Closest International Airport to Salt Lake City

International airports near SLC

Domestic airports near SLC

Local airports near SLC

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Major airports near Salt Lake City International Airport

The nearest major airport is Ogden-Hinckley Airport (OGD / KOGD). This airport has domestic flights from Ogden, Utah and is 38 miles from SLC.

Another major airport is Provo Municipal Airport (PVU / KPVU), which has domestic flights from Provo, Utah and is 50 miles from SLC.

Search for direct flights from your hometown and find hotels near SLC, or scroll up for more international airports or domestic airports. You can also browse local airports if you're a pilot.

Nearest airports

Travelmath helps you find the closest airport to any city, as well as a list of smaller local airports. You can use these pages to plan your trip and figure out the easiest way to get to your destination. Many times there are multiple airports near the city you want to visit, so you can often find a cheaper flight into a different airport. This is especially useful if you are getting a rental car, since it might be better to drive a bit farther in order to save money on airfare. If you're booking an international flight, you probably want the closest major airport, otherwise if you're a pilot you may be looking for a local airport. Use this tool along with the flight distance pages to plan your travel.

Salt Lake City, UT – Airports nearby

  1. Salt Lake City International Airport (4.9 miles / 7.9 kilometers)
  2. Ogden-Hinckley Airport (30.8 miles / 49.5 kilometers)
  3. Provo Municipal Airport (38.5 miles / 61.9 kilometers)
  4. Pocatello Regional Airport (153.0 miles / 246.3 kilometers)

Salt Lake City International Airport (SLC)

Salt Lake City International Airport is located approximately 4.9 miles / 7.9 kilometers west of Salt Lake City and about 5.6 miles / 9.0 kilometers southwest of North Salt Lake. IATA airport code is SLC.

Ogden-Hinckley Airport (OGD)

Distance from Ogden-Hinckley Airport to Salt Lake City is 30.8 miles / 49.5 kilometers. Ogden-Hinckley Airport is located approximately 2.1 miles / 3.4 kilometers west of South Ogden and about 2.5 miles / 4.0 kilometers north of Roy. IATA airport code is OGD.

Provo Municipal Airport (PVU)

Distance from Provo Municipal Airport to Salt Lake City is 38.5 miles / 61.9 kilometers. Provo Municipal Airport is located approximately 3.6 miles / 5.7 kilometers west of Provo and about 5.6 miles / 9.0 kilometers south of Orem. IATA airport code is PVU.

Pocatello Regional Airport (PIH)

Distance from Pocatello Regional Airport to Salt Lake City is 153.0 miles / 246.3 kilometers. Pocatello Regional Airport is located approximately 8.1 miles / 13.0 kilometers west of Pocatello and about 47.8 miles / 76.9 kilometers southwest of Idaho Falls. IATA airport code is PIH.

Includes only airports with scheduled air service.

Nearby Airports to Salt Lake City

We've listed the nearest 10 airports to Salt Lake City sorted by distance, including links to each airport guide. Which are the closest airports to Salt Lake City? The closest 3 airports are 1. Idaho Falls Idaho Falls Regional, 2. Jackson Jackson Hole, & 3. Grand Junction Grand Junction Regional. All of these proximity airports offer commercial flight services:

Idaho Falls Regional IDA Idaho Falls IDA (189 miles)
Jackson Hole JAC Jackson JAC (205 miles)
Grand Junction Regional GJT Grand Junction GJT (216 miles)
Cedar City Regional CDC Cedar City CDC (222 miles)
Vail Eagle County EGE Gypsum EGE (279 miles)
Boise BOI Boise BOI (290 miles)
Aspen Pitkin County ASE Aspen ASE (291 miles)
Yampa Valley HDN Hayden HDN (303 miles)
Casper Natrona County CPR Casper CPR (319 miles)
Grand Canyon National Park GCN Tusayan GCN (334 miles)

When making a cost comparison, compare the cost of flights first, then factor in additional expenses for parking, rental car, Wi-Fi access, and transportation, etc., all of which vary from airport to airport; the total cost, along with flight availability, can help determine your choice of airport.

Accommodation search

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Duration 9 min
Distance 8 km
Average price $130
Nearby airports 5 found

Closest airports to Salt Lake City

The nearest airport to Salt Lake City is Salt Lake City (SLC). Utah Transit Authority operates a vehicle from Airport Station to Power Station every 20 minutes. Tickets cost $4 and the journey takes 9 min. Alternatively, you can take a bus from Jackson (JAC) to Salt Lake City via Alpine Junction in around 7h 30m.

Moab (CNY)

  1. Moab (CNY)
  2. Green River Amtrak
  3. Salt Lake City

Frequently asked questions

Want to know about travelling to Salt Lake City, UT, USA? We have put together a list of the most frequently asked questions from our users such as: What is the cheapest mode of transport?, What is the quickest option?, How much do tickets usually cost? and many more.

Will Coronavirus (COVID-19) affect my travel to Salt Lake City?

There is widespread community transmission globally.
Some travel restrictions may still be in place within United States. For the latest travel status, please check the official page for United States.

Learn More.

What is the nearest airport to Salt Lake City?

The nearest airport to Salt Lake City is Salt Lake City (SLC) Airport which is 8.2 km away. Other nearby airports include Provo (PVU) (61.8 km).

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How long does it take to get to Salt Lake City from the Airport?

It takes 9 min to get from Salt Lake City to Salt Lake City (SLC) Airport.

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How do I get to Salt Lake City?

We recommend flying to Salt Lake City (SLC) Airport, which is 8.2 km away from Salt Lake City. The line 704 tram from Salt Lake City (SLC) to Salt Lake City takes 9 min.

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Where can I stay near Salt Lake City?

There are 285+ hotels available in Salt Lake City. Prices start at $150 AUD per night.

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Trips to Salt Lake City

What other airports are close to Salt Lake City?

The nearest airport to Salt Lake City is Salt Lake City (SLC) Airport which is 5.1 miles away. Other nearby airports include Provo (PVU) (38.6 miles).

What are the international airports in Utah?


How many international airports does Utah have?

In total, there are 7 airports in Utah with scheduled flights. Smaller airports with scheduled flights in many cases serve smaller planes.

What major airlines fly into Salt Lake City?

Twelve airlines and their affiliates serve Salt Lake City International Airport(SLC): AeroMexico, Alaska Airlines, American, Delta Air Lines, Eurowings Discover, Frontier, JetBlue, KLM, SkyWest, Spirit, Southwest and United. SLC is a major hub for Delta Air Lines with about 70 percent of total traffic.


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