Can newborn wear bibs to sleep

Bibs and sleeping ?

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  • This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 5 years, 2 months ago by Til90123.

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  • 24th October 2017 at 10:34 am #10606



    Hello my little one has eczema around his neck so have been popping a bib on him to keep it dry from dribble and using cream regularly . My question if if he falls asleep in a bib is this safe for him to do so ? I take it off at night time but it is if he falls asleep in the day ? The kind I have is fabric and either Velcro or popper fastening .
    Thank you 🙂 I can’t find any proper answers when I have googled

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Can anyone tell me if there is any reason why I shouldn't put my baby to sleep wearing a bib? It's one of the closer to Nature ones, so soft around the neck and velcro fastening, not a tie. I thought I'd safety pin the bib bit to her sleeping bag so it doesn't flap up and cover her face. She's soooooo sicky and it would be much easier to change her bib three times a night instead of a full change of clothes, but have never heard of anyone else doing this, so I'm wondering if there's some really obvious danger I'm stupidly missing!

Some parents use bibs for their newborn baby straight away, others wait until they start solids, and some don’t use them at all. So what is the right option for you?

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At Frankie Lola, we understand that the health and safety of your baby comes first. If used properly, our bibs are not only fun and practical they are also super comfortable and safe for your baby. In our blog, we’re answering a list of frequently asked questions about baby bib safety and hygiene for your peace of mind.


Are bibs safe for newborns?

All our bibs are safe for newborns and toddlers up to age four.


Should babies sleep with a bib on?

Something that many parents ask is whether babies should sleep with a bib on. To keep your baby safe, it’s advised that you always remove a bib while they’re sleeping. You should also never leave your baby unattended while wearing a bib.


How often should I clean a baby bib?

All our bibs are made from cotton and supersoft cuddlesoft minky velboa fabric. To keep fabric bibs hygienic, we recommend cleaning them after each use at a 30 degree wash and tumble dry on a low heat.


Should I buy an allergy awareness bib for my baby?

We have a range of allergy awareness bibs that you can use while you’re out at a restaurant or if someone new is taking care of your baby. We recommend allergy bibs as they act as a visible reminder of your baby’s dietary restrictions.

Even if your baby is allergic to multiple ingredients, we have a bib to match most allergy combinations.


So, there you have some of the most frequently asked questions about baby bib safety. We hope this blog answers all your queries, but if you would like any more information about baby bibs and how to use them safely, feel free to contact us.

Shop our beautiful range of cotton bandana and dribble bibs today for a delightful range of designs for boys and girls.

I'm torn. I have not been keeping his bib on at night but I'm tempted too. Most nights our long stretch of sleep is interupted by a big spit up that I can't ignore. It soaks his shirt and I can't bear to leave him wet with the AC on. We're up changing a onsie instead of sleeping soundly till morning feeding.
Is it okay to have a bib on a newborn while it is asleep? Ours likes to burp up / posset shortly before she starts waking up and can create a bit of a mess, so a bib might help. But are there any risks or downsides (eg could the bib choke or smother baby??). Any other helpful suggestions for our problem? Thanks in advance
Could be a completely silly question, but my lo is an extremely sicky baby and needs a bib on pretty much all the time as you just never know when he's going to he sick and it can be quite a lot at a time. However, it occurred to me yesterday, is it safe to sleep with a bib on? Or can they be a strangulation or suffocation risk? Quite often my lo falls asleep with one on and I don't know if I should be taking it off or not?! Thanks. X

Can newborns sleep with bib?

So your baby should never sleep in a bib and you should be keeping an eye on them when they have one on to avoid it covering their faces.

When can I use bib for my newborn?

Parents often use feeding bibs from around six months to about two years of age, to handle spills. Drool bibs are typically used earlier on. Some newborns begin using drool bibs at just a few weeks old and may continue using them until they stop breastfeeding or when most of their teeth come in.

What a newborn should wear at night?

Either a pair of snuggly fleece pajamas or heavier microfleece swaddle or sleep sack over standard cotton jammies should do the trick. Just remember: no loose blankets.


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