4198 e prospector dr, salt lake city, ut 84121 owner

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4198 e prospector dr, salt lake city, ut 84121 owner
Meth lab records

4198 e prospector dr, salt lake city, ut 84121 owner
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4198 e prospector dr, salt lake city, ut 84121 owner
Death occurring at an address

4198 e prospector dr, salt lake city, ut 84121 owner
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4198 e prospector dr, salt lake city, ut 84121 owner
Property information

4198 e prospector dr, salt lake city, ut 84121 owner
Sales History information

4198 e prospector dr, salt lake city, ut 84121 owner
Tax value and assessment

4198 e prospector dr, salt lake city, ut 84121 owner
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This home is 9202 sqft, which is 5966 sqft larger than the average of the houses our sources can identify on Prospector DR. This home was built in 1986 with 18 total rooms. When this property was assessed in 2020, the assessment value improved from $2,111,554 to $2,223,718. This home is 1 story tall. This property is located in the PROSPECTOR HILL 04 AMD subdivision. The entire market value of this property is $3,199,400. The land is valued at $1,404,700. Use Diedinhouse.com to learn of any stigmatized details and history about 4198 E PROSPECTOR DR.


7 miles from Alta City Cemetery

18 miles from Lakeview Memorial Park

18 miles from Sessions Settlement Cemetery

18 miles from Bountiful Memorial Park

19 miles from Chandler Cemetery

19 miles from Daniel Wood Cemetery

20 miles from Centerville City Cemetery

25 miles from Porterville Cemetery

25 miles from Farmington City Cemetery

26 miles from William O Smith Farm Cemetery

26 miles from Richville Cemetery

29 miles from South Morgan Cemetery

29 miles from Milton Cemetery


BEG AT E 1/4 COR OF SEC 25, T2S, R1E, SLM, SAID POINT ALSO BEING SE COR LOT 405, PROSPECTOR HILL NO. 4 AMENDED & EXTENDED; N 89 35'15" W 719.74 FT; N 00 01'52" E 264.73 FT; N 33 19'43" E 198.19 FT; S 84 35'08" E 429.67 FT; N 61 49'05" E 30.91 FT; N 4



Assessed Value


Previous Assessed Value


Market Value


Market Value of Improvements


Market Value of Land


Market Improvement Percentage


Tax Billed Amount


Most Recent Tax Roll Date


Building Ownership Information

Jurisdiction-specific Zoned Use Value


County-specific Use Code


Property Type


Last Sale Date


Last Ownership Transfer Date


Last Sale Document Number


All Buildings Living Total Sq Ft


All Buildings Total Gross Sq Ft


Ground Floor Living Sq Ft


Lot Size in Acres


Lot Size in Sq Ft


Total Area of Basement


Total Area of Finished Basement


Total Area of Unfinished Basement


Number of Bathrooms


Number of Partial Bathrooms


Number of Units on Property


Topography Information


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