Baby chick chirping with eyes closed

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  • Raising Baby Chicks

Baby chick seems healthy but closing eyes and chirping?

  • Thread starter inmillity
  • Start date Jun 12, 2018

  • #1

Hi all, although I've had chickens for four years I've never actually raised chicks in a brooder until now. A couple of days ago I tried to put some three day-old chicks under a broody hen but she wasn't having it! The four chicks were chilled and in shock so I warmed them up and they recovered. They're now inside doing very well, but one chick is acting strangely. She's a tiny Dutch bantam chick and all she does is stand, eyes closed, chirping LOUDLY (the sound chicks make when removed from their mother). She runs around and seems in good health but isn't eating or drinking (unless I tip her beak into the water) and all she does is chirp. I'm worried she'll become weak. What could be the problem and how can I help her? Thanks xxx

  • #2

Chances are this chick lost more body heat than the others due to her small size, and now she's suffering stress from it. Rig up a heating pad on the low setting, make a little tent out of it and let her snuggle up to the warmth. Also, give her a drop of undiluted Poultry Nutri-drench and make a weaker solution for her water. Perhaps she needs a little extra care to recover.

  • Thread starter
  • #3

I wish I could but it's past midnight where I am (Europe) and I have neither of those things. Tried more sugar water but either she's sleepy or fading because she's cheeping less and I think perhaps a little weaker. I don't know what else to do... Hot water bottle?

  • #4

A small chick, peeping constantly, acting lethargic, needs extra heat so a hot water bottle would be fine. place it under some soft towels and be sure the water bottle isn't so hot as to burn the chick. Keep up the sugar water.

  • #5

IDK what was wrong with them, but all but one died. For some reason, that batch of chicks was sick. The only one who survived was the healthy one of the bunch. I don't think it's the type of chicken bc I recently adopted some more stripy butt chicks and they're doing just fine. I wish I could have done more for them, but at least they're in a better place now. Thank you for all of your help.

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  • Raising Baby Chicks

If you have a lethargic baby chick with eyes closed, the first thing you should do is isolate it from the rest of your flock. Wear a gloves and find a small box and put the chick into it and place it in a warm, safe and quiet place. Place water and some food in it and let fresh air come into it.

This will help to prevent the spread of whatever is causing the lethargy and will allow you to observe the chick more closely.

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Take To Vet

Once isolated, check for signs of illness, such as runny nose, watery eyes, or swollen lymph nodes. If you see any of these signs, consult a veterinarian for treatment advice.

You should also make sure that the chick has access to food and water and is getting enough warmth. If the chick is too weak to eat or drink on its own, you may need to provide supplemental nutrition with an eyedropper or syringe. With proper care, many lethargic chicks will make a full recovery.

Do not try to treat the chick at home as it may spread the disease and take it to vet as soon as possible.

Why does my baby chick keep chirping?

Chicks are Cold When your baby chicks start chirping so much and loudly, there are good chances your birds are cold. Baby chicks chirp when they are cold to voice their discomfort. If they are chirping while huddling together, it is apparent that the temperature in their brooder box or their enclosure is way too cold.

What does it mean when a chick is peeping?

By peeping, about-to-hatch chicks also communicate with each other and with their setting-hen mama. Chicks in the shell peep, the broody hen clucks. The early birds, and the mama hen, thereby encourage the slower chicks to hurry up, so all will hatch within a few hours of one another.

What does it mean when a baby chicken trills?

Don't be mistaken — these are pleasure trills, a chick's expression of utter contentment. Chicks don't develop “adult” chicken sounds until they are around ten weeks of age. During this time, their peeps and squawks begin to evolve into more purposeful communication. As your flock grows, listen to them.


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