4 x 4 x 48 challenge 2022



  • Timing: Ideally you will start and complete the Challenge at the same time David is undertaking the Challenge regardless of time zone. This will have the greatest impact as people all over the world will be partaking in the Challenge at the same time. If that doesn’t work for you and you plan to do the event on a different date and time, please do so! The ultimate goal is to have as many people as possible around the world complete the Challenge!

  • Choose A Charity And Raise Money For The Cause: While this is not mandatory, we encourage all participants to tie their efforts to a charitable cause and attempt to raise funds for that charity. This is not a centralized or coordinated effort. Each participant coordinates and handles this on their own. In 2021, over $3 million was raised for different charities around the world.

  • Share Your Progress and Updates On Your Social Channels: Share your photos and updates on your social channels using #4x4x48GogginsChallenge!

  • Share Your Story With David: Share your story AFTER the completion of the challenge (see form below) so that we can see and share the global impact that the 4x4x48 Goggins Challenge had!

  • Safety: Take all precautionary measures to ensure that you and others you run with are safe. You will be running at all times of the day and night so safety is paramount.

Submit your story:

As the world gets weirder, it seems so do our running events – and the 4x4x48 challenge is one of a few crazy running challenges currently getting people off their butts and into ‘crazy runner person’ mode.

Inspired by ex-Navy Seal and ultrarunning nutbag David Goggins, the 4x4x48 challenge is one of a few ‘David Goggins Challenges’ that are gaining in popularity.

So what is the 4x4x48 Challenge, exactly?

The 4x4x48 challenge involves running 4 miles, every 4 hours, for 48 hours.

That’s 4 miles, 12 times. Over a 48 hour period.

So 48 miles in total (or 77 kilometers).

In other words, we’re well into ultramarathon territory.

But – this is ultra-running with a twist.

Instead of doing all those miles in one run, the challenge is broken into 12 4-hour chunks.

This means that you’re never running for too long without stopping, so your legs won’t get fatigued in the usual way they do during an ultra.

But it also means that you never really get a proper break – a chance to get some real sleep or let your body recover.

So what does all this do to the body, and what’s the best way to survive a 4x4x48 challenge – perhaps the most gnarly David Goggins Challenge around?

Let’s jump in!

how to
a 4x4x48 challenge

Hard Truths Of Doing a 4x4x48 Challenge

First off, some warning shots across the bow for anyone who thinks they can squeeze one of these in without too much suffering – the 4x4x48 challenge will test your limits, whether physically, mentally, or both.

Before we get into our tips for running a 4x4x48 challenge, here are my main thoughts:

  • the mental fatigue is what’s going to really get to you and potentially mess you up. For that, having systems and a good support crew in place is essential (we’ll get into that shortly).
  • Going slow is actually a good strategy – I explain why below. And there is nothing wrong with walking – in fact, accepting early on that walking is inevitable will make you prepared for when you need to walk, instead of trying to keep running.
  • During the in-between time when you’re at home, I recommend doing normal life things (whether it’s doing the dishes, writing emails, talk with friends, whatever). Why? It’ll take your mind off the 4x4x48 challenge and keep you in the real world.
  • Nap whenever you feel you can. This isn’t a sleep deprivation challenge. Sleep is fuel for a 4x4x48 challenge.

Alright, ready?

Here are my tips and strategies for getting through a 4x4x48!

  • Related: Big Dog’s Backyard Ultra Guide (How To Survive One)

Training For a 4x4x48 Challenge

how to survive a 4x4x48 challenge

Physical training for a 4x4x48 challenge is a pretty unexplored subject, just because the challenge is so unusual. Using the standard tools like periodization training arguably have little to offer.

But here are my top two approaches:

i) Strength Train – Especially The Legs

Doing some strength training is probably the best form of non-running activity any ultrarunner can do, and when you come to things like 4x4x48 challenges, it’s even more important. Why?

Those leg muscles are going to go through an extreme amount of on/off stress. Building them up beforehand is probably the best thing you can do.

I recommend squats and deadlifts every 4-7 days – preferably with free weights like an Olympic bar rather than on a rack machine.

Related: 50 David Goggins Quotes for Runners To Get Motivated

how to survive a 4x4x48 challenge

ii) Run On Tired Legs

One thing that is inevitable during a 4x4x48 challenge is that you will be running on tired legs as the challenge progresses. Luckily, we can train for this.

You want to go for a run the day after a hard run or a heavy leg strength training session, when your legs are tired and heavy.

This fatigue training is designed to make your legs perform better when tired, and keep going for longer.

how to survive a 4x4x48 challenge

1. Proceed Conservatively: Go Slow

4 miles is not a terribly long distance, in that the difference between a fast 4 miles and a slow 4 miles is probably around 10-15 minutes.

In other words, there’s little to be gained from going fast.

