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How to cancel PlayStation Plus

Learn how to cancel your subscription and what happens to your PlayStation®Plus benefits when you cancel and re-subscribe to PlayStation Plus.

How to cancel PlayStation Plus on web browser

  1. Sign in to Account Management.

  2. Select Subscription from the menu on the left of the screen. 

  3. Select Cancel Subscription next to PlayStation Plus.

If you would like to keep your subscription, you can select Reactivate Subscription before the next payment date of the current subscription to keep it active.

Which benefits will I lose if I cancel PlayStation Plus?

If you cancel your PlayStation Plus subscription you will continue to have access to all of your PlayStation Plus subscription benefits until the end of any previously purchased subscription payment period.

Once your PlayStation Plus subscription ends you will lose access to all PlayStation Plus benefits such as monthly games, online storage and online multiplayer.

Which monthly games will I lose If I cancel PlayStation Plus?

Once your PlayStation Plus subscription ends, content you previously downloaded at no cost as part of the subscription (such as monthly games) will no longer be available. However, redeemed PlayStation Plus packs and avatars, and PlayStation Plus discounted purchases are yours to keep.

Resubscribe to PlayStation Plus

If your PlayStation Plus subscription expires and you reactivate it at a later date, you will regain access to content that you have previously added through PlayStation Plus (such as your monthly games).

Please note that if your subscription is cancelled as a result of a suspension due to breach of the Community Code of Conduct you will not be refunded for any unused period of your subscription in line with the PSN Terms of Service.

We do not provide refunds for subscription payments previously paid in line with the PlayStation Store Cancellation Policy, unless required by local law.

Get out of your PS Plus account with ease

What to Know

  • Navigate to the Sony Entertainment account management site > select Subscription.
  • Find PlayStation Plus subscription > Turn Off Auto-Renew > Confirm.
  • You can also cancel your subscription using a PlayStation console.

This article explains how to cancel your PlayStation Plus subscription using either a web browser or a PlayStation console.

How to Cancel PS Plus

The easiest way to cancel PlayStation Plus is through the Sony Entertainment Network account management site. This process can be accomplished on any computer or mobile device that has a web browser and access to the internet, so you don't even need to have access to your PlayStation.

You can't immediately cancel a PlayStation Plus subscription or receive a partial refund. The only way to effectively cancel your subscription is to turn off auto renewal.

Here's how to cancel PlayStation Plus through the Sony Entertainment Network website:

  1. Navigate to the Sony Entertainment account management site and select Subscription.

  2. Locate your PlayStation Plus subscription, and select Turn Off Auto-Renew.

  3. Select Confirm.

How to Cancel PlayStation Plus Using a PlayStation 4

If you still have access to the console you used to sign up for PlayStation Plus, and it's connected to the internet, you can cancel your membership directly through the account settings menu on the console.

Here's how to cancel PlayStation Plus using a PlayStation 4:

  1. Select Settings.

  2. Select Account Management.

  3. Select Account Information.

  4. Select PlayStation Subscriptions.

  5. Select your PlayStation Plus subscription.

  6. Select Turn Off Auto-Renew.

  7. Select Yes.

How to Cancel PlayStation Plus on a PS5 Console

The instructions to cancel your account on a PS5 are similar to those on a PS4, but things are in slightly different places. Here's what to do.

  1. From the Home screen, select Settings in the upper-right corner.

  2. Choose Users and Accounts.

  3. Highlight Account in the left pane (you'll be there by default), and then select Payment and Subscriptions on the right.

  4. Choose Subscriptions.

  5. Go to PlayStation Plus.

  6. Select Turn Off Auto-Renew.

  7. Confirm your choice, and your membership will not renew. It will, however, still be active until the day shown on the Next renewal date line above.

What Happens When You Cancel PlayStation Plus?

When you cancel PlayStation Plus, you actually turn off the auto renewal feature. The subscription isn't cancelled immediately, but it will be effectively cancelled the next time it comes up for renewal.

Cancelling PlayStation Plus has a handful of consequence:

  • You lose access to your free games: Free PS Plus games are only available if you have an active subscription. You can't access these games as long as your subscription is cancelled.
  • You can no longer play multiplayer games online: With the exception of a handful of games like Final Fantasy XIV, you can only play offline games.
  • You lose access to your cloud save files: If you've used the cloud save feature, your cloud saves will no longer be available. You can only access save data that's stored on your console.
  • You can't use the Game Catalog or Classics Catalog: If you have an Extra or Deluxe membership to PlayStation Plus, you'll lose access to its libraries once your membership expires.

Cancelling your PlayStation Plus subscription doesn't cancel or delete your PlayStation Network account. You retain your PSN ID, saved game files, trophies, and any digital games and downloadable content (DLC) you purchased through the PlayStation Store.

Other than that, you can continue using your PlayStation to play games offline using your locally-stored save files.

If you renew your subscription at any time in the future, you immediately regain access to all PlayStation Plus features, including your entire library of free games.

  • If you had access to a game through PlayStation Plus prior to cancelling your subscription, you'll regain access to that game upon renewing your subscription even if months or years have passed.

If you used the PlayStation Plus Online Storage to transfer your save data to the cloud, make sure to retrieve your save files before you cancel PlayStation Plus. After you cancel, you'll no longer have access to this feature.

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Can you cancel the 14 day PS Plus trial?

Sony's terms and conditions make clear that you can cancel your subscription before the trial period expires to avoid being charged, though if you fail to do so you will be rolled "into an ongoing subscription with a recurring subscription fee charged automatically" until you say otherwise.

Does PS now charge after free trial?

At the end of your 7-day trial period, your PlayStation Now subscription will automatically roll into a paid-for ongoing subscription with a recurring monthly subscription fee which will be taken automatically each month.


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