Bucky Barnes x pregnant reader Wattpad

Bucky sat on a chair in a waiting room a ways away from the emergency room. His knee was bouncing uncontrollably and his palms were sweaty. He looked down at his hands trying to remember what it felt like to hold his baby boy. He tried to remember Y/N's face without any pain. But every time he tried it would go right back to that moment a few seconds ago. He feared for his wife, his baby, and his other one on the way. A tear fell from his ear and onto his shaking knee. He put his head in his hands and tried to call himself. He didn't know that the doctor say down next to him at that time. But he realized who it was when he began to speak.

"Y/N is fine. She's going to be asleep for a while but we're moderating her closely." Bucky let out a small "okay" once he looked up at the doctor. "We lost the second baby, James. I'm sorry." Bucky let out a shaky breath and wiped away his tears.

"What was it?" Bucky asked looking up at the doctor once again with pink eyes.

"A girl." The doctor said sadly.

"A girl." Bucky whispered before tears cascaded down his cheeks. "It's what she wanted." He kept saying. "She wanted a girl. A girl and a boy, she said." Bucky's shoulders shook slightly as he cried into his hand, the doctor placed a hand on his shoulder and waited until he stopped crying. "This is all my fault." Bucky mumbled inbetween tears.

"There is no possible way for it to be your fault, James." The doctor sighed. "Mind if I say something meaningful?" He said as he removed the hand so Bucky could sit up.

"Go ahead." Bucky said, watching the doctor closely.

"I lost my wife a year ago, to cancer. Its the reason why I work so much at my age." He smiled slightly. "We were married 53 years. Five children, 11 grandkids. But we lost our very first child, during the delivery. It's the reason why I went into this field truth be told. I have spent five decades delivering babies, more babies then I can count. But there is not a single day that goes by that I haven't thought about the baby I lost. And I'm an old man now... I like to think, that because of the child I lost, because of the path, that he sent me on that I have saved countless other babies. " he paused and looked into Bucky's eyes. "I like to think that one day you'll be an old man like me. Talking to younger men, explaining to him how you, took the Sourest lemon that life has to offer, and turned it into something reassembling lemonade. If you do that, then you'll still be taking two babies home from this hospital. Even if it's not the way you planned." Bucky had stopped crying a while ago but still wiped away his tears stained cheeks. "I don't know if that was meaningful of senile, but I thought it needed to be said." The doctor have Bucky a nod. "Your wife will still be asleep for a while. Go see your baby. He's excited to meet his father." The doctor patted Bucky on the back gently and shook his metal hand. "I think maybe, he's got a good one." Then the doctor left. Bucky waited a little while before he stood and walked in the direction where his baby was.

Bucky stood with his hands on his pockets and A peaceful look on his face. A sheet of glass being the only thing between him and his baby.

"Where are they?" Steve said as he walked up to the glass. He shoved a ticket in the pocket of his coat as he did.

"You mean where is he." Bucky corrected him. Steve looked at him and sighed.

"Buck, I'm so sorry." Steve indulge Bucky in a hug.

"Its okay. It's no ones fault. I'm making lemonade with a sour lemon." Bucky smiled as he pulled away.


"Mr. Barnes, she's waking up." A nurse interrupted.

"Thank you." Bucky said. "I gotta go, Steve." Bucky walked away leaving Steve confused.


Bucky entered the room where his wife was laying peacefully in a hospital bed. He walked over to a empty chair and sat down. Y/N stirred slightly and opened her eyes. She saw Bucky and immediately tried to sit up. Bucky stood. "Woah, woah, woah, it's okay, your alright." He said as he gently pushed her back down on the bed.

"Wher- where's my- where's my babies?" She said inbetween heavy breaths.

"Y/n, listen to me, the babies-"

"No, no, nothing's wrong, where's my babies!?" She shouted as she struggled to get out of Bucky's grip.

"Honey, I'm sorry. But we beautiful baby boy, who has your eyes, and my nose, and pretty sure I saw some y/h/c hairs sticking out from his cute little head." Tears filled Bucky and Y/n's eyes as he continued to talk about their son. "He's so tiny, I thought I would brake him... I can't see in the future, darling. But I know that our baby boy is going to be such a gentleman... He's going to love sports, and helping his mom around house, because he's going to be just like you." Bucky kissed her head and looked into her eyes. "And that's all I need."

"We lost a girl?" Y/n asked when she finally calmed down. Bucky sat back down and held his wife's hand.

"Yeah." He said licking his lips.

"A girl and a boy... It would have been perfect."

"I'm sorry." Bucky said. Y/N paused before speaking.

"But it already is perfect." She said.


"...And the rest is history I guess." Y/n shrugged with a smirk on her face.

"History?" A man's voice from the back room said. "I'm not that old am I?" Bucky came out with a baby wrapped up in a navy blue blanket. He grinned at the crowd and at his wife as he made his way to her.

The reporters voices for louder as they asked a million questions a minute. The whole time Y/N stood with her husband and baby boy. She gave Bucky a kiss on the cheek and the same for her child.

"Hey, honey?" Bucky whispered into her hair.


"Your beautiful baby boy had an accident." He continued grinning at the crowd.

"Well let's wrap this up and drop him off at papa Tony's!"

Words: 1,136

Sorry this took so long and it probably sucks.

Also this was based off of the episode of 'this is us.' The whole lemon thing belongs to them.


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