Can your wife fall in love with you again

But lately, it seems as if your wife has stopped loving you or the love between you is dead and gone.

You’re completely disappointed, you don’t seem to understand where the initial sweet and powerful bond you both shared went to.

What can you do?

How can you get your wife to fall in love with you again? How can you ignite the burning fire of her love? How can you restore the initial excitement and passion?

Let’s explore 5 ways…

1. Revive Her Happy And Loving Smile

So you feel like the initial happiness in your marriage has flown over the coop right?

And you want your wife to love you more freely, effortlessly, and willingly.

Then, you need to be able to make her laugh, smile, and look at life in a more positive and light-hearted manner around you consistently.

And one of the easiest ways to achieve this?

Is to be willing to smile, laugh, and look at things in a more light-hearted manner too.

This especially applies to things she does that usually make you irritated or frustrated.

Because you’ll only be creating your own problem if you are constantly taking everything so seriously, rather than looking at the funny side of things or looking at things from a more light-hearted perspective.

And the truth is, little disagreements will definitely turn into big arguments, minor annoyances will also turn into huge stressful problems.

And over time, the sweet and yummy love shared between the both of you, will turn bland, tasteless, and even sour or bitter.

So if you want your partner to fall in love with you again, you need to revive her sweet and loving smile.

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2. Make Her Feel Like A Real Woman

Real woman? what does it mean?

Well, making a woman feel like a real woman essentially means that she feels feminine, girly, and free to be emotional like a woman whenever she’s around you.

So instead of expecting your wife to think, feel, behave, and act like more of a man, you should rather let her be an emotional, irrational, and girly-like woman.

Because trying to make your woman behave, think, and act like a man will only make you become too neutral to each other (i.e. neither of you will be very masculine or very feminine around each other) and this kills the sexual spark between you.

Think about it this way…

A battery needs positive and negative charges to create an electrical charge for it to work. And For two magnets to be attracted to each other, there must be a negative and positive pole. Like charges repel each other.

The same applies to human sexual attraction in terms of masculine and feminine energy.

For sexual attraction to exist and remain charged and alive, there needs to be a clear masculine and feminine energy.

The bottom line is…

When you make a woman feel feminine and girly in response to your masculinity, she will instantly feel attracted to you in a deep, primal, and fundamental way that she cannot switch off.

And above all…

Making your wife feel feminine and girly is one of many different ways that you can get her to feel more attracted to you again.

3. Set Mutually Beneficial Goals

Do you feel like your marriage doesn’t have much purpose or meaning anymore?

If you don’t, maybe your wife does. Otherwise, you’re lucky.

If you don’t want your wife to feel like the relationship is growing bored and monotonous?

You should team up with your partner and combine efforts to achieve mutually beneficial and enjoyable goals over time.

Probably in the early days of your marriage, you might have worked hard together towards the goal of buying a home, raising children, and sharing fun experiences with extended family (e.g. birthday parties for the kids, dinner parties, etc).

And maybe you’ve currently achieved your major goals or almost achieved all of them. You should be happy and proud of yourselves which you did and still do. But the problem is…

Over time, you or your woman may be feeling restless or as though your relationship or marriage doesn’t have much purpose or meaning anymore.

If the above scenario sounds like you, you shouldn’t just sit down and watch your marriage die slowly. Instead, both you and your wife should consistently set big, exciting goals that you’re aiming for and will be fulfilling for the both of you.

But mind you, it shouldn’t be a selfish or self-centered goal (i.e when you’re the only one who has long-term goals and she has nothing to do or vice versa), because problems may emerge in your marriage.

For instance, If your wife is pushing forward to achieve big and exciting goals and you as her husband is content to just sit on the couch for the rest of your life, she might end up feeling as though you are growing apart.

She might end up spending a lot of time outside the home and if she happens to meet a man who doesn’t care about seducing married women into having an affair, she might stray and possibly even leave you.

On the other hand, if you as her husband works too much and doesn’t have much time to spend with her, she might begin to seek love and attention elsewhere.

