Can you abandon quests in Kingdoms of Amalur?

I do not believe there is any way to “abandon” quests in this game. You either complete them by succeeding or failing.

What you can do is mark them “show” or “don’t show” in the Quest Log so you won’t have to worry about their markers on your map.

Hope that helps.

To abandon a quest, you should select the quest in your Journal in the game menu and press [Menu] on Xbox [Options] on PlayStation then select Abandon Quest.

Please note that main quests cannot be abandoned. If you are experiencing an issue with a Main Quest, leaving the area and returning after 15 minutes will often resolve the issue. 

I wish I knew how. As far as I know, there's no way to abandon quests. This basically means that I really, really hate the blazing salve guy from didenhill... I still get the little white circle beckoning me to leave the dungeon for that chump. I definitely need to take pokemondo's advice on this one.

As far as I can tell, there's no way to cancel a quest. All you have to do is not bother completing the quest ever. It'll sit there in your quest area gathering dust, but no problem. Just ignore it. Go on your other quests and don't bother completing that one ever. If that bothers you, reload an earlier save, or wait to see if they patch the game to allow for quest deletion.

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How do I abandon a story quest?

To abandon a quest, you should select the quest in your Journal in the game menu and press [Menu] on Xbox [Options] on PlayStation then select Abandon Quest. Please note that main quests cannot be abandoned.

Can you have a spouse in Kingdoms of Amalur?

Sunhilda is a potential spouse in Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, regardless of gender. She is also the only other potential love interest the Fateless One can pursue except Alyn Shir (If Persuaded), Captain Brattigan, And the Maid of Windemere.

Can you be good or evil in Kingdoms of Amalur?

There is no karma system in Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, you can do whatever you want and it wont really change anything in the game world (except very few exceptions like the Canneroc village,where you can change the fate of the village but it still wont have any impact on the rest of the game other then the village ...

Do the days matter in Kingdoms of Amalur?

No. No time limits you can take as much or as little time as you want to finish a quest.