Age of empires 4 tier list Reddit

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Boy it feels good to have been an HRE main since launch... except now a days I'm only playing vs AI so I don't really care, lol. I promise if I do play ranked I'll try chinese this time with a "no bbq/tower rush" self imposed rule. I'm only here to play farmville with occasional violence anyway.

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FarmVille with occasional violence

Next time my wife asks what game I’m playing lol

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If you meet HRE as china, and don't tower or bbq rush, it's gg.

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One day Abbasid will be the one. Have to admit, when I think someone is going HRE, I don’t play Abbasid

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We had like two days on top, when they buffed camel archers before immediately nerfing them again.

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Abbasid were strong when they could buff their spears to have unlimited range!

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It was S tier once, when berries had 500 Food in batch for about 2 or 3 weeks. Then a big changes to field construction happened.

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Abbasid was one of the best civs when berries were still doubled.

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starting from the bottom now we here

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What HRE build is used as meta? I am having trouble went 0-4 already :/

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Look up beastyqt’s hre build order on YouTube.

Even though the latest patch changed things since the video was made, I don’t think those changes actually change this build order too much.

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Fast castle into knights, into map control, into take all the relics, into infinity gold, into gg.

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Wait you found an HRE build that loses? Actually impressive

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What’s making HRE strong now with this latest patch? Sorry I’ve been out of the loop but mained HRE on release

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Overbuffed kinda. Now they have the fastest Castle and Imp timing and legit nobody knows how to counter that.

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A fuck ton of buffs. Like they start with a prelate

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People seem confused.

Pre patch: Prelate starting buff put them in a good balanced spot last patch.

New patch: Aachen chapel drop off and the way relics work now pushed them overboard.

HRE - HRE is so busted it deserves its own tier. Not only do they get huge eco value from prelates and new Aachen that serves as universal drop-off, which makes them the first to reach imperial in any game, but they also get tons of value from Regnitz. +100% gold from relics ability has huge scaling on large maps - once HRE gets something like 8 relics it becomes unstoppable and can spam whatever it wants indefinitely. And let's not forget the Printer. This kind of economy means you can easily build a wonder before other team does. And in team games whoever builds the wonder first often wins.

French - French has always been good because of how well it can perform in every situation. They get the best version of the best unit in the game, and if that doesn't work they are flexible enough to switch to Arbaletrier or something else. If they want to turtle then faster vills building combined with several TCs works well for them, and Red Palace is the best keep in the game second to none. If they want to go for wonder then cheaper eco upgrades combined with Guild Hall on stone give French a solid chance to be the first one to pull it off. And if its a water map then French will get water control through early hulks and will then capitalize on that advantage. With Chamber of Commerce finally fixed, French gets one of the best trade in the game, which offers it sustain in the long run, as they can trade for every resource.

Mongols - since you can no longer simply eliminate people by landmark snipe, the game largely shifted towards dealing economic damage, like killing vills and burning farms or houses. And Mongols are masters at this. The mangudai deathblob is a meme of and in itself because of how toxic it is and how it forces a reaction. The ability to wipe the opponent's eco in a matter of seconds is complemented by arguably the best trade in the game. Long routes of large maps combined with Yam Aura and Mongols ability to earn basically all resources from trade make them very strong and if someone on your team will be building a wonder, it will often be the Mongol player. However, one big problem with Mongols is lack of walls or keeps, meaning they struggle to protect their stuff on large maps, their trade is vulnerable to raiding and by being unable to wall chokepoints Mongols can sometimes be a burden rather than a benefit to the team. They also struggle on heavily walled map, because if they're unable to deal eco damage they are pretty much useless.

Abbasid - Abbasid got a strong economy and one of the best trade in the game. Without landmark snipe House of Weakness no longer drags them down and they can actually be pretty good. The problem of this civ is while it has good economy, it kinda struggles to project it into a victory. Spearmen lack scaling, camel riders are way too niche of a unit, and even then don't perform that well in their niche - so Abbasid comp is mostly lancers and camel archers. Both units are super food intensive, and later on I find Abbasid not as good at producing food as some other civs. Wonder victory however is a very viable option with them.

English - while English excels at early aggression, it is no longer relevant, because early all-ins are rapidly falling out of favor in team games since the risk now far outweighs the benefits. Its economy is average compared to other civs, and it is slow to accomplish anything. Enclosures are good, but if you rush imperial you will have to spend some 15 minutes passively at your base without helping your team - pretty much like HRE would have to several patches ago. The redeeming factor for English however is their food economy, which puts them in a particularly good position to spam horsemen. And with horsemen they are able to deal tons of eco damage. Wonder victory, which English is kind of good at due to defensive bonuses is, however, not advised as there are many civs that will accomplish it faster than you.

Chinese - Chinese has been hit hard by Season 2. Cancer lancer cheese is no longer a thing, so there's not much reason for China to build it. Siege became super vulnerable and dies to a horsemen's sneeze, so building siege is now a huge risk and it will be hard to get value from it. While people are still building grenadiers, they are no longer that impressive. China used to be a good contender for wonder victory, but several patches severely crippled them. Back when a wonder cost 3k of every resource it was viable. Now when it costs 6k of every resource, China is a little bit slow to pull it off. In addition, a big part of what made China wonders successful was their bonus to stone walls hp, which allowed them to build layers after layers of stone walls and win games through sheer stalling - and that has been nerfed.

Rus - I barely saw Rus in 4v4s before the patch, and I barely see them still. After the fix of the broken horse archers it lost a lot of their appeal as a civ, and has never recovered since. Siege with High Armory used to be a big focus for Rus, so it's among the civs that siege nerfs hurt the most. Streltsy remain the huge part of what makes Rus work, but in my experience it somewhat struggles with their sustained production. One of Rus' huge drawbacks is lack of stone walls, and even though their imperial keep now addresses that, they arrive at too late of a point in the game to be relevant. Even in spite of Golden Gate, Rus' economy is also not really the best one. On the bright side, Rus can still be used to help your HRE teammate get relics I suppose..

Delhi - Elephants are a huge part of what makes Delhi work, and they are just not viable on large maps. They are terminally slow and longbows blob or mangudai blob just craps on them. Delhi however are situationally useful on KotH where they can secure a sacred site in feudal and possibly lead to an early victory for their team that way.


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