Can you get drunk off 1 white claw?

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No need to hit pause when you're drinking the Claws. 

All of those jokes that you made at your friend's expense when he said, "man those White Claws really sneak up on you, man" are now coming back to bite you in the butt because a doctor has confirmed that White Claw really does get you drunker and faster than any other alcohol. 

That's according to Whiskey Riff, who says that Dr. Niket Sonpal, M.D, is shedding a light on what makes the popular hard selzter different from any other kind of booze. 

The gastroenterologist pointed out the following:

• You really do stay more hydrated when drinking low-calorie hard seltzers.
• Because it has less sugar, you don't have the horrible hangover the next day.
• Believe it or not, you do get drunker faster (even though it seems like it takes at least 5 of them to really start feeling unstoppable on the dance floor), because carbonated beverages get absorbed into the blood stream faster.
• Finally, White Claw doesn't have all of those icky chemicals that you'd find beer, wine or whiskey. Scientists call them congeners; and it's giving me a headache just thinking about them.

Interesting stuff.

My apologies to the guy I laughed at when told me that he was wasted after drinking four of them.

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White Claw is the market leader in the booming new “hard seltzer” market. Until now, basically all the hard seltzers came in the same size can with the same amount of alcohol. The only distinguishing feature was the variable flavours.

Now, White Claw has launched its White Claw Surge, which only comes in a 16fl oz can and is a whopping 8% alcohol by volume. This is quite the upgrade on the usual 12fl oz can at 5% ABV.

I have previously showed it takes 4 normal White Claw to get drunk, so how many of the Surge will it take? How many White Claw Surge to get drunk?

The CDC states it takes the average 160lb adult male, 4 standard beers to get drunk. A standard beer is 12fl oz and 5% ABV which equals 14g of alcohol. A White Claw Surge has twice that amount of alcohol so you would only need to drink 2 to get drunk.

White Claw Surge has 60% more alcohol by volume and 33% extra total volume than a standard White Claw.

What does drunk actually mean, what is the definition?

You could make a guess at what “drunk” means, we have all seen drunk people and know the signs, but do you know the exact definition? It needs to be a bit more precise than not walking too straight or slurring your words.

A blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08% is classed as legally intoxicated in the US.

We now need to see how many standard drinks would get your BAC to 0.08%. All it takes is a little bit of math

How do you feel at different blood alcohol concentrations?

As you drink more alcohol than your liver can metabolise, your BAC rises. The effects of a rising blood alcohol concentration has been tracked by many studies. 

You will be feeling the affects of alcohol long before you meet the legal definition of drunk. It is why you are recommended not to drive after any alcohol as you will still be under its affects before you would get a DUI.

Lots of informational websites include this data now.

  • 0.02% – Probably the lowest measurable BAC where you can track any brain issues. You may feel more relaxed and potentially make poorer decisions.
  • 0.05%: When you hit this BAC, your behaviour will may become over exaggerated. Speak louder and gesturing more are common. You may also begin to lose control of small muscles like the ones that control your eyes leading to blurry vision.
  • 0.08%: This is the current legal driving limit in the U.S and many areas around the world. It is also the legal definition of intoxicated in the US. You will likely lose some coordination, so your reaction times, speech, balance, and even hearing will deteriorate.
  • 0.10%: As we reach this BAC, reaction times and control will be reduced further. Your speech will be slurred, you think slower, and your coordination becomes poor.
  • 0.15%: Getting up to twice the legal driving limit now. You will have much less control over your balance and voluntary muscles. We have all seen someone who finds walking and talking difficult after a lot of alcohol. Falling and injuring yourself is a real possibility now.

What is a standard beer?

Beers come in lots of different shapes, sizes and strengths. There is no point in me saying “standard beer” and you imagining some 12% Imperial Stout when i mean a 4% Lager.

Luckily for everyone, the USDA have devised a list of “standard” alcoholic drinks. Each one contains precisely the same amount of alcohol – 14g of alcohol (0.6 ounces).

Below is a list of the standard drinks, volumes and ABV that all give 14g of alcohol.

Drink and volume Alcohol content
12fl oz Beer 5%
5fl oz Wine 12%
1.5fl oz Spirit 40%
Standard Drinks

So as you can see, a standard beer is a 12fl oz and 5% alcohol by volume beer, which has the same alcohol as 5fl oz of 12% wine and a 1.5fl oz shot of 40% spirit.

