Can you stop a Neighbour parking outside your house?


I know there is no law against parking anwhere in your street.. but if your neighbour has 3 cars and 2 are in their carport already, then shouldn't they NOT park their 3rd car in front of our house?
They could easily park on the other side of their driveway but NO.. she has to park in front of ours, so now, we cannot park in front of our house.

We've spoken to her over the years and all she does is just fire horrible text messages back. She really is a nasty piece of work.
Sometimes she does the right thing but is she just being a bitch? Or am I being over-sensitive.

Is it wrong to want to park in front of your own house, that you work 10 hours a day, to pay for?

Not to mention her frigging cat which she lets run around outside all night.. it meows all the time (poor thing) and sometimes she goes away for days and we can only assume by the meowing, doesn't organise for someone to feed it.

it's annoying, but only if you let it get to you

buy a $100 bomb and park it outside the front of your place


yeah, I wish we were able to not let it get to us.. we feel it is one of those unofficial "social laws" which decent people stick to but people that are a bit rough/brought up poorly, couldn't care less.

you're right

she's a bitch

park the $100 bomb outside her place

mikedsilva writes...

is one of those unofficial "social laws"

Yup, just that, if its a quiet street. Busy streets on the other hand is first in best dressed.

Yep, pisses me off too. My neighbour is a FIFO miner and has ample space out front of his house to park his car but parks in front of mine instead and it sits there for weeks at a time without moving while he's gone.


hi.. we should form a support group!
Have you spoken to him?
Curious what he says about it?
Why would someone be so inconsiderate?

Just park out the front of her place? Whats the problem? It only irritates you cause you let it. You have zero ownership of the street in front of your house so don't stress over it :-)


I'm wondering if this is her that just wrote it..

Arrrrrrg, not this topic again. Has been discussed many times on WP already, with no answers been acheived as its all down to personal opinion.

mikedsilva writes...

Is it wrong to want to park in front of your own house, that you work 10 hours a day, to pay for?

You don't work 10 hours a day to pay for the street...well you do indirectly to pay via rates, but that's beside the point. I'd imagine there's not very much, legal, that you can do as long as she isn't blocking your access.

Yes, she is divorced and has a string of "gentleman callers"... I feel sorry for her kid (that we hear her scolding often)...

That is unnecessary and by including this you are essentially showing yourself to be an unpleasant neighbour yourself.

As for the cat, call council about a "stray cat".

thatsgoodsquish writes...

Just park out the front of her place? Whats the problem? It only irritates you cause you let it. You have zero ownership of the street in front of your house so don't stress over it :-)

Best advice there is.

It sucks, I feel your pain. I have a neighbour who parked his bomb in front of our house for 2 months He has done it a couple of times before too. We had to get our roof replaced and it made it very difficult for the tradies to work around it. They set up a saw station literally a meter away from the car. When I have to mow the nature strip I make sure his car gets covered in grass. The owner is in a group of units so unfortunately I don't know exactly who it is so I can't ask him to move it.

My solution was as soon as he moved the car I parked my car there and left it there. A few times he parked back there when we had to use the car but we kept putting our car back there the moment he drove out again. Eventually he got the message and parked somewhere else.

The bird across the road parks in front of my place, and i park in front of her place.

We both head out different directions, so it works well.

These forums are for sensible comments by sensible posters
If you cant make a sensible comment dont lower the whirlpool forum.
Mods you should have removed the comments eg nails etc

Thats the problem with our society today, getting worked up about such an insignificant issue

-Mike- writes...

getting worked up about such an insignificant issue

Anyone who has lived in the innercity would probably disagree that it is an insignificant issue. Street parking can be a major source of angst, probably second only to fencing in terms of neighbourhood disputes. I agree that comments about nails and tyre valves aren't useful though. There are more mature was to resolve these problems which don't create ongoing feuds.

With Cheese writes...

There are more mature was to resolve these problems which don't create ongoing feuds.

What problem? It's public parking that anyone is entitled to use.

It's convenient to park in front of your house but you have no more right to it than anyone else.

