America the Story of Us Westward answers

America: The Story of Us

Episode 3: Westward

1.What formed the Cumberland Gap?

2.Who said that the colonists could not move West?

3.Why did Boone hate the Shawnee?

4.To what other expedition did the filmmakers compare Lewis and Clark?

5.How did Lewis & Clark survive after they ran out of food?

6. Why do the trappers work in America instead of Europe?

7.What happened to Jedediah Smith? Did he survive? How?

8.What follows Jedediah Smith’s pathways today?

9.What were the financial circumstances of most pioneers? (rich, poor, middle-class)

10.Why did the Donner Party split from the main trail?

11. Besides people, what kinds of things did the Donner Party eat?

12.How longafter the Mexican-American War did they discover gold in California?

13.Give at least one example of a large price increase.

14.What was wrong with the graves?

15.What was the cause of “milk sickness?”

16.Who was the young man chopping wood?

17.What was Jackson’s new American Indian policy?

18.How did people float their goods down the Mississippi?

It was a form of a meteorite

The year before, they kidnapped there oldest son and tortured him to death.

The epic tales of survival.

They ate any plants they could find, then ate their horses.

Because there were a lot more beavers in America.

He got attacked by a bear. He survived because his partner stitched him back together.

Interstate 15, wagon trails

Because he thought it was a short cut and it would cut off two weeks off the


Food (until they ran out), heir pack animals, leaves, dirt and branches

Gold was found nine days before America acquired California, after obliterating Mexico in the Mexican-American war.

Living in California and eating food

Bodies were dug up from the graves

It was caused by cattle that ate white stake root which contained poison

Relocating American Indians

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What was considered the West's most valuable commodity?

8. The West's most valuable commodity is beaver, nearly hunted to extinction in Europe.

How many miles can settlers walk a day for 6 months straight on the trails to get to Oregon?

Settlers can walk 10 miles a day for six months straight on the trails to get to Oregon.

What is the land west of the Cumberland Gap controlled by?

The land west of the Cumberland Gap is controlled by what three countries? Britain, France, and Spain.

How much does a wagon and oxen cost in todays money?

Native Americans charge $10 road tolls, and $100 for river crossings. Wagon and oxen cost a minimum of $5000 (£125,000 in today's money).


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