Coconut oil and apple cider vinegar for skin

Once you discover the magic of coconut oil and apple cider vinegar for beauty and home, you may never go back.

A few weeks ago our dog had a hot spot on his knee. So I put some apple cider vinegar {ACV} on it. My hair was crazy frizzy, so I put some ACV on it. And then I had a blemish on my chin…so I put some ACV on it.

My husband started making fun of me because it seemed I had a bottle of ACV on me at all times, and my obsession with using it for everything reminded him about the father in My Big Fat Greek Wedding.

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, the father in the movie swears on Windex the way I do ACV. He claims you can treat anything from psoriasis to poison ivy with Windex.

{The even funnier part is that I WOULD use ACV for psoriasis + poison ivy.}

I have to buy Costco-sized bottles of ACV so that I don’t have to replenish my supply every week.

Where this started:

After I started eating to treat myself better {rather than just to lose weight}, I began to take note of what I was putting ON my body + what I was inhaling through cleaning products.

I love skincare + beauty products, and I think it’s possible to love these things without having to be vain. But I would get frustrated that I couldn’t apply my rule to eating {recognize all ingredients in food} to what I was putting on my largest organ {skin} or inhaling.

Today I want to share with you my 12 favorite ways to use ACV for beauty + home. I’ll also include my favorite ways to my 2nd favorite product, coconut oil, because I also have to buy Costco sized jars to keep up with my needs.

This list is NOT exhaustive, just my favorite + most common ways to use ACV + coconut oil. Enjoy, and let me know what you’re gonna try this weekend.


  1. Leave in hair conditioner. After you get out of the shower, spray some in, and style as usual. It makes your hair luscious + soft. {It also helps with dandruff.} If you can’t stand the smell, leave ACV on for an hour, then rinse it off.
  2. Use as face toner. I swore by Body Shop for YEARS. But nothing, NOTHING has kept my face as regularly clear as ACV. Apply to a cotton ball just like any other toner, and rub on.
  3. Any skin condition: a rash, ringworm, itchiness. Spray it right on 1-2x a day, and it’ll clear up in no time.
  4. Use it as an all-purpose cleaner. Use one part ACV + one part water.
  5. Yoga mat cleaner. I spray it on as is, wipe my mat down, then roll it up once it’s dry.
  6. Make your towels really soft. Pour some ACV in your fabric softener compartment in your washer for extra fluffy towels. Or if your washer is smelling kinda funky, pour some in on your next load to get the stench out.
  7. Tug of war deterrent. Don’t want your dog to bite on his leash? Spray it with ACV.
  8. Add some ACV to your next bath to help extract impurities from the skin.
  9. Whitens your teeth + gets rid of bad breath. Mix one part water + one part ACV + swish for a minute
  10. Drink it. Mix 1 shot of ACV with a glass of water to help purify your skin. I personally couldn’t stand the taste, but if you can take it, it’s supposed to be really good for you.
  11. A tablespoon could be just the right flavor for your soup.
  12. It could also give your baked treats batter just the lift for fluffy goodness.

Coconut oil:

  1. Use as lotion.
  2. Swish in your mouth everyday for 15-20 minutes. I was skeptical when I heard this one. But I have very sensitive teeth + receding gum lines. I’ve been swishing for about 6 months now, and my teeth hardly bother me anymore, even with really hot or cold foods. It’s amazing! {Hint: Spit the oil out in the trash can so you don’t f-up your pipes.}
  3. Lube. ‘Nuff said.
  4. The perfect base for no-bake treats like this one.
  5. I also use coconut oil on rashes, ringworm, and bug bites.
  6. Massage coconut oil on the bottom of your feet to soften them + help you get more restful sleep. {Note, if you care about your sheets, put old socks on before you crawl into bed!}
  7. Cuticles! Rub onto cracked cuticles.
  8. Dab some on bags under your eyes or on stretch marks.
  9. Shaving cream
  10. Make your own deodorant.
  11. It’s the best oil for cooking at high temperatures since it has a high smoking point.
  12. Wash your face. I have really oily skin, and when I heard this trick, my first reaction was, ‘Hell no, I’m not putting on more oil to my already oily skin.’ The truth is, most beauty products for oily skin over dry your skin. Your skin compensates by making too much oil, making your skin even oilier! At night, I rub the oil on, pat dry with a towel, then top with ACV toner. For my morning cleanse, I wash the oil off with Dr. Bronner’s, and finish with ACV toner. Ahhhhh….

This is just the tip of the iceberg for what you can do with ACV + coconut oil.

Got another way you use these 2 products to beautify you or your home? Please share with me on Instagram!

Is coconut oil and apple cider vinegar good for hair?

Massaging coconut oil into the scalp will help add back moisture and even stimulate hair growth, while spraying in a solution of equal parts ACV and water (and waiting 15 minutes) before rinsing will help stave off flakes. Smoothing Treatment: If frizzy locks is a problem, COCONUT OIL can help.

Is it good to put apple cider vinegar on your skin?

It has powerful antimicrobial properties that may help ease skin infections and soothe irritation. As a mild acid, ACV may also help restore the natural pH balance of your skin. This helps your skin keep moisture in and irritants out.

What is coconut oil and vinegar good for?

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is said to be useful in preventing dandruff while coconut oil's moisturizing elements make it suitable as conditioner. While the ACV does leave a slight smell in your shower, it's effective when diluted with water.