Boone nc to johnson city tn

Driving distance between Boone, NC and Johnson City, TN is 54.25 miles (or 87.31 kilometers). If you drove an average car (using about 3.6 gallons of gas per mile), the gas would cost you around $, since you would need about gallons of fuel.

Leaving from Boone, NC you would reach Johnson City, TN in about 1 hour 17 mins if you keep an average speed of miles per hour, assuming you don’t make any breaks or get stuck in traffic.

54 mi87 km

Boone nc to johnson city tn

CO2 emissions: kg

Emission estimated with the eco2 norme
(185 CO2 grams/mile)

This is a map overview of the best driving route from Boone, NC to Johnson City, TN in which you can see the origin and destination points marked with A (Boone) and B (Johnson City) respectively as well as blue line along the road route you can take. You can zoom in to see more details, including road numbers and even street names both in Boone, NC and Johnson City, TN as well as every other town you may pass by on your way.

Fuel consumption if you drive from Boone, NC to Johnson City, TN

To cover the 54.25 mi that separate Johnson City from Boone you are going to need between of fuel, considering you drive an average car (30 mpg) and , if you drive an SUV or a heavy car (20 mpg). If you drive a fuel efficient car (45 mpg), your consumption will only be .

Cost of driving from Boone, NC to Johnson City, TN

Depending on the fuel efficiency level of your car, driving from Boone to Johnson City will cost you between and . An average car would make the trip for . We calculate the route cost using real time average gas prices for the US and other costs such as tolls are not included in this calculation.

Driving directions

To help you plan your trip from Boone to Johnson City, we offer a detailed map together with full, turn by turn, driving directions from Boone, NC to Johnson City, TN.

Flying or direct distance between Boone, NC and Johnson City, TN

The flying distance represent the straight distance from Boone to Johnson City, the length of an hypothetical flight trip between the geographic center of Boone, NC and the geographic center of Johnson City, TN. We also offer nearby airports to both Boone to Johnson City and a flight ticket price comparison form, in case you want to make that hypothetical flight real :).

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About Bus Travel

Bus Travel Tips

If you're abroad, study some local language. Not only could it get you out of a pickle during your bus trip from Boone to Johnson City but it'll also be endearing to native speakers who will surely appreciate your effort.

From miles long of beauteous natural landscapes to impressive man-crafted sights, you're bound to be in for a visual treat on your bus trip from Boone to Johnson City.

Taking the bus creates the smallest carbon footprint compared to other modes of transport. Not to mention that buses will allow you to discover scenic gems from Boone to Johnson City that are otherwise impossible to come by with a plane.

Tune out to the fine sounds of your best music playlist on your bus trip from Boone to Johnson City while indulging in miles on end of beautiful scenic views.

Did you know?

The word 'bus' is an abbreviation of 'omnibus" which means 'for all' in Latin as buses were meant to be transportation for everybody.

The bus driver with the longest career in the world drove more than 2,000,000 miles and is a happy World Record holder.

One of the longest bus route in the world goes all the way from Ontario to Alberta in Canada (with the same bus). This trip is 3,435 km or 2,135 miles long and the price is a bit under $100.

What is Johnson City TN known for?

Johnson City is located in Washington County. It hosts the popular Blue Plum Festival and the region offers majestic scenery.

How far is Boone NC from Johnson City NC?

Distance conversions.

Is Boone close to Asheville?

Located just a couple of hours north of downtown Asheville, the town of Boone NC is the county seat for Watauga County. This hub of North Carolina's High Country is a slice of the Blue Ridge Mountains that's choc-a-block with outdoor activities and other attractions.

Is Johnson City near Pigeon Forge?

✚ How far is it from Johnson City to Pigeon Forge? The distance from Johnson City to Pigeon Forge is 76 miles. The road distance is 101 miles.