34 inches tall 2 year old

Children come in all shapes and sizes. Some are short, some are tall, some are stout and some are thin. Both genetic and environmental factors influence height and weight. The average height and weight of children varies by gender, age, race, ethnicity and nationality. Parents and medical providers monitor a child's height and weight to identify health problems and assure that the child is developing normally.


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Growth Charts

Medical providers consult growth charts when they evaluate a child's height and weight. Growth charts display the average weight and height of children according to age and gender. Doctors weigh the child, measure his height, and then find the child's percentile ranking on the growth chart compared to children of the same gender and age. Within a specific age and gender, there is a wide range of body types, heights and weights that are considered normal. A child's height or weight is broadly defined as average or normal if it lies within the fifth to 95th percentile.


Girls’ Average Height

You can review the average height of a toddler-aged child using growth charts, such as those available online at Kids Growth. The average height for a 12-month-old girl is 30.5 inches, and the normal range goes from just over 27 inches to about 31 inches. The average height for a 24-month-old girl is about 34 inches, with a normal range of about 31.5 to 36 inches. At 36 months, girls average about 37.5 inches in height, and have a normal range of just under 35 to 40 inches.


Boys Average Height

The average height for 12-month-old boys is just under 30 inches, with a normal range of just under 28 inches to just under 32 inches. Twenty-four-month-old boys average about 34.5 inches in height, and have a normal range from 32 to 36.7 inches. The average 36-month old boy is about 37.7 inches tall, with a normal range of 34.5 to 40.5 inches.

Girls Average Weight

Just like average height, average weight is estimated using growth charts. The average weight for a 12-month old girl is about 20 lbs., ranging normally from just over 19 to 27.5 lbs. The average weight for a 24-month-old girl is about 26.5 lbs. ranging from 22.5 to 32 lbs. Thirty-six-month-old girls weigh an average of 30.5 lbs., and range from 25.5 to 38 lbs.


Boys Average Weight

The average weight for 12-month-old boys is just less than 23 lbs., with a normal range of 17.5 to 27 lbs. Twenty-four-month-old boys average about 28 lbs., and have a normal range from 23.5 to 33.5 lbs. The average 36-month-old boy is about 31.5 lbs., and ranges from 26.5 to about 38 lbs.

Rate of Change

A child's height or weight at a particular age relative to other children is not the most critical indicator of problems with health or development. Sudden changes in a child's pattern of growth functions as a more important signal of potential problems. Height and weight increase slowly and steadily over time, but doctors become concerned if a child's ranking changes drastically from year to year. For example, a child who moves from the 60th to 40th percentile in height over the course of a year causes greater concern than a child who is consistently at the 10th percentile.


Potential Health Problems

A toddler may have health problems if she displays a significant discrepancy between the percentile ranking for her weight and height. For example, a 3 year old in the 30th percentile for weight but 80th percentile for height may be underweight. A child who has different rates of growth for height and weight may also have health problems. For example, a child with metabolic problems may rise or fall suddenly in height relative to weight over the period of a year.

Talk about going to extremes! Two-year-olds are known for their over-the-top expressions of joy, excitement, frustration and sadness, with their moods sometimes changing in the blink of an eye.

by Maria Masters

Medically Reviewed by Lauren Crosby, M.D., F.A.A.P.

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 on March 22, 2022

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Your 2-Year-Old Child

  • Toddler's development
  • Toddler's growth
  • Toddler's health & care
  • Toddler tips & info
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My, how time flies! Your toddler may always be your baby, but, well … she’s not really a baby anymore now that she’s turning 2 years old. Intellectually, that little brain is bursting with activity, arranging dogs and cats into the animal category, pants and shirts into the clothing category.  

Your child's memory is also much more sophisticated than just a few months ago. She’s beginning to understand abstract concepts such as “now” versus “later” and “more” versus “fewer.” It’s been quite the journey — with many fun firsts to come — but there may be a few backward steps along the way too.

