 32.9-36.9 Over 36.9
50-59 Under 20.2 20.2-22.7 22.8-26.9 27.0-31.4 31.5-35.7 Over 35.7
60+ Under 17.5 17.5-20.1 20.2-24.4 24.5-30.2 30.3-31.4

Over 31.4

VO2 Max Norms for Men
Age Very Poor Poor Fair Good Excellent Superior
13-19 Under 35.0 35.0-38.3 38.4-45.1 45.2-50.9 51.0-55.9 Over 55.9
20-29 Under 33.0 33.0-36.4 36.5-42.4 42.5-46.4 46.5-52.4 Over 52.4
30-39 Under 31.5 31.5-35.4 35.5-40.9 41.0-44.9 45.0-49.4 Over 49.4
40-49 Under 30.2 30.2-33.5 33.6-38.9 39.0-43.7 43.8-48.0 Over 48.0
50-59 Under 26.1 26.1-30.9 31.0-35.7 35.8-40.9 41.0-45.3 Over 45.3
60+ Under 20.5 20.5-26.0 26.1-32.2 32.3-36.4 36.5-44.2 Over 44.2

The results can help your doctor or personal trainer design the appropriate fitness plan based on your exercise tolerance. The Rockport walking test can also be used to track your progress every couple of months to see if you have improved.

A Word From Verywell

The Rockport walking test is a valuable tool for anyone wanting to approach exercise safely, especially those who are out of shape or have physical limitations. It provides you a baseline from which improve and should not discourage you if the value is low. By steadily increasing the duration and intensity of your workouts, your fitness will improve and, with it, your VO2 max.

When first starting, don't go all out and exercise at 100% of your VO2 max. Instead, start with low-intensity exercise (20 to 39%) for the first few weeks and gradually intensify to moderate intensity (40 to 59%).

It often helps to work with a personal trainer who can help you design a fitness strategy with specific goals and timetables.

Verywell Fit uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

Additional Reading

  • Kline GM, Porcari JP, Hintermeister R, et al. Estimation of VO2max from a one-mile track walk, gender, age, and body weight. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1987;19(3):253-259.

By Wendy Bumgardner
Wendy Bumgardner is a freelance writer covering walking and other health and fitness topics and has competed in more than 1,000 walking events.

Thanks for your feedback!

What is a good heart rate for a 1 mile walk?

For the high end of your target heart rate, multiply 220 bpm minus your age by 0.85 (85 percent). For example, for a 40-year-old it'd be 180 bpm x 0.85 = 153 bpm. For this person, their target heart rate while walking would be between 90 and 153 beats per minute.

What is a normal heart rate while walking around?

20: 100–170 beats per minute.


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