Do braces hurt more when you are older

March 15, 2016/ Marguerite Duncan

As adults, we hear all the time how kids heal faster, recover easier, and are all-around more resilient than us grown-ups. So when it comes to getting braces, naturally we assume it would have been way easier to have done it as a kid. It’s not entirely true.
Granted, our adult teeth are permanent. Our bodies have drawn the line in the sand in terms of bone development, and the thought of straightening our permanent, grown-up teeth is daunting. But our bodies are a marvel of science, too. They adapt. They adjust. They can be manipulated, including the alignment of our teeth.
Whether you’re a kid or an adult, braces will make you feel tender at first, but it won’t last. At worst, you’ll have some soreness in your teeth, and chewing may be a challenge for a few days after each treatment. But it subsides. The braces are working to craft your new beautiful, healthy smile, and just like after a routine cleaning, your mouth is reacting to the change.
Braces have come a long way since the heavy metal wires of our childhoods. Traditional braces are now made from a lighter material, creating a far more gradual and comfortable realignment. Depending on the type of treatment you require, there are other types of braces available, each with its own unique experience. In addition AcceleDent is also a great option which offers faster treatment and less discomfort from tooth movement.
Our adult patients tell us that this small amount of discomfort is worth it for the health and smile improvements in the end. Crowded teeth and misaligned bites can lead to tooth decay, gum disease, headaches, earaches, and other more severe situations.
By maintaining a healthy mouth, you are contributing to your overall physical and mental health. And you’re worth it, don’t you think?
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Why do adult braces hurt more?

How much sensitivity depends on the mouth. Adults who have had braces as teenagers often say they hurt more as an adult. This could be because as adults our teeth are more "set" in their place.

When do braces hurt the most?

Most patients experience some discomfort the first 4 days to a week after their braces, expanders, and/or wires are placed and after a wire adjustment and/or an activation appointment. Your lips and cheeks may need one to two weeks to get used to the braces on your teeth.

How long do braces hurt for adults?

Most people get used to their braces in about a month. After six months, you may not even notice them. Although, it is normal to experience some soreness from time to time. Want to take control of your health and wellness?

Are braces good for older adults?

Getting braces for adults over 50 will not only help you get straighter teeth but also promote dental health. As you get older, there will be natural wear and tear of the teeth, which is why it is important to preserve the natural teeth. Getting braces now will ensure fewer dental treatments in the future.


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