Here’s what else you can expect from your 2-year-old.

Your 2-year-old child’s development

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At a Glance

Sleeping basics

Toddlers need about 11 to 14 hours of sleep a day, including an afternoon nap that lasts for about one-and-a-half to two-and-a-half hours.

Feeding basics

Toddlers need about 7 grams of fiber daily — a number that can be hard to hit, if your child is averse to produce. Try offering slices of apple, a few berries, or cubes of sweet potatoes.

Did you know?

By this age, most toddlers can repeat words they overhear in a conversation. Time to watch what you say!

Your toddler may be surprisingly self-sufficient these days — she can take off her socks by herself (and not always when or where you’d like) and “feed” her dolly. 

Your little one can speak and be understood about half the time, and may even be able to carry on a (very) brief conversation … which can lead to some not-so-pretty forms of expression, like whining, screaming and full-out tantrums.

Her moods can vary wildly, with your toddler going from being happy and upbeat one minute to angry and upset the next. Tots this age are known for their big ways of expressing themselves no matter what they're feeling. Talk about dramatic!

And don’t be surprised by your little one's compulsion to ask the question “why?” about a thousand times a day. She’s just eager to learn — and even if she knows the answer, she gets a real kick out of eliciting a response from you. 

Potty training mishaps can also occur around this time — usually the result of an emotional control issue, not a physical one — as can a sudden fear of the kindly pediatrician whom she’s known all her life. Fears of doctors, dentists and haircuts are, in fact, pretty common.

Speaking of bumps in the road, lots of children — even those who used to sleep like logs — may start waking in the night, which is not pleasant for anyone involved. 

The cause of these toddler sleep problems? It could be erupting molars, nightmares or night terrors, fear of the dark, illness or even stress. Your goal: Figure out the problem so you can fix it — and get back to bed!

Your 2-year-old child’s growth

At 2 years old, your toddler is growing, growing, grown — to a length that just might predict her future height. Most 2-year-old girls weigh 19½ to 32½ pounds and measure 31½ to 36½ inches tall. Boys typically weigh 21 to 33½ pounds and measure 32 to 37 inches tall.

In fact, so much growth has happened these past 24 months that, by now, children have generally reached half of their adult height — so simply doubling their current length can give you a rough guesstimate of your tot's future stature. 

As for your toddler’s body shape — chubby thighs, pinchable cheeks, bigger belly — she’s likely to slim down as she gets older, especially if she’s within an average height and weight percentiles right now. Still, if you suspect that your child is showing signs of being overweight, talk to your doctor.   

You can expect the pediatrician to track your child’s height, weight and head circumference on a growth chart for at least another year; after 3 years old, doctors will likely just track weight, height and body mass index.

Your 2-year-old child’s health & care

Time for the 2-year well-child visit — and possibly a newfound fear of the doctor.

2-year well-child visit

For most toddlers, the days of routine shots are nearly over — and that will make routine doctor’s visits a whole lot easier! (One caveat is if your cutie needs to make up a vaccine from a previous appointment. For instance, the first dose of the HepA vaccine needs to be given between 12 and 23 months and the second six months later.) You’ll likely spend the time talking about your 2-year-old’s latest milestones, growth and other developmental skills: their vocabulary, ability to follow directions and more. Read More

Getting ready for doctor’s visits

Rare is the child who enjoys going to the doctor’s office. But if your tot balks at the idea of a checkup, there are ways you can ease her fears. For starters, point out that doctors and nurses have a special job: keeping them healthy and helping them feel better when they’re sick. Read More

Toddler nightmares

Nightmares are more common around the age of 2. As upsetting as they may be, these bad dreams are common ways to process emotions and information, and your child will eventually grow out of them. Read More

