Are tigers and lions the same?

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Lion vs Tiger: There are many differences between lion and tiger. A list of differences between lion and tiger are given below:

Lion vs Tiger

Tigers and Lions are the most ferocious animals on the earth. They belong to the felidae(cat) family. They are both from the four big cats. These four big cats are Lion, Tiger, Leopard, and Jaguar. These animals reside on the top of the food chain and don't have any predators.

Although Lions and Tigers both come from the cat family and having the same ferocious nature but there are some differences between them.


  • Tigers have bold, black stripes across their bodies, on the other hand lions don't have any stripes on their bodies.
  • Adult male lions have a large mane around their faces while tigers don't have mane like lions.

Physical Characteristics:

  • Tigers are longer, more muscular, and generally heavier in weight than lions, although lions are taller than tigers.
  • Tigers are considered more active, aggressive and agile than lions, whereas lions are lazy in a way, and will not do anything unless they really have to.

Hunting Behavior:

  • Lions are generally live in groups known as 'pride'. The male lion is the head of the tribe and lives with several female lions and cubs. The female lions bring the prey for the family. They generally hunt their prey in group.
  • Tigers prefer to live and hunt on their own. So you can say that lions are more social than tigers.
No.Comparison Index LionsTigers
1) Comparative Size The average weight of male lion is 390 lbs (Asiatic lion) and 410 lbs for the African lion. The largest African lion is record weighted 690 lbs. 488 lbs is the average weight of the Bengal tiger and 389 lbs is the average weight of Siberian tiger. Male Tiger average weight: 579 lbs. Female Tiger average weight: 308 lbs.
2) Temperament The lion is a social animal and they generally live in group. Tiger is a solitary animal. It is faster, smarter and more ferocious than a lion.
3) Coloring The lions have tan tail fur and dark brown mane. Tigers have the dark yellow or orange color with brown/black strips.
4) Sprinting speed 59 miles per hour. 37 miles per hour.
5) Litter Size A female lion produces 1 to 2 cubs at one time. A female tiger produces 2 to 4 cubs at one time.
6) Brain size The lions have the larger skull but small brain size than tigers Tigers have much bigger brains, relative to body size.
7) Binomial Name Panthera Leo Panthera Tigris
8) Bite Force The lions show the lower bite force than tigers (almost 112). They hunt larger preys in group. The tigers have shown the higher bite force than lions. The bite force adjusted for body mass allometry (BFQ) for tigers is 127. The tigers have longest and biggest canines measuring from 7.5 to 10 cm probably because they hunt larger preys alone.
9) Sexual Maturity for cubs It takes 24-28 months in captivity and 36-46 months in wild. It takes 22-26 months in captivity and 36-46 months in wild.
10) Body Length 2.2 - 3.0 meters. 2 - 3.3 meters.
11) Life Span Average 12 years for male and 12-15 years for female. Average 15- 20 years.

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i Anup Shah/Photodisc/Getty Images

A number of key differences distinguish lions and tigers, despite the fact that these big cats have a common ancestor. These differences have fed the fervent debate over which of the two is the ultimate predator for generations, but it’s the similarities between the two animals that have enabled both to establish themselves as the apex predator in their respective parts of the world.

No Natural Predators

i Anup Shah/Photodisc/Getty Images

Lions and tigers fear no other animal. They are at the top of their respective food chains and receive almost zero threat from other creatures. While they may face risks to life when hunting, they are never hunted. The only threat to each is the influence of man whether through hunting of the big cat itself or its prey, deforestation and agricultural development leading to fragmentation of habitat.

Almost Equal Size

The tiger is typically the heavier feline of the two. He averages around 500 pounds and his lion cousin weighs in at around 80 pounds less. However, the animals are both approximately around 6 feet tall. The tiger’s superior weight is due to higher muscle mass.

Hoofed Mammal Hunters

Although the method of hunting is one of the key differences between these two cats -- lions hunt in groups and tigers are solitary hunters -- the prey they favor is one of the key similarities between the two. Hoofed mammals are typically the top choice for both lion and tiger. In their respective habitats, tigers hunt deer and buffalo and lions hunt antelope, zebra and wildebeast.

Built for the Hunt

As big cats that have to hunt for their food, both lion and tiger share a number of anatomical features. Both have sharp, retractable claws, both have powerful legs and both have a sharp set of fangs with which to deliver deadly bites to their prey.

Blending in Perfectly

Although they have very different coats, the function of these coats is exactly the same. The lion’s sandy, solid-colored coat performs exactly the same function as the tiger’s stripes -- making each animal practically invisible to its prey until it is too late. Lions live on open plains, and tigers live in the jungle, so each cat’s coat is perfectly adapted to hide them in their natural habitat.

Roar Aggression

Both tigers and lions have a fearsome, menacing roar. The tiger’s roar can be heard up to 2 miles away. The purpose of the roar is the same for both animals. The big cats use their roar to communicate aggression.


Photo Credits

  • Anup Shah/Photodisc/Getty Images

Writer Bio

Simon Foden has been a freelance writer and editor since 1999. He began his writing career after graduating with a Bachelors of Arts degree in music from Salford University. He has contributed to and written for various magazines including "K9 Magazine" and "Pet Friendly Magazine." He has also written for

Are tigers related to lions?

Although they rarely meet in the wild, lions and tigers are still so closely related that they are able to interbreed, and in captivity they occasionally do. But successful interbreeding is the key, and the hybrid offspring are usually sterile and short-lived.

How similar are tigers and lions?

As big cats that have to hunt for their food, both lion and tiger share a number of anatomical features. Both have sharp, retractable claws, both have powerful legs and both have a sharp set of fangs with which to deliver deadly bites to their prey.

Who is stronger a lion or a tiger?

In terms of muscular strength, tigers are stronger. Lions live in Africa and India. Lions are the second largest of the five big cats in the genus panthera.

What is difference between lion and tiger?

Tigers are longer, more muscular, and generally heavier in weight than lions, although lions are taller than tigers. Tigers are considered more active, aggressive and agile than lions, whereas lions are lazy in a way, and will not do anything unless they really have to.


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