3500 grafts hair transplant before and after

Hair Transplant - Before and After

For you as a patient, a perfect end result is the most important part of your hair transplant. Before and after results of countless, satisfied patients allow you to see for yourself the outstanding quality at Elithair.

Whether it’s the hair on your head or a beard, receding hairline or tonsure, man or woman: the pictures of the enthusiastic patients speak for themselves!

3500 Grafts - 1 Year result - NW4

Hair Transplant Method:



This is a 33-year-old patient coming from Poland. His goal is to cover all the baldness, front and crown. To finish this job, it has been estimated that about 5000 grafts were needed.
As the concern of HDC Hair Clinic is to complete the coverage without depleting the donor, it was decided to break the amount of 5000 grafts into 2 sessions. We proceeded with 3500 grafts to cover the front as shown below.
The coverage with natural look was achieved in the front and top area. The donor is also demonstrated 1 year after for you to see the meaning of respecting the donor and leaving is ready for 2nd and 3rd FUE Hair transplants if needed.

3500 grafts hair transplant before and after

Before and after 3500 grafts

3500 grafts hair transplant before and after

3500 grafts hair transplant before and after

Before and after right side

3500 grafts hair transplant before and after

3500 grafts hair transplant before and after

Comparison immediately after - 1 Year after

3500 grafts hair transplant before and after

Convincing hair transplant before and after pictures with natural and aesthetically-pleasing outcomes are benchmarks for finals judgments about excellence and success in hair transplant. By the following hair transplant results, the Hairline Clinic wants to present some results with patients, who´s life has changed dramatically for the better after visiting our clinic. Make yourself familiar with the methods offered at our clinic in Ankara and convince yourself about the possibility to give your appearance more power.

Hair Transplant Results

Any hair transplant resultpublished is to be considered individually according to prerequisites such as hair type, structure and initial situation of the patient. We also want our patients to keep in mind that hair loss can be an ongoing process being sometimes stopped temporarily and continuing aggressively later. Preexisting hair still covering the scalp may be lost after some years depending on the genetic predisposition of each patient.

This may result in less density as only transplanted hair will keep on growing forever. Final Hair Transplant before and after results are to be shown 10-12 months post-transplant. Each of our doctors strives to consistently achieve the best hair transplant results with every hair transplant. The Hairline Clinic Ankara is one of the best clinics for hair restoration worldwide, performing hair transplants regularly and providing the best conditions for international patients.

Some of the hair transplant before and after pictures showed will depict only part of the growing process as the results of successful hair restoration can often be seen in earlier stages. Some patients are good candidates and display an excellent prospect of what can be expected after 10-12 months. This is why you will also find some images of patients in our gallery still being in the process of growing.

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How many grafts are needed for a full head?

Stage II patients need about 500 to 1500 grafts to regain a full head of hair, while stage IV patients need 2000 to 2500 grafts. On average, about 4,000 hair grafts are transplanted during an operation. The cost of a hair transplant often depends on the number of grafts that are removed.

How much area does 3000 hair grafts cover?

Hamilton-Norwood Scale.

How many grafts do you need for stage 3?

The hair loss areas generally require about 3000 – 4000+ grafts for a Grade 3 and Grade 3 vertex; and about 3500 – 4500+ grafts for a Grade 4, depending on the hairline design and the size of the transplant area.

Are grafts after 5 days secure?

Newly transplanted hair grafts are secure in their new location on the scalp between 10 and 14 days following transplantation. In the initial days following your hair transplant the newly transplanted grafts are vulnerable in their new location and in these early days can actually be knocked out and lost.