Can you cancel the PS Plus free trial?


April 29, 2021 — 4 Min READ

Here is a guide on how to do it:

  1. Open a web browser
  2. Go to
  3. Sign in to your account
  4. Select the “Subscription menu” item in the left sideb
  5. Select “Continue” to proceed
  6. Choose PlayStation Plus
  7. Select the “Turn Off Auto Renew” button
  8. Select “Confirm” to cancel your subscription

More information on PlayStation Plus and how to cancel it

PlayStation Plus is a subscription-based service on the PlayStation Network, complements the standard PSN services. It enables an auto-download feature for game patches and system software updates. Subscribers gain early or exclusive access to some betas, game demos, and premium downloadable content.

PlayStation Plus has over 41.5 million subscribers worldwide.

As a brand, PlayStation was founded in 1994. by Ken Kutaragi in Japan.

What membership plans does PlayStation Plus have?

PlayStation Plus has just one plan but you can pay for it on 3 levels: 12 months – $59.99, 3 months – $24.99, 1 month – $9.99.

If you choose to pay annually, you’ll save 50% compared to paying monthly, and 40% compared to the three-month membership plan2.

It means you will pay:

  • For 12-months plan: $5/month
  • For 3-months plan: $8.33/month

The Free Trial period for PlayStation Plus lasts 14 days. After your free trial period, you automatically will be charged for a subscription on a monthly or annual basis unless you cancel.

How to cancel a PlayStation Plus subscription?

If you want to cancel your PlayStation Plus subscription, you can do so at any time. 

Here are the steps you need to take on your PC:

  1. Open a web browser
  2. Go to
  3. Sign in to your account
  4. Select the “Subscription menu” item in the left sideb
  5. Select “Continue” to proceed
  6. Choose PlayStation Plus
  7. Select the “Turn Off Auto Renew” button
  8. Select “Confirm” to cancel your subscription

Easily cancel your PlayStation Plus subscription with Revuto!

Revuto is a one-stop solution for all your subscriptions. Approve, Block, or Snooze your payment for any service in seconds.

Sign up for Revuto to become one of our first users and to be able to use the Revuto app for free.

  1. Add your new or existing (PlayStation Plus) subscription by clicking on + in the right corner of the screen
  2. Enter your (PlayStation Plus) subscription details
  3. Wait for the next billing cycle – Revuto will send you notifications:
  • Approve (Pay subscription)
  • Block (Unsubscribe)
  • Snooze (Postpone payment)

Once verified, you will be able to block, snooze or approve LinkedIn payments.

Does PlayStation have a grace period? 

If your payment method has had a charge reversed on a PlayStation™Store purchase, this can result in your account being restricted from accessing PlayStation Network (PSN).

So, the account will be suspended until the charges are resolved.

What if:

  • You cancel PlayStation Plus?
  • You want to rejoin?

If you decide to cancel your PlayStation Plus subscription, this will happen:

  • You’ll still have access to PlayStation Plus until your subscription expires;
  • You will not be able to access your online storage game saves;
  • Any games you downloaded from the PS Plus free monthly games list will no longer be available to play;
  • Any games or items you purchased at a discounted PS Plus price will still be available.

You are able to rejoin PlayStation Plus if you want. If your PlayStation Plus subscription expires but you reactivate it at a later date, you will get your content back that you previously owned through PlayStation Plus. Your account may be closed out if you do not use it for 24 months (2 years).

Don’t forget with Revuto you can:

  1. Block or Snooze or Approve each subscription in seconds
  2. Split costs with friends in a safe and secure way
  3. Swap unused subscriptions with friends
  4. All payment information and passwords are tokenized

If you click on a link and make a purchase we may receive a small commission. Read our editorial policy.

Should that Stray you over.

Can you cancel the PS Plus free trial?

Sony's two new PlayStation Plus subscription tiers now offer a seven-day free trial.

Both the PlayStation Plus Extra (£10.99/month) and Premium (£13.49/month) options will now give you seven days to try the service before being billed.

It's worth noting these trials are not available separately - you are essentially selecting to sign up to Extra/Premium via their various monthly/three-monthly/annual billing options, and just get seven days free up front.

Eurogamer Newscast: What can Sony do to improve PlayStation Plus Premium?

It's also worth noting that these trials will not show up if you're an existing PlayStation Plus subscriber. (I'm currently signed into the PlayStation Store and on the basic Essential plan, and don't see these options until I log out.)

If you are eligible, you'll see the payment options for Extra/Premium now all set at a very attractive £0.00 pricetag - and then the real recurring price underneath.

Can you cancel the PS Plus free trial?
PlayStation Plus Premium now begins with a seven-day free trial.
Can you cancel the PS Plus free trial?
As does PlayStation Plus Extra.

Sony's terms and conditions make clear that you can cancel your subscription before the trial period expires to avoid being charged, though if you fail to do so you will be rolled "into an ongoing subscription with a recurring subscription fee charged automatically" until you say otherwise.

It's unclear whether you can cancel during your free trial, wait for it to expire, then sign up for another free trial.

Still, if you're not a subscriber already and there was something you really wanted to play in its catalogue for less than a week, this might be an option for you.

The adorable Stray launches this week.

July's list of PlayStation Plus additions is headlined by futuristic cat adventure Stray, alongside Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade and Marvel's Avengers.

You can find the full list of games available via the various PlayStation Plus catalogues via our full PlayStation Plus guide.

Does PS Plus Free Trial charge?

“At the end of your trial period, your PlayStation Plus subscription will automatically roll into an ongoing subscription with a recurring subscription fee charged automatically at the frequency you choose when you sign up for the trial.