With Cheese writes...

When I have to mow the nature strip I make sure his car gets covered in grass.

A strong coloured and smelly fertiliser also does wonders for keeping your verge nice and healthy.

mikedsilva writes...

but if your neighbour has 3 cars and 2 are in their carport already, then shouldn't they NOT park their 3rd car in front of our house?
Jealous of her success and 3 cars?

so now, we cannot park in front of our house.
Park in your driveway? Garage? Carport? In front of her house?

I love these threads...

If its a real issue in that there is a lack of parking due to this person always parking there then there is one sensible answer, time limited parking. Ask the local council to only allow cars to park there for a certain period of time like two or three hours. If this is a stupid idea because the area in question is miles away from somewhere anyone besides the people living or visiting there would want to park, then just get over it.

Personally I live one block away from a major suburban train station that is the junction of two lines. As a result people always want to park around where I live. the street around the corner has time limited parking but the street I live in does not. People park their cars out the front, I somehow manage to get over it.

The other solution is to have private roads and then you could buy the road in front of your home and could say who could park on it and under what circumstances.

thatsgoodsquish writes...

It's convenient to park in front of your house but you have no more right to it than anyone else.

That is true, but we live in a society and it is poor form to do something on a regular basis that causes your neighbours inconvenience. My neighbour chooses to park permanently in front of my house because he doesn't want to park under trees and get birdshit on his car. It makes it difficult for us to use tradies who have to park miles away, makes it difficult for visitors, makes it hard to put my bins out and difficult for me to swap cars in my driveway.


With Cheese, I agree with all you have said so far.

Someone suggested I might be jealous of her success :) Well, no actually.. but I can see why they would suggest it.

As for nails in tyres and removing tyre valves, I could never bring myself to an act of vandalism like that..

I've had my vent and find it interesting to hear other peoples views and opinions.

I've had to look at old bombs parked in front of my house (inner city Melbourne, all on street parking). I hate coming home from work and seeing this thing that reminds me of Broadmeadows.

If people can afford million dollar homes, surely they can drive something that's worth more than $1,000!

I can't tell if I'm being a snob or sarcastic!?

Ickus writes...

A strong coloured and smelly fertiliser also does wonders for keeping your verge nice and healthy.

why put any effort into it when you dont own it? im not spending any effort on that when the postie just rides over it all the time.

next door park in front of our house but we live near the end of a street that has one of those small concrete divider/lump things down the middle so its safer for them to do so.

even if that thing wasnt there i wouldnt have a problem with them parking out front – makes it look like someone is home so you get a safety bonus out of it.

With Cheese writes...

Anyone who has lived in the innercity would probably disagree that it is an insignificant issue.

I have done and couldn't care less. Anyone who lives in the inner city and still has their wits about them doesn't expect to be able to park right out front of their place. Seen Seinfeld?

Having to walk 30 seconds from where you park your car to your house is not an issue. Living in the inner city I'd often park 5 – 10 minutes walk from home. Big deal. If we had shopping we'd drive home, empty the car (while running) then just go park and walk home.

Unless you have a handicap I don't see why people are so against walking. Is it just laziness? Usually the same people that refuse to walk then go spend 1 hour on a treadmill at the gym. Get over it. We were born with legs. Use them while you can.

Living in HK most people don't even have a car park in the same building or even the same city block. It's common to drive home, drop off some people/things then go park and walk home. So having to park next door and walk home really is no big deal at all in the scheme of things. A very minor inconvenience but nothing more than that. If they were doing it to some elderly or less mobile folk yes I agree with the angst but otherwise just get over it.

Umm.. writes...

If people can afford million dollar homes, surely they can drive something that's worth more than $1,000!

That's how people stay rich mate...they are frugal.

RestoreSanity writes...

My neighbour is a FIFO miner and has ample space out front of his house to park his car but parks in front of mine instead and it sits there for weeks at a time without moving while he's gone.

You aren’t allowed to use street parking like that in most council areas. Call the council the day he leaves reporting that it’s been there for ages. The council will slap a tow notice on it. If it’s not moved soon enough, it will be towed.