Is White Claw the same as a Standard Beer?

In terms of alcohol and volume, White Claw is exactly the same as a standard beer. They both are 12fl oz in volume and 5% alcohol by volume. 

This is true for US/Canada, however in the rest of the world, White Claw is 4.5% ABV, so a little less.

How many standard beers or standard White Claws to get drunk?

How many alcoholic beers or White Claws does the average adult need to drink to get to a BAC of 0.08% and drunk under the law?

The CDC tells us that the average 160lb adult male will need to drink 4 standard drinks, in this case White Claws, to get to a BAC of 0.08%.

The answer is therefore, it would take 4 standard beers or White Claws to get drunk. These need to be drank over 1-2 hours however, as your liver will start breaking down the alcohol in your blood as soon as it encounters it.

Much much more alcohol does a White Claw Surge have compared to standard White Claw?

A White Claw Surge comes in a 16fl oz can which is 33% bigger than the standard 12fl oz With Claw can.

The Surge is 8% alcohol by volume, a 60% uplift in alcohol compared to the 5% standard White Claw.

All this means that a standard White Claw will have 14g of pure alcohol but a White Claw Surge will have 29.8g of alcohol. It has just over twice the alcohol per can.

How does weight affect the number of White Claws to get drunk?

How much body mass and its composition plays a massive role on how quickly we get drunk. No doubt you will have noticed your smaller friends will likely get drunk quicker than your larger friends.

Alcohol is distributed throughout the body so if you have more actual body, less of the alcohol will remain in your bloodstream, lowering your blood alcohol concentration.

How does sex affect the number of White Claws to get drunk?

Biological females need less alcohol to get drunk and get drunk quicker. This is due to a variety of reasons.

A females are usually smaller than males, they have around 40% less of an enzyme called alcohol dehydrogenase (the enzyme that breaks down alcohol) than an equivalent male and they have a higher percentage of fat to lean mass so more of the alcohol is in their bloodstream.

What other factors affects how quickly you get drunk?


Different ethnicities have variations of some genes that are needed to break down alcohol. This can make their blood alcohol concentration spike quicker.

Notable examples would be people of Asian or Native American descent can have reduced levels of alcohol dehydrogenase, which breaks down alcohol. The result would be they get drunk quicker and on less White Claw

Last meal

Nearly everyone knows if you drink on an empty stomach you will get drunk quicker. Folklore make you go out for a bit meal or breakfast if you are going out for the day drinking. There is method to this madness

A large meal, close to when you are going to start drink, will lower the absolute peak of your blood alcohol concentration. The food acts as a physical barrier to the alcohol leaving your stomach and into the bloodstream


Your body gets used to having alcohol in it and affects you less. Hardened drinkers need to drink more White Claw to feel its affects.

Energy levels

If you feel especially tired or have had a lack of sleep, you will feel the intoxicating effects of alcohol sooner than if you were well rested.


If you mix alcohol with sedating prescription medications or illegal drugs then these can work to enhance the sedative affects of alcohol and make you feel drunk much quicker.


Believe it or not, having very strong motions like anger, fear or being lonely can bring on the affects of alcohol quicker. If you are out at a bar with the expectation of being drunk, you may well feel drunk sooner as well from the placebo effect.


Some birth control pills or drinking at the premenstrual stage of a woman’s cycle can lead to higher blood alcohol concentrations.

How many non alcoholic and alcohol free beers to get drunk?

If it takes 4 standard beers to get drunk, it would take 40 non alcoholic beers and 400 alcohol free beers to get drunk.

You can read all the math on my non alcoholic beers to get drunk and alcohol free beers to get drunk articles

How many White Claws get you drunk?

You can get drunk after four to five cans of White Claws. However, if you are a light person, you may get drunk after two to three cans. White Claw is a hard seltzer, and it contains alcohol that is roughly similar to a can of beer so consume it responsibly.

Can you get drunk off one seltzer?

It is unlikely for anyone to get drunk on one can of Truly. Although everyone has a different alcohol tolerance, just one can pack a big punch. One can of a seltzer with an alcohol percentage of 5 will increase your blood alcohol concentration by 0.02 percent alone, which is not considered drunk.

How many White Claws equal a shot?

One 12 oz can of 5% White Claw is equal to one 1.5 oz shot of 40% hard liquor.


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