Back with the Ex Diane last name

Erik and Lauren

Erik and Lauren (Netflix)

There didn't seem like there was much hope for Erik and Lauren to start with.

Before reuniting, they'd broken up a total of six times, averaging about once a year, and Erik even tried to pay for Lauren to get a boob job on one of her birthdays (what?)

Nevertheless, Erik was keen to get his girl back and he did a pretty good job at trying to win her over.

However, it was just a little too late for Lozza, who decided to walk away from him for good.

We guess once an ex, always an ex in this case!

Back With the Ex is available to stream on Netflix now

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How long did it take you to watch season 1?

Did you like the show? I liked the show, it was something I felt like I could relate to and I think others can relate to the situations in the show too.

Favourite couple? Out of the four couples, I’d have to say the long distance couple for me because it seemed the most sweet that they thought of each other all the years even so far away.

level 1

Erik is a narcissistic, abusive asshat .. congrats to lauren for not staying! also .. SIX times having sex in SIX years?????

level 2

It was evident from the life drawing date that Erik had zero respect for her boundaries/comfort. So..when it came out that he was abusive/controlling, i wasn’t shocked.

From the very first episode, she gave me the vibe that all she really wanted was to reject him herself, even if it was a subconscious motive,

level 2

I also thought that was super weird. I was rooting for her and was so happy when she said no, that just proves how much she's changed.

level 2

That was so bizarre. And that she had to cut her hair before they were intimate? Run away, girl!

level 2

Right? Dude reminded me of the shitty lovechild of Dennis and Mac from always sunny.

level 2

I didn't understand the no plates thing?!?!?

level 2

The fact that he had the means to put 10gs in a card for her but didn't spend a little money getting his house cleaned and fixed up before she came spoke volumes on his priorities. I am guessing he couldn't find another woman to put up with any of his crap and was hoping she would come and clean/cook for him again. Glad she didn't get sucked back into it.

level 2

I think he’s gay and closeted. Obsessed with his body, total control freak, no interest in sex with his girlfriend, lots of weird macho bravado, made her cut her hair short... I dunno, lots of flags going up for me.

level 2

He reminded me of American psycho

level 2

Yea that was odd, unless they were long distance. One day a week you can’t really do much. Maybe they went on a lot of dates.

level 2

Closet homosexual, not you, Eric

level 2

Every word of this! Omg he is awful, and eating over the sink with just your hands! She seems so sweet, I haven't finished it yet, but glad to know she ditched him.

level 1

Just finished the show. Omg Erik is probably the worst human I've ever seen. Who doesn't have plates in their house? He didn't even clean up his place for her. When Lauren rejected him I shouted with joy. I was so afraid she would give him another go because she's obviously desperate for a family. Meg was probably my fav in the show. I hope Jeremy watches it back and realises how great she is and how he is completely in the wrong ever time. Kate kinda freaked me out. She was like a little robot. Cam was doing all the work in that relationship. He seems like a great guy I think he deserves better then her. The old couple just made me cringe. Dianes children are going to be mortified when they watch the show and see their mother talk about sex sooooo much and the eye level incident was so embarrassing. She's a piece of work. Does anyone have updates on what's going on with the couples now?

level 2

Made me cringe too and I am old. Can you imagine being their kids? Also, not sure how their exes would feel especially Peter going on about how often he thought about Diane during his marriage. Its pretty insensitive.

level 2

They’ve all broken up. 😐

level 2

Because Diane is a mom she's sacrificed her right to intimacy? Sorry I don't agree. I felt that she had a zest for life and that's something I respect at any age!

Who is Diane from back with the ex?

The role was first portrayed by Alex Donnelley, who debuted in April 28, 1982. Diane was initially a two-day bit role, but was developed into a long-term character. Donnelley left the role two years later, returning briefly in 1986 before returning again fully in 1996.

Are Diane and Peter still married?

With kids of their own and living on two different continents, their relationship was not without complications but Peter was determined to make it work and ended up proposing to Diane during the last episode. BUT… The couple couldn't work out the logistics of their relationship and ended it.

Did Peter and Diane from back with the ex get married?

This older couple was apart for 28 years before Back with the Ex brought them back together. In that time, they both got married, had children, got divorced, and Diane even moved back to North Carolina, where she's originally from.

How old is Diane from back with the ex?



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