UTIs in toddlers

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common in young children who are recently potty trained or still getting the hang of going potty by themselves, in part because they aren’t as good at wiping and washing down there. Some signs of an infection: a fever and chills, urine that looks cloudy, and pain in the lower belly. Read More

Toddler undressing

Just when you finished wrangling your toddler into a pair of pants, she takes them off and runs streaking through the house. Rest assured, like many toddler behaviors, this one is just a phase. Right now, your tot is likely looking for an excuse to show off a newly-acquired skill: undressing. Read More

Toddler tips & info

Transitioning to a toddler bed

Are you ready to bid bye-bye to the crib? While there’s no one right time to transition to a big-kid bed, toddlers should ideally stay in their cribs until as close to age 3 as possible. If, on the other hand, your child is 35 inches tall or is trying to climb out of the crib, it may be time to make the move.

To help your toddler feel more comfortable with the change, try to put the bed in the same place where the crib was, and let her nap in it a few times before sleeping there at night. Keep the bedtime routine the same too — mixing it up now might make the transition even more overwhelming.

All about toddler teeth

Crooked teeth. A gap-toothed grin. Even at their most imperfect, baby teeth can be pretty darn cute. What looks adorable on a toddler, though, might not be as cute on an adult. Luckily, there’s no need to start saving up for braces just now — there’s no direct link between crooked baby teeth and crooked permanent ones.

If, however, your tot’s pearly whites are looking a little less-than-white, she could be showing signs of tooth decay. Baby tooth enamel is thinner than the permanent kind, which makes them easier targets for plaque.

Try to limit sugary foods and drinks and brush your toddler’s teeth twice a day with a child-size toothbrush, using a smear of fluoride toothpaste about the size of a grain of rice.

No security object? No problem

Some toddlers find comfort in a portable security object, like a toy or a blanket, but others never take to one — and that’s just fine. Look on the bright side: There’s no need for you to drag around a blanket or lovey all time, no fear of losing it during a trip to Grandma’s, and no trying to persuade your child to leave it at home every time she goes to day care.

A hop, skip and a jump

Around the age of 2, toddlers start jumping. First, your child will leap in place on one foot, then take flight on both feet. Does she need a hand getting off the ground? Have your toddler lean on you during those first attempts. As your tot gets better, have her stretch out her arms to the sides or put her hands on her hips when she jumps, both of which will help with balance.

Take precautions against nighttime wandering

Thinking about switching your 2-year-old to a toddler bed? Tots who are taller than 35 inches should be moved to a big-kid bed (at that height, they can topple over the bars), but with great freedom may come … lots of nighttime wanderings (“Can I have a drink of water?”).

Here are a few safety precautions to take:

  • Childproof your toddler’s bedroom. Cover any radiators or electric fans that aren’t childproofed, and move tripping hazards, like furniture and cords, out of the way. Make sure there are guards on the windows and that window blind cords are secured out of reach. 

  • Block off the door. To prevent your toddler from leaving the bedroom (and heading straight for the stairs or bathroom), either close the door or install a gate across the open doorway.

  • Set up a nighttime policy. Do your little one’s nighttime wanderings take her straight to your bed? Tempting as it is to invite your tot in, you might want to take her back to her own room. Sit by her bed for a bit if she needs some reassurance, and remind your child that at nighttime, she sleeps in her own bed.

Why toddlers have phobias

What brings on a fear of the vacuum cleaner or the toilet? Growing up, actually. Your toddler knows more now than she did six months ago, and her mind has plenty of fodder for frightening scenarios.

Your child is able to understand cause and effect, but can’t yet sort out the realistic from the unrealistic. If the vacuum cleaner sucks up dirt, can it also suck up me? If water gets flushed down the toilet, could I also get flushed down?

Given your toddler’s growing imagination and newfound sense of vulnerability, try to steer clear of what scares her — within reason. You can’t avoid every loud noise, but you can avoid the neighbor with the barking dog. And when you have to run the vacuum? Let your little one play with it while it’s turned off, which may allow her to see that it’s not so scary after all.

