Distance from Doha to Dubai by train

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We will be inDoha this autumn and would like to visit Dubai. Can anybody suggest travel alternatives to flying?

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Distance from Doha to Dubai by train


Manchester, United...


Distance from Doha to Dubai by train

Distance from Doha to Dubai by train
293 posts

Distance from Doha to Dubai by train
18 reviews

Distance from Doha to Dubai by train
21 helpful votes

1. Re: Travel from Doha to city of Dubai

10 years ago


I just google mapped the route and it looked like an 8h30m drive. (Even longer if you take a camel)

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Distance from Doha to Dubai by train




Distance from Doha to Dubai by train

Distance from Doha to Dubai by train
1,035 posts

Distance from Doha to Dubai by train
60 reviews

Distance from Doha to Dubai by train
36 helpful votes

2. Re: Travel from Doha to city of Dubai

10 years ago


(1) There is no rail connection, in fact inQatar there is no railway!

(2) It is possible to drive however not in a rental car, believe me the paperwork is horrendous and (b) you drive through saudi so need a visa!

(3) Go by plane ... Fly Dubai is the cheapest option, flight is 45 mins

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Distance from Doha to Dubai by train

gdude k

Doha, Qatar


Distance from Doha to Dubai by train

Distance from Doha to Dubai by train
79 posts

3. Re: Travel from Doha to city of Dubai

10 years ago


Flying is your best bet. Until the railway is done, you have to either fly or go throughSaudi Arabia. FlyDubai is cheap and efficient, and the fares from Doha to Dubai are around 250QR roundtrip per person, and the flight is less than an hour.

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Distance from Doha to Dubai by train


Denver, Colorado


Distance from Doha to Dubai by train

Distance from Doha to Dubai by train
56 posts

Distance from Doha to Dubai by train
23 reviews

Distance from Doha to Dubai by train
45 helpful votes

4. Re: Travel from Doha to city of Dubai

10 years ago


Fly my friend. It easy cheap (Google Air Arabia and they have very affordableflights to Sharjah which right outside Dubai).

You can drive through Saudi Arabia but it is an extreme hassle and simply not worth it. The expats do it but its for adventure. Getting a Saudi Visa is not exactly easy.

Travelers frequently search for route combinations, such as Doha and Manila, London, Cairo, Muscat, Manchester, Chennai, Kochi, Kuwait City, Mumbai, Alexandria, Khartoum, Bangkok, Istanbul, Kuala Lumpur, Riyadh, Abu Dhabi, Thiruvananthapuram, New Delhi, Bahrain Island, Edinburgh.

Given below is the distance between Doha, Qatar and Dubai, United Arab Emirates. A map showing location of Doha and Dubai with air travel direction is also provided. Along with Dubai - Doha distance, you can also find current time & time difference between Doha and Dubai, lattitude & longitude of both cities and flight duration.


Distance To Dubai From Doha is:234 miles / 376.59 km / 203.34 nautical miles

  Dubai - Doha travel direction & Map • Distance calculator


Current time in Doha :, Sat, 7 Jan, 2023, 02:10 AM +03:00,
Doha - Lat: 25.2867, Long: 51.5333

02:10 AM 

Current time in Dubai :
Sat, 7 Jan, 2023, 03:10 AM +04:00,

Dubai - Lat: 25.2522, Long: 55.28

03:10 AM

Doha time is 1 hour behind Dubai

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Doha to Dubai Distance • Map & Travel Direction

Travel direction from Doha to Dubai is and direction from Dubai to Doha is

The map below shows the location of Doha and Dubai. The blue line represents the straight line joining these two place. The distance shown is the straight line or the air travel distance between Dubai and Doha.

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What is the travel distance between Doha, Qatar and Dubai, United Arab Emirates? How many miles is it from Dubai to Doha. 234 miles / 376.59 km is the flight distance between these two places.

Use the Distance calculator given below to find distance between any two cities or places.

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Result page displays distance in miles, kilometers and nautical miles along with an interactive map showing travel direction.

Use this distance calculator to find air distance and flight distance from Doha to Dubai or any other city in United Arab Emirates. The distance show here is the Doha - Dubai distance / Milage. Find distance to other countries and cities from Doha and Qatar.

Is there a train from Qatar to Dubai?

(1) There is no rail connection, in fact in Qatar there is no railway!

Is there a ferry from Doha to Dubai?

But currently, there's no ferry service available from Abu Dhabi or Dubai to Doha. So the only way is to rent a boat.

Can we go Doha to Dubai by road?

Qatar is a neighboring country to the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Other than traveling by air, it is possible to travel by road, either in your own vehicle or on local transport. If you are an enthusiast, you can really enjoy traveling from Qatar to Dubai by road. The driving distance between Qatar and Dubai is 690 km.

Is Doha close to Dubai?

Distance from Doha to Dubai The shortest distance (air line) between Doha and Dubai is 236.78 mi (381.06 km). The shortest route between Doha and Dubai is 437.16 mi (703.55 km) according to the route planner. The driving time is approx. 7h 15min.