Aita for helping my girlfriend get over her trauma

Here’s the OP:

AITA for helping my girlfriend get over her trauma?

We used to have a beautiful bookshelf in our drawing room that was filled with my girlfriend's books. She buys them for herself as she loves to read and I don't. Most of these books, she has had since childhood. We get lots of compliments over it. She had added little potted plants, handmade photo frames with art from her favourite books and series, bookmark stands and stuff to it.

Over the years this book obsession has gotten out of hand. She owns SO many books. She has an Instagram page for her books. She listens to YouTubers who only talk about books. She has a lot of friends who don't really do anything but read these pretentious, fat books unlike my girlfriend who is in law school and doing really well. She wastes money on more and more books when in my opinion she should be devoting that money to our house and our relationship since it's been three years and we're fairly serious now.

For context, we do split most house expenses but she currently earns more than me because she has a really fancy internship right now. Given our respective fields, her earning more than me all through life is something I have accepted. I was worried that even after she gets a real job she will continue to burn all her money away instead of putting it to good use around the house.What's worse, I don't think she actually likes reading.

She had a very abusive childhood and books were her coping mechanism. She doesn't live with her parents anymore though so I don't see why she is still so attached to them. In my opinion it's unhealthy. I am not saying she should be over it or anything but her obsession with her coping mechanism is just stupid. You wouldn't mistake her for a reader if you saw her. She is very pretty and feminine, with a gorgeous figure and fabulous hair. She wears make up and fancy shit and is the life of the party sort of girl. So, I don't think I am wrong when I say she doesn't actually like reading at all.

So to help her out I hid a good chunk of her books to sort of test the waters. Some of them were really old from when she was a child in her parents house and her favourites etc. I felt the experiment would be meaningless if I just hid a couple she wouldn't immediately notice even though she reads every day so she checks her bookshelf every day. When she asked if I took them, she already looked so worried I told her I threw them away to show her she can be fine without them. She flipped out, threatened to leave, the whole works. I got angry and told her the truth and said she was welcome to her shitty crutches because she had just lost her boyfriend over them.

She just laughed and went to go find her books. I left the house. When I went back she was giving me the silent treatment and at night asked me when I was planning to leave because apparently we are over? I don't understand. I am currently living on my best friend's couch who is saying I fucked up big time but he's always kind of wanted to bang her so I don't believe him.