Signs of potty training readiness

Some tots are out of diapers by the age of 2. Others aren’t potty trained until preschool. As with most other milestones, every child is one-of-a-kind. 

Up until the age of 20 months, toddlers pee so frequently that potty training is probably unrealistic. Older toddlers may be ready to start potty training if they show the following signs:

  1. You’re changing fewer wet diapers. If your little one is staying dry for an hour or two at a time, and occasionally wakes up without a wet diaper, she may be physically ready for potty training.

  2. Bowel movements are becoming predictable. Does she go number two right after dinner? Just before she goes to bed? A regular schedule will help you anticipate when to pull out the potty.

  3. Your tot is aware that she’s going. If your child announces that she’s going to pee — whether she shouts it out loud (“I go pee-pee!”) or hides in a corner and tugs at her diaper — she’s aware enough of her bodily functions to start potty training.

Reviewed March 22, 2022

From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author of What to Expect When You're Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

View Sources

  • What to Expect the Second Year, Heidi Murkoff.
  • WhatToExpect.com, Toddler Sleep Basics, December 2018.
  • WhatToExpect.com, Best High-Fiber Foods for Toddlers and Kids, February 2021.
  • WhatToExpect.com, How to Predict Your Child’s Future Height, February 2022.
  • WhatToExpect.com, The 2-Year (24-Month) Well-Baby Visit, April 2020.
  • WhatToExpect.com, Undressing (Preferring to Be Naked), March 2019.
  • WhatToExpect.com, UTIs in Children, February 2019.
  • WhatToExpect.com, Toddler Nightmares, March 2022.
  • WhatToExpect.com, Toddler Night Terrors, March 2022.
  • WhatToExpect.com, 10 Tricks to Ease the Transition from Crib to Toddler Bed, March 2019.
  • WhatToExpect.com, All About Toddler Teeth, January 2019.
  • WhatToExpect.com, Babies and Transitional Objects, September 2021.
  • WhatToExpect.com, When Do Toddlers Start Running, Jumping, Kicking and Climbing?, October 2021.
  • WhatToExpect.com, Toddler Fears Are Scary Stuff, January 2019.
  • WhatToExpect.com, Toddler Safe Sleep Practices, June 2019.
  • WhatToExpect.com, Signs Your Toddler Is Ready to Be Potty Trained, December 2018.
  • KidsHealth From Nemours, Fiber, September 2019.
  • KidsHealth From Nemours, Growth Charts, August 2019.
  • American Academy of Pediatrics, Kids Need Fiber: Here’s Why and How, October 2013.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Recommended Vaccinations for Infants and Children, Parent-Friendly Version, 2022.
  • World Health Organization, Child Growth Standards, 2022.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Birth to 24 Months: Girls Length-for-Age and Weight-for-Age Percentiles, 2009.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Birth to 24 Months: Boys Length-for-Age and Weight-for-Age Percentiles, 2009.
  • American Dental Association, 10 Things to Know About Your Tot’s Teeth, 2022.

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What height is tall for a 2

What is considered a normal growth rate?.

Is 34 inches tall for an 18 month old?

How much should an 18-month-old weigh and measure? According to the World Health Organization, average weight of an 18-month-old is 23.4 pounds for girls and 24.1 pounds for boys. Average height of an 18-month-old is 31.8 inches for girls and 32.4 inches for boys.

How tall is the average 2

Tall or Short? A 2-year-old boy, at age 24 months, is an average of 34.5 inches tall, and is in the 50th percentile, according to the CDC. A 2-year-old girl, at age 24 months, is an average of about 34 inches tall.

Is 34 inches tall for a one year old?

The average height for a 12-month-old girl is 30.5 inches, and the normal range goes from just over 27 inches to about 31 inches. The average height for a 24-month-old girl is about 34 inches, with a normal range of about 31.5 to 36 inches.


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