Can you still lose the 50/50 twice Genshin?

Think they mean they’ve lost 50/50 every time they’re up for it, not that they’ve somehow lost their guaranteed. Using the current banner for example:

Lost 50/50 and got Diluc instead of Itto. Got Itto. Lost 50/50 and got Qiqi instead of Itto. Got Itto, now C1. Lost 50/50 and got Mona instead of Itto. Got Itto, now C2.

The above player can claim to have lost 50/50 three times “in a row” since each time they’ve been up for 50/50, they lost.

By comparison, my limited banner wish history:

Lost 50/50 and got Qiqi instead of Ayaka. Got Ayaka. Lost 50/50 and got Diluc instead of Raiden. Got Raiden. Won 50/50 and got Kokomi. Won 50/50 and got Hu Tao. Won 50/50 and got Eula. Won 50/50 and got Eula, now C1.

So I’ve lost 50/50 twice in a row but won it four times in a row.

Hope this helps.

Can you win 50/50 twice in a row Genshin?

How Many 50/50s Have You Won In A Row? None.

Can you still get the character if you lose the 50 50?

If you lose the 50/50 and get one of the permanent banner characters like diluc then the next time you hut the pity for the 90 wishes you are then guaranteed the event banner 5 star Hu Tao. Hope this was explained well.

Does 50 50 carry over Genshin?

The 50/50 carries over as well. For example, if you lose the 50/50 on Klee's banner, your next 5-star character pull is guaranteed to be the featured character, so you'll be able to guarantee Kazuha as long as you have enough wishes.

What happens if you lose a 5050 Genshin?

The upside to the 50/50 system is that once players fail it, they will have their account given a guarantee. This guarantee makes it so that the next 5-star character that a player pulls on a limited banner is 100% going to be the limited character.

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