Can you get married in Black Desert Mobile

level 1

Yeah so a dude can marry a dude acting like a girl

level 1

Lol what happens when u get married?

level 2

Kids and then no more sex

level 2

Idk, was hoping for buffs and/or babies that act as side-adventures.

level 1

I THINK there is some kind of option. Its not called marriage though but blood kin

level 2

Oh! You're absolutely right. I saw something about that when I was exploring tabs. Thank you for the reminder.

level 2's a nice day for a white wedding.

level 1

You can get married but only to npcs

level 2

Damn...I'm gonna lose my man. Lmao!!

level 1

Yeah, that'll be tough. This is my boyfriend and I, It would be nice to be able to wed. Marriage buffs are always dope af.

level 1

you want to be miserable irl and vr?

level 2

Lol, no. Just looking for buffs and extra perks. I've played a couple mobile games that have implemented marriage systems and they're always super cute, and fun.

level 1

Horny white dude hooking up the THICC Asian chick

level 1

Its all dudes in here except these bitches.

level 1

Brah that bitch is thick AF!

level 2

Ha. She's modeled after myself.

# 1

First off, not much mmorpgs out there

coming up with marriage system, especially

mmorpgs with gender lock like bdm.

If there's gonna be marriage system,

you can have buff by having it like bloodkins.

Like they said, the more the merrier right?

More buff more fun too!

It doesn't matter if you can marry the same

gender or not (since this game is gender lock)

but the sure thing is, marriage system in

gender lock mmorpg is revolutionary and

rather new, fresh thing to add.

Then you can have shared camp and shared

storage by combining the two players camp.

Really wonderful! not to mention developer

won't have to think hard for getting paid, because

this can be optional buff, because you have

to purchase the actual thing to get married.

Well for me, i'd spend as much as it needed

for me to get married LOL XD RIP such a burning

thirst on my throat.

If this will be come true in the future, damn

i think i will lose my real life...but to hell with

it XD go dev!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2020-03-05 18:53

With social distancing being enforced around the world, news has circulated of a couple in the Czech Republic getting married through Black Desert! Did you hear about that?

Their wedding was originally scheduled to take place on May 30th, and has been postponed indefinitely due to the Coronavirus. Therefore in order to complete their vows, they decided to have a virtual wedding in Black Desert.

The couple invited their beloved guild members and other adventurers from around Black Desert EU PC.

Although it wasn’t an offline event where they could hear congratulations and applause, through the cables of the internet a beautiful wedding scene full of blessings was delivered.

The Black Desert wedding was brought to you by Kakao Games, who are in charge of the European services.

Now let’s look at the beautiful scenes together.

The couple are ’Insidel’ and ’Svetluska’, who play Black Desert from the Czech Republic.

The wedding venue was easily one of the most beautiful and dreamy places in the Black Desert world, Grana. (Wouldn’t you like to get married in a location like this??)

The adventurers Karki suit and the Rakshande outfit are the perfect reproduction of a wedding dress and tuxedo!

All the guests came together at Grana Palace to celebrate the wedding, and thanks to the officiant Black Desert GM, [GM] Death, who conducted the ceremony for the couple.

It’s late, but the Black Desert team world over would like to send their congratulations to the lovely couple.

[GM] Immortalis prepared a special scene for the couple to enjoy after their wedding. Letting off fireworks over Grana truly made a magical scene! And with that, the wedding was over!

Of course, once a wedding is done an afterparty is a must! This party was hosted by [GM] Death through his house, and the couple invited as many of their closest friends as possible!

Congratulations to the Bride and Groom on their unique wedding using the Black Desert World.

And once again, we would like to thank the Czech adventurers for making the wedding even more successful.

This video makes me feel like I’m actually at the wedding!

Please congratulate the blessed Insidel ♥ Svetluska on their marriage.

We will be sending all your blessings to the lovely couple, so once again, we wish you nothing but happiness Insidel and Svetluska, and all the best in the future.

Does black desert have marriage?

The wedding venue was easily one of the most beautiful and dreamy places in the Black Desert world, Grana. (Wouldn't you like to get married in a location like this??) The adventurers Karki suit and the Rakshande outfit are the perfect reproduction of a wedding dress and tuxedo!

Is Black Desert different on mobile?

Meanwhile, Black Desert Online is specifically designed for PC, with a console port on Xbox and PlayStation systems simply called Black Desert. Black Desert Mobile naturally features a different combat system than Black Desert Online, which fits the former's nature of touch controls.

Is Black Desert Mobile is pay to win?

Black Desert and its mobile version, Black Desert Mobile, are not “Pay To Win” games. Most of the items offered in the shop are for aesthetics and other trivial game mechanics. Seasonal costumes, pets, and other in-game items are available in the game as long as the player can grind.

Is Black Desert Mobile worth playing?

As mentioned before, if you truly want to experience the beautiful world of BDM and everything it has to offer, it is highly recommended to have a powerful smartphone. Yes, the game can run perfectly well on some low-end devices, but the toned-down graphics will look much worse and may ruin the overall experience.


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