EDIT: reading Brisbane council rules, seems like they will only act if rego has expired or parked illegally/blocking driveway access.

With Cheese writes...

Anyone who has lived in the innercity would probably disagree that it is an insignificant issue

Quite the contrary. I know that parking is so tight that I don't feel that the road out the front of my place belongs to me. I think it's more of a suburban/regional issue, and also an older generation thing.

With Cheese writes...

My neighbour chooses to park permanently in front of my house because he doesn't want to park under trees and get birdshit on his car.

put a bird feeder/bath next to it and perhaps scatter some seeds strategically over the car

Park all of your cars in front of her house in return. Call the council to come and collect the cat, tell them it's been abandoned.

With Cheese writes...

My neighbour chooses to park permanently in front of my house because he doesn't want to park under trees and get birdshit on his car.

I find this thread pretty hilarious, so it's inconvient to you to park elsewhere but not for them having to wash their car every week. To the OP, you don't own the road; it's not illegal. It may be 'socially' unacceptable to you, but everyone has diff views. Get over it.

Just put cones in front of your house and remove it when you go back home and park.

This ol' saw gets a run every 9.2 months approx on WP.

While it might be polite to park in front of your own 1/5 acre mansion every one ain't polite in this world.

Build a bridge, eat cement, stay in your peaceful zone, go to your special place, meditate, fulminate even but this has all been trotted out before.

Or do what I did, buy 1200 acres, that gives 10 kilometres of street frontage, might take a few hours to commute. Philip Adams did this too.

I've been told by two neighbours across the street that I can't park in front of their houses. It gets rather warm on summer afternoons in Wagga Wagga, and they both have trees out the front of their homes which are on the western side of the street. They also have multi-car garages plus carports.

I was so shocked at being told to move, I just complied. But in Sydney, where I grew up, we had much less on street parking available, and less than 30% of houses had off street parking. Everyone just got on and parked where we could. The real horror was that sometimes we even had to park in a different street! But we coped. And I don't remember anyone bitching about anyone else.

tocumwal writes...

Or do what I did, buy 1200 acres, that gives 10 kilometres of street frontage, might take a few hours to commute

This. End of thread.

Inner city like Glebe? for example in's a non issue. But, if you are more rural/regional it just ain't fittin' in my books. To NOT park outside your neighbours place full time, is an unspoken neighbourhood rule. One of my neighbours (Lismore) is having the exact same issue, with her redneck neighbours. They are in cold, & sometimes hot, feud mode most of the time. Both rent, but the one's who want to park outside her place have rented there for 23 years and think, for reasons unknown, that it's their RIGHT. Horrible stuff. They also clean out their cars regularly & dump cans, cig packets & rubbish on the footpath & in gutters, on both sides of the street.
Considering they can park outside their own place anyway, or over the road, where there are NO houses and heaps of space. It's downright disrespectful, bullying and domineering. There's some ghastly, trashy, ill bred people in the world. It's a difficult issue to do anything about as it's 'council' land. I would hate it, if my neighbour continually parked in front of my place. You are definitely not being over sensitive...

laminex writes...

Inner city like Glebe? for example in's a non issue

Agreed. I don't know what 'innercity' others were benchmarking against but maybe they meant inner 'city' Wagga Wagga. Inner City Sydney you most likely consider yourself lucky if you can find a place to park your car to begin with.

Ring your council. It happened to me once at my old place where a neighbour left a car on our verge for a week. As it was a small verge we had no room to put out our bins. The ranger said they had a policy that no car must be parked in the same spot on council land for 24 (or was it 48 hours it was a while back). Something to give the council the power to move people on if they were squatting/camping/dumped car etc.
Anyway the neighbour copped an $80 fine and bin nights were blissful from then onwards

It's actually an issue where I live, as there are no real gutters. Just muddy grass ditches. After the recent flood in April (Lismore) my gutters/non gutters and verges were churned into deep mud ruts (clean up machinery, fire trucks etc) as was most of the street where there are no cement gutters. The ground did not dry for at least 3 months and occasionally somebody would park out front of my place and make yet another deep rut. I put pallets there to stop random parking.
Once the grass grew again, it was impossible to mow. The ruts are over 30 cm deep and makes it difficult to balance wheelie bins without them falling over. It depends where you live, the parking out the front thing. It IS an issue in some areas in Australia. Not everybody lives in the inner city, where it's first come first served and that's the way it is. Where there is space galore, it's just selfish entitlement for sure.

haha...inner city wagga wagga..similar to inner city Lismore...:)

gorotsuki69 writes...