In the grand scheme of things, you’ve got 4 hours to complete each 4 mile chunk – so going quickly to get back and get some more rest in might seem tempting, but in the long run doesn’t have much affect.

Running fast brings with it some issues – you’re stressing your system more, both your muscles and your cardiovascular system. This might not seem like a big deal on your first few rounds, but once you’re well into day 2 you’ll definitely notice if you’ve been pushing hard on those early rounds.

So adopt a very conservative running approach:

  • Sit at a solid 2 out of 10 in terms of your perceived effort (think of it as a speed at which you could easily hold a normal conversation with someone).
  • Focus on shorter strides to minimally engage those legs.

Both of these tactics will help preserve your legs, paying off dividends as you get into the back end of the 4x4x48 challenge.

  • See also: The Barkley Marathons: All You Need To Know + How To Survive One!

2. Draw Up A Plan


It’s amazing how ultrarunning can turn your brain into fuzzy mush…suddenly you forget if you’ve run 40 miles or 60 . . .

Same goes for the 4x4x48 challenge. While you’ll easily be able to mentally track your progress over the first handful of rounds, as you progress you’ll almost certainly lose all ability to remember where you are in the challenge, and even what day it is. Running loads plus sleep deprivation tends to do that.

That’s why it’s essential to have a system, and stick to it.

Have a plan like my one above so you can manually track your progress (the less complicated and more ‘tick-boxey’, the better).

Doing maths is next-to-impossible after the 30 mile mark, in my experience.

You should also consider systemitizing your food, hydration, and sleep. Knowing what you’re going to eat, and when, means you can switch your brain to autopilot and just focus on getting through the task in hand.

It’s easy to get mixed up in those latter stages, and – believe it or not – forget to eat, or eat at the wrong time, or drink too much water…

See also: The 75 Hard Challenge: Complete Guide + How To Survive It

how to survive a 4x4x48 challenge

3. It’s All About The Support Crew

As much as this is your challenge, given that 4x4x48 challenges are a sort of virtual race, your support crew is essential.

Assuming you’re using your family as a support crew, remember that they’re not just helping you out – they’re giving up their weekends (or whenever, free time) AND probably keeping things ticking over at the house, all while you do something pretty nuts.

Get your support crew on-side and onboard early. Explain to them all your strategies and systems, and that way they’ll know how to support you best – especially once those wheels begin to shake under you…

how to survive a 4x4x48 challenge

4. Start In The Morning

What time should you start the 4x4x48 challenge?

I recommend starting in the morning, and either 4am or 8am are good options.


Starting in the morning means you’re kicking off the challenge after a night’s sleep, so on full battery.

I also generally recommend trying to sleep during the night-time – for those midnight and 4am rounds, consider them sleep interruptions) – and nap excessively.

Any time you feel you can catch 40 winks, go for it.

This is a running challenge, not a ‘go without sleep’ challenge.

Sleep keeps you sane!

Here's How To Survive The 4x4x48 Challenge 1

5. Keep Moving Between Rounds

That is, when you’re not trying to sleep.

When you’re at home between rounds, keep yourself moving a little – by which I mean walk very gingerly around your house. Don’t sit down and watch the Lord of the Rings trilogy between sets of miles, then.

Gentle, occasional movement keeps the blood flowing in your legs, which flushing our lactic acid and promotes recovery.

Here's How To Survive The 4x4x48 Challenge 2

6. Have Your 4 Mile Loops Planned In Advance

The 4x4x48 challenge is to run exactly 4 miles every 4 hours…so you don’t want to unintentionally go running extra miles, especially early on.

In the days and weeks leading up to your challenge, go and map out at least a couple of 4-mile circuits you can do that start and end at your front door.

  • Try and choose flat routes where at all possible; and remember that it’s totally fine to walk hills.
  • Choose routes that you can safely and confidently run at all weird times of day and night.
  • Try and choose a route that you’re not going to get bored of after running it 12 times (if that’s possible).

Gearing up for a 4x4x48 challenge?

Sound off below – share any questions or other tips you’ve got!

  • Related: 7 Bizarre and Interesting Facts From The World of Ultrarunning

Thomas Watson

Thomas Watson is an ultra-runner, UESCA-certified running coach, and the founder of MarathonHandbook.com. His work has been featured in Runner's World, Livestrong.com, MapMyRun, and many other running publications. He likes running interesting races and good beer. More at his bio.

What is the 4 x 4 x 48 challenge?

The 4x4x48 challenge is storming the internet, but what is it? The challenge was initially launched by David Goggins, an American ultramarathon runner and it involves running four miles every four hours for 48 hours.

Is the 4x4x48 hard?

This falls into the category of not very physically strenuous, but more mentally strenuous. The hardest part isn't even the sleep depravation, its living the rest of your life around this weird 4-hour running schedule.