It won’t take her long to set up a profile on online dating sites and apps like Tinder, where she will have 100s of men in the surrounding area who are willing to meet up with her right away even though she is married.

But this doesn’t mean you should stop her from chasing after her personal or professional goals or dream. It doesn’t also mean you should quit chasing your career and stay with your partner always.

But you should both have mutually beneficial goals that will always keep the excitement of your relationship and marriage alive. Otherwise, you may begin to drift apart over time.

4. Turn Her On Without Expecting Sex

Making her more sexually interested in you will make her love you in a romantic, intimate way more than any other thing. Here’s why:

When you have been in a relationship for a long time, you’re bound to have some routines regarding sex.

And one of the most boring and monotonous routines is when you are only willing to touch and turn her own when you’ll be getting sex in return.

Instead, you should keep things fresh, stimulating, and unpredictable by not always wanting a full, sexual result in return for every foreplay effort.

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For example: Give her a neck rub, tickle her on the couch and then spank her on the butt, or hug her and then look her in the eyes for a relaxing 5-10 seconds before telling her that you love her and think she is the sexiest woman on Earth.

Then, just get back to doing what you were doing without expecting her to want to have sex as a result of your efforts to turn her on.

Otherwise, you’ll only be turning the both of you into robotic human beings who are going through the same old repetitive cycles.

But on the other hand, if you sometimes turn her on without expecting sex in return, she will always feel the excitement of not knowing exactly what’s going to happen around you.

Also, she will know that you love her so much as you are willing to give her the experience of feeling turned on, without expecting anything in return.

And like earlier mentioned, this will make her more sexually interested in you and hence, make her fall more in love with you.

5. Be The Masculine Man She Can Look Up To And Respect

So you constantly turn to your wife for constant emotional support and guidance especially when you’re beaten by the ups and downs of life?

Will you be shocked to learn that doing so constantly can make your wife lose enough respect and attraction for you over time?

I’m not saying that it’s totally wrong to be emotionally vulnerable at some moments in life. But what a woman wants to see is that you deal with difficult situations like a man by focussing on a solution rather than wasting time feeling emotional.

We all know that life isn’t always easy and straightforward.

Because we often encounter challenges and obstacles along the way to success, happiness, and personal fulfillment.

So you should man up and face complex situations with an open-minded perspective by focussing on a solution and moving forward, rather than wasting time feeling emotional.

The bottom line is…

When a man goes around in circles emotionally (e.g. feels depressed, complains, gets motivated, and then loses motivation, throws his hands up in the air, gets excited, loses interest again, etc), a woman naturally loses respect for him as a man.

She may even fall out of love with you and then begin to stray emotionally or physically.

So how can you make your wife look up to you and respect you?

Simple, just stick to your word in terms of what you’ve promised to change about your thinking, behavior, and actions.

And when your wife can see that you stick by your word no matter what, she can then relax into your masculine direction and feel free to be a feminine woman.

Because she doesn’t have to worry about being responsible for managing the direction of your life, or the happiness in your marriage.

She knows that you’ve got things under control and if you have promised that you will do something, she can rely on you to follow through until it’s done.

Of course, approaching life in that way is beneficial for both you and her. She gets to feel like a feminine woman around you and you get a woman who loves you and looks up to you as her man.

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Ignite The Burning Fire Of Her Love

How often do you miss the way your wife used to love, respect, touch, and want you the way she did in the beginning?

How often do you miss the initial excitement? The burning fire of love? The feeling and joy of being loved and wanted?

You don’t need to sit idle and watch your marriage collapse. You don’t deserve to be in a one-sided relationship.

It’s time to make her fall head over heels in love with you. Time to ignite the sweet and yummy love shared between the both of you.

Come on. Dare to be that charming masculine and attractive man she can’t get enough of.

Let your marriage be filled with excitement, love, and passion.

You’ve got the master keys to her heart.

Open up her heart and fill it with your love.

Previously published on medium


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