It happened to me once at my old place where a neighbour left a car on our verge for a week. As it was a small verge we had no room to put out our bins. The ranger said they had a policy that no car must be parked in the same spot on council land for 24 (or was it 48 hours it was a while back).

That applies when a car is parked on council land such as a verge. Not a road. Where there are no parking restrictions in place a car can park there and move only once per year to get a rego slip if it wants. As long as the rego is valid and it's on the road it's legit.

There are some councils that have rules where boats can't sit for years on end unmoved (common in some beach side or harbour side councils) so that unsightly rotting boats don't block streets with birds nests on top and piled rubbish and weeds below. A car sitting on a road with no signed parking restrictions can do so and not move for a year if not reported stolen or abandond by the owner.

EVERYONE, you're ALL welcome to park infront of my building, ...if you can afford to feed the parking meter :)

This is why I live in my CBD shoebox apartment, with my very own reserved car parking space at my building basement :p

Bumping an old thread. I have this first world problem myself. A lady parks in front of my house every day to go to work. Problem is, I live nowhere near a business so she parks there and walks somewhere quite far away. It's quite annoying as I live in twin townhouse and there's room for exactly two cars in front of our house, one for each townhouse. Yet she parks right in the middle and takes up both of them from 9 to 5. If I for some reason manage to park there during the day and she cannot get access she will turn up after lunch or early in the morning just to get it when I move my car. I have absolutely no idea why. The space is nowhere near anything and even if there are no other cars along either side of the street for a kilometre she just has to have this park. The only thing I can think of is that she parks there because the naturestrip tree is small and there is no chance of a bird shitting on her car but, again, there's free parking everywhere up and down my street and joining streets so it still makes little sense. She does give us a day to put the bins out, which is nice of her.

There is a worse instance I've seen though. I know someone who parks their car 24 hours in the disabled spot right in front of a school and accross from their unit, they occasionally move it to go shopping or whatnot. My parents have tried to drop my daughter of at school and the park was unavailable so they had to park far away, as you'd imagine. I'm sure there's no law against them doing it but the lack of conscience with this person is extreme. My parents live right next to a train station, where there is a disabled spot for commuters.How would people feel if they parked their car there all day so no-one could use it? But they're not assholes.

mikedsilva writes...

Or am I being over-sensitive.

Do you have a nice lawn on the nature strip outside of your home? If so, make sure you make a good mess of her car by cutting the edges and the lawn, especially on damp days where the grass clippings will stick onto her vehicle. Soon enough, she’d stop.

Do you have any idea why she won't part out the front of her place? I would consider parking out the front of her place. If she questions it then tell her you'd part out the front of yours but her car is there!

RestoreSanity writes...

My neighbour is a FIFO miner and has ample space out front of his house to park his car but parks in front of mine instead and it sits there for weeks at a time without moving while he's gone. Ring the council and let them know there's an abandoned car out the front that's been there for weeks.

Funny thread.

I live inner city right near a restaurant precinct, so street parking is at a premium and there's a 2 hour limit unless you have a resident permit.

A person across the road has a large family home with a double car garage, and secure parking for two cars in front of the garage (behind an automatic sliding gate). Despite having 4 off street parks and only 2 cars, they park both of their cars on the street. I feel annoyed because the businesses around here depend on patrons from out of the area to stay alive, and these idiots park their cars permanently taking up 2 spots despite having better options than most people on the street! A lot of the other houses are very old and don't even have off street parking.

They're obnoxious cars too, with obnoxious number plates. Some people man.

dj2hynes writes...

