Are Trails in the Sky and Cold Steel related

Short answer: no worries.

Long answer: wait till someone will explain better than me^^

I would strongly recommend beating at least Trails in the Sky Second Chapter if you have already played the First Chapter. If you have never played a game in the series you can play Cold Steel before Sky and be fine, but if you have played First Chapter already you will be spoiled on major plot points and character twists, because you will understand what they are talking about. If you hadn't played the first Sky game you wouldn't likely understand what is being spoiled and would end up forgeting it before playing the Sky games.

Short answer: no worries.

If he had never played the Sky games or had played the first 2 but hadn't played the 3rd yet, I would agree with you, but if he only played First Chapter, I feel he would understand and be spoiled on the references to Second Chapter.

You can play these games just fine without playing any of the Trails in the Sky games.

And just because somebody's played FC doesn't mean they'll play SC. Me, for instance. I have no intention of ever playing the last two games in the series. I'm no stranger to JRPGs, but the Cold Steel series is simply far more welcoming and at my age, I don't have the patience (or stamina) to sit through an even denser game than FC was.

Last edited by IndigoAK; 1 Aug, 2017 @ 4:34pm

Do not go reading the books on the second floor of the library in Cold Steel 1 and you will be fine IMO.

You will want to beat the Sky trilogy for Cold Steel 2 though when that comes out.

You'll miss some context and a few reveals in sky will lose impact, that's about it however.

You're not going to have the context for any spoilers except the literal walking spoiler, and even then it's not that big of a deal. Start with this one.

Originally posted by Eviane:

You're not going to have the context for any spoilers except the literal walking spoiler, and even then it's not that big of a deal. Start with this one.

He's not asking if it's okay to start with this one though. He is asking if it is okay to play it after playing FC. And if he already finished playing the first Sky game I think it would be better to at least play SC before playing the Cold Steel games.

Originally posted by Eviane:

You're not going to have the context for any spoilers except the literal walking spoiler, and even then it's not that big of a deal. Start with this one.

He's not asking if it's okay to start with this one though. He is asking if it is okay to play it after playing FC. And if he already finished playing the first Sky game I think it would be better to at least play SC before playing the Cold Steel games.

Thanks for the answers and yes I plan to do the first 2 chapters before doing the first cold steel game because of major spoiler I could understand after having done FC

Its up to you, the games are separate, but playing the previous ones will give you a more broad knowledge of the world, some characters show up in other games as well, but only for a bit. Idealy you would play Trails in the sky SC, FC, 3rd, then Trails to Zero, Trails of Ao and then Trails of Cold Steel, but playing either of the series without any prior knowledge is completely possible


2 Aug, 2017 @ 7:36am 

Since you already finished FC, you should keep playing the sequels then jump to CS after the 3rd. It will only help. Plus CS will reveal some spoilers about the Sky trilogy.

Originally posted by Domi:

Since you already finished FC, you should keep playing the sequels then jump to CS after the 3rd. It will only help. Plus CS will reveal some spoilers about the Sky trilogy.

I haven't finished FC yet, I'm just wanting to know if Cold Steel has spoilers, I plan to do the game per trilogies

Originally posted by Ikagura:

Originally posted by Domi:

Since you already finished FC, you should keep playing the sequels then jump to CS after the 3rd. It will only help. Plus CS will reveal some spoilers about the Sky trilogy.
I haven't finished FC yet, I'm just wanting to know if Cold Steel has spoilers, I plan to do the game per trilogies

No plot spoilers (only vague references), but in Trails in the Sky SC you have a revelation about a character's identity and in Cold Steel it's shown right away.

Although conversely a character who first appears on Trails in the Sky SC with their true identity also shows up in CS1 in disguise, so if you haven't played Sky SC first you might be surprised about this character when they reveal their true colors.


2 Aug, 2017 @ 9:03am 

Originally posted by Ikagura:

Originally posted by Domi:

Since you already finished FC, you should keep playing the sequels then jump to CS after the 3rd. It will only help. Plus CS will reveal some spoilers about the Sky trilogy.
I haven't finished FC yet, I'm just wanting to know if Cold Steel has spoilers, I plan to do the game per trilogies

Then yes, there will be a few spoilers. Since you want to play all the games, then play SC and the 3rd first. You'll enjoy the plot more.

Is Trails in the Sky connected to Trails of Cold Steel?

Yes, that's right; these games are all directly related to one another. Some games end on huge cliffhangers and the next game picks up the next day or maybe a month or two later. So far, the games all take place within four years of each other on the continent of Zemuria.

Is Trails in the Sky better than cold steel?

8/10 Trails In The Sky: Basic Combat Compared to Cold Steel the combat of The Sky was much simpler and more streamlined. Sure you didn't have as much variety and depth, but it was easier to pick up and run with, especially for newcomers to the JRPG genre. It also had the effect of putting more emphasis on the story.

Can I play cold steel before sky?

You definitely don't need to play Sky 1-3 before playing Cold Steel 1 or 2, but there's a lot of references to events and characters (some of which appear in Cold Steel 1 and 2). They're not so significant that the game is ruined if they go over your head, but it definitely has some impact.

Should I play the other Trails games before cold steel?

Playing the games in release order is not required but is the optimal experience. If you can't do that it is usually best to at least start with the first game in an arc and at least consider playing the other games in release order if possible.

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