It's quite annoying as I live in twin townhouse and there's room for exactly two cars in front of our house, one for each townhouse. Yet she parks right in the middle and takes up both of them from 9 to 5.

Completely unacceptable, particularly given she’s taking both spots. Leave a note.

John Holly writes...

Completely unacceptable, particularly given she’s taking both spots. Leave a note.

A bit hard though. I mean, am I going to ask her to park on our neighbours side or my side? She will only park there when she can park across both spots. If I park on my side she will not park anywhere near me even though there is plenty of room. It's weird I know but she treats it as one park when there's two.

deleted. on second thought maybe i shouldn't admit that in public..

dj2hynes writes...

It's weird I know but she treats it as one park when there's two.

I totally understand. Some people are clueless and insist on wasting parking spaces.

We had similar problem outside our units. We fixed it by painting a line on the ground.

everyone complaining about their neighbour taking their parking spot infront of their house. at least you get access to street parking once in awhile.

meanwhile in inner sydney where parking space is already limited.

the council decided to put a speedhump, permanently taking away 3 street car spaces.

the speed hump was put infront of 3 apartment blocks. they did it infront of my apartment block. across the road from me is also an apartment block and next to me another apartment block.

3 street car spaces infront of 3 separate apartment building blocks. permanently gone in inner sydney

spare a thought for this.

Fairy-Floss writes...

3 street car spaces infront of 3 separate apartment building blocks. permanently gone in inner sydney

Damn, going to have to use your apartment car spot now, hey?

John Holly writes...

I totally understand. Some people are clueless and insist on wasting parking spaces.

We had similar problem outside our units. We fixed it by painting a line on the ground.

Yeah, I guess I could ask the council. My fear would be they'll just look at it and go, "Yeah, looks like one park", draw out the lines for a single space and she'll have her own personal park everyday. Which is literally back on square one.

dj2hynes writes...

Why not?

Because they’ll probably say no, or may give you one big space.

John Holly writes...

We had similar problem outside our units. We fixed it by painting a line on the ground.

I did the same thing, it made people realize the space was big enough for 2 cars and fixed the problem.

dj2hynes writes...

Yeah, I guess I could ask the council.

Do it yourself, it will only take a couple of minutes.

dj2hynes writes...

I know someone who parks their car 24 hours in the disabled spot right in front of a school and accross from their unit, they occasionally move it to go shopping or whatnot.

There is often ( i think) a time limit on the usage of these parks , defined by the council or authority who located it there, , even if they dont have it marked on the signs and the rest of the parks are unlimited.
worth while just calling the council.

interest and opportunity – you don't own the public space – as much as you like to imagine a 'right' to parking space outside your house.

so – as suggested, parking a $100 bomb outside your house sounds like the only way to actually procure the public parking space for your desired times

but of course the next problem is where do you move that to when you want to park your regular car when you come back late from your 10 hours a day job ...

don't wrestle with a pig – you both end up covered in shite – but the pig enjoys it ...

I live near a train station and while this happens to me I have sufficient offstreet parking. My neighbour gets annoyed by people parking in front of their house though and puts out a couple of witches cones. Seems to work pretty effectively.

nickypooh writes...

This is why I live in my CBD shoebox apartment, with my very own reserved car parking space at my building basement :p

Until you have to put up signs because the onsite manager is leasing your car spot to one of their tenants without your permission.

S F writes...

Damn, going to have to use your apartment car spot now, hey?

i don't have a car. the street parking spot outside the apartment outside is tradies and visitors. everyone in my apartment block that owns cars parks in their spot.

it has affected me because the day they put the speedhump was the same day that australia post stopped delivering parcels to my apartment because they have nowhere to park to do an attempted delivery.

i lived in the same place for years and Australia post had always attempted delivery up until they had no where to park because of the new speedhump. it effects everyone. even the people like me who don't even own cars.

got it sorted after 3 complaints to the head office of australia post and pestering them for months. they now deliver my parcels to my apartment again but it took months of complaints all because of this stupid speedhump.

How frustrating.

We had a similar situation at our old place. Could easily fit 2 cars in between the garden planters and the driveways, but people would just put their car in the middle. Was the same over the neighbourhood. Saw a lot of people would get lines painted to divide the spots.

I'm guessing in the OP's case there are 2 driveways either side? Could get a line done like this?

| Driveway | ---- CAR SPACE ----- | LINE| ---- CAR SPACE ----- | Driveway|

Or even:

| Driveway | LINE | ---- CAR SPACE ----- | LINE| ---- CAR SPACE ----- | LINE | Driveway|

Try and leave a note explained access needed for residents only. If it doesn't change from there then get some lines done.

It's a tough one.

Gazmon writes...

Or even:

| Driveway | LINE | ---- CAR SPACE ----- | LINE| ---- CAR SPACE ----- | LINE | Driveway|

That’s what we did.

It’s worth measuring the existing space to see if it’s feasible. Car spaces are supposed to be 6m long. That’s generous and allows normal cars to reverse park between two cars. A space against a driveway can be shorter (eg 5.5m) and still functional, though technically should still be 6m.

If consulting council you need to keep the official lengths and rules in mind.

John Holly writes...

If consulting council you need to keep the official lengths and rules in mind.

Council probably won't put the lines in I'd say.

Personally, I'd just do it myself.

Gazmon writes...

Personally, I'd just do it myself.

Yeah, that’s what I was getting at.

Great. There’s now another person parking their car permanently across both of the parks in front of my unit every day of the week, not moving it at all on the weekends. So basically have two cars competing for the spot on a weekday and whoever gets there on Friday just leaves it there all weekend. They’re not neighbours, one is maybe a couple of doors away. I still don’t get what is so tantalising about this bloody park in front of my house, the whole street is empty!!!. I parked my car there one day last week and I went out for about ten minutes and it was taken as soon as I got back, again, when there were no other cars parked along the street.

Get some witches hats and cordon it off.

Enjoyable read.

dj2hynes writes...

There’s now another person parking their car permanently across both of the parks in front of my unit every day of the week

As others have said, buy another old cheepie car.(bom or on club reg)
Park cheepie car taking up 'just over' two car spots.
Come home with your car, park just behind or in-front of bom
Get out of your car and move bom back and or forward.
Drive your good car into place.
Give it six months then flogg off cheepie.
Or keep for future.

I park out the front of my neighbours. Park on my property and it kills the grass (no garage), park out the front of my house and my car gets covered in bird poo from the tree above. I try to move around between different houses to not annoy one person too much.

Great thread

Buy a crappy car from Facebook market place with a few months rego

Park across their driveway so they cannot get out

Police can’t do anything about it

repeat weekly

Wrap their car in glad wrap....

I feel your pain, i was dumbfounded when i came home one arvo and the neighbour had put all their hard rubish on my nature strip, I've also had he's 6x4 trailer chained to the tree on my nature strip..

throw an egg on their windscreens everyday until they get sick of it.

Audrina writes...

throw an egg on their windscreens everyday until they get sick of it.

Not sure I want my house damaged in retaliation.

Can you stop a Neighbour parking outside your house UK?

Residential Permits Some areas in the UK have resident only permits to stop people who do not live on the street, parking there. Permits are most often found in busy cities, as it can be difficult for residents to park their vehicles.

How do I stop people parking outside my house UK?

Call the police If you believe a car has been parked outside your home for an extended period of time, blocking your own driveway or obstructing other drivers and pedestrians, it's a good idea to get the police's help in attempting to contact the owner. It is also feasible for the automobile to be towed.

Can I park in front of someone's house UK?

Parking outside someone's house It is perfectly legal to park outside someone's house, unless the vehicle is blocking a driveway or a wheel is over a dropped kerb.

Is it OK to park in front of someone's house in Australia?

Provided your street isn't governed by residents' parking permits, any member of the public can park there – as long as they are complying with restrictions and not causing obstructions. If a car is parked on a public road and it's blocking your driveway, local authorities certainly have the power to issue a fine.


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