Do scorpions have 6 or 8 legs?

Do scorpions have 6 or 8 legs?

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David Dimbleby said he had "always wanted" a tattoo

How many legs does a scorpion have?

If you look closely at the design recently tattooed onto the skin of BBC Question Time presenter David Dimbleby, the answer appears to be six.

But scorpions - members of the arachnida class along with spiders - actually have eight legs, as well as their distinctive pincers.

So the big question for the 75-year-old broadcaster is whether there is a sting in the tail following his first venture into the world of tattoos - and has he left himself a little short in the leg department?

Asked if there was such a thing as a six-legged scorpion, an expert at London Zoo's invertebrates section told the BBC News website that while there were always exceptions in the animal kingdom - "there are birds that don't fly" - he was unaware of any six-legged scorpions.

The related arachnids known as whip scorpions only had six "walking legs", he added - but they had two more legs which they used as feelers.

The Natural History Museum was also adamant that scorpions have eight legs, not six - "unless you were to chop two of them off".

However, a spokesman did point out that some insects (six-legged arthropods) can look a bit like scorpions, for example, the Devil's Coach Horse.

Mr Dimbleby's agent said the presenter was unavailable for comment. However, the east London studio which drew the tattoo told the BBC website that staff had reproduced a design which Mr Dimbleby provided.

It should be noted that the 2004 single The Scorpion by the American thrash metal band Megadeth features a scorpion with only six visible legs on its cover, but it is not known whether Mr Dimbleby is a fan of their output.

Speaking earlier to the Radio Times, Mr Dimbleby said: "You are only old once. I have always wanted a tattoo."

He added that the tattoo represented his star sign, Scorpio.

He got the tattoo while making the maritime series, Britain and the Sea, which will be shown on BBC One on Sunday.

Since Mr Dimbleby's scorpion tattoo, his brother and fellow broadcaster Jonathan has tweeted: "How do you know I haven't got a tattoo already - just more discreet about it?"

And his BBC colleague Jane Garvey, presenter of BBC Radio 4's Woman's Hour, tweeted: "I've had a tattoo of David Dimbleby for years. Who hasn't?"

And comedian Jack Dee tweeted: "Just seen Dimbleby park his Harley outside Leather-Jackets-R-Us. "Welcome to Question Time" or "Yo, Wha's up?" As it's now called."

Britain and the Sea, made in partnership with the National Maritime Museum, starts on Sunday 17 November at 21:00 GMT on BBC One.

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Ancient, from the age of dinosaurs, scorpions, are one of the first species of animals to adapt to living on earth.

The scorpions hail from the kingdom Animalia. They are arthropods of the Arachnida class and order Scorpiones.

Scorpions belong to the category of carnivorous animals. Their diet includes insects, spiders, and even small rodents. Scorpions are mostly solitary animals and are endemic to the natural habitats of deserts, grasslands, savanna regions and can live in tropical jungles. Scorpions are found all over the world except in Antarctica. Did you know there are more than 2,000 species of scorpions? These animals can be seen in hues of brown, yellow, red, black, and white. They have an exoskeleton and can climb and run at incredibly fast speeds of 12 mph (19 kph). Scorpions can live anywhere from 4-25 years, and their weight ranges from 0.4-3.5 oz (10-100 g).

Like spiders, scorpions are part of the invertebrate class, Arachnida. The giant forest scorpion can get more than 9 in (22.8 cm) in length and is the world's largest scorpion. The emperor scorpion is another amongst the largest, with an average length of 8 in (20.3 cm), with the largest pincers, similar to the size of a lobster. However, the emperor scorpion has a relatively weak strength venom. The most diminutive scorpion of the US, which is found in Texas, has a length of 0.9 in (23 mm).

The exoskeleton of these arthropods emits fluorescent chemicals, which cause it to glow when exposed to ultraviolet light and reflect blue or blue-green. In Africa and East Africa, few species of scorpions are eaten as food. Scorpions are very easy to identify, their tails have a stinger and they have front pincers. Depending on their habitat, their coloring may vary. They are found in orange, red and brown, allowing them to camouflage with sand and rocks but can also be black and yellow, which are common coloring. Forest scorpions tend to be darker, and those in the desert appear in light colors.

Female scorpions are protective of their young ones and carry them on their back until the eggs reach the molting stage. Young scorpions cannot sting and stay on their mother's back for protection and food. Typically a scorpion can be described under the banner of survival of the fittest and can sustain extreme weather conditions. Scorpions can purposely slow down their metabolism and can survive in a variety of regions, allowing them to live without food for up to 12 months.

Scorpions bury themselves deep in burrows to avoid heat. They may even climb trees or hide under leaf litter or bark for shelter. Scorpions are predators and nocturnal. Animals like snakes, lizards, rodents, birds, frogs, meerkats, and bats prey on scorpions.

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Anatomy Of A Scorpion

Scorpions are arthropods with exoskeletons and are considered arachnids, not insects or bugs. Therefore, like spiders, scorpions have eight legs.

The anatomy of scorpions is dissected into two divisions: the prosoma or cephalothorax and the opisthosoma or abdomen. The abdomen extends to the tail metasoma and is significantly curved. The exoskeleton comprises a flexible molecule called chitin. Chitin is a combination of polysaccharides and nitrogen, which is tough and protective, supporting muscle attachments. It also aids respiratory functioning by preventing water loss allowing this arachnid to survive extreme desert conditions.

The scorpion is made up of three fragments, the prosoma outlines the eyes, pair of claws, and mouth. The pair of claws are called pedipalps and conclude with pinchers called chelae. The pedipalps act as additional appendages that grab prey and hold it.

The mesosoma constitutes four pairs of clawed legs and seven segments. The clawed legs of scorpions provide them with ease, enabling them to climb any surface efficiently. Apart from that, the seven segments of the animal include the respiratory, and reproductive organs.

Metasoma, the tail, which is the most prominent feature of the scorpion, has five segments and is followed by the telson, though it is not an actual tail. The telson is signified by the hypodermic aculeus or stinger, with venom glands that secrete toxins. Scorpions with smaller pincer sizes have relatively more potent venom. The stinger is a venom-injecting spike that stings its prey and predators.

Scorpions are agile and crafty in searching for and attacking their prey. With the help of pedipalps and chelae, they grab the prey and immobilize it by injecting venom through the telson before they eat it. The scorpion has a pair of eyes on top of its head and 2-5 pairs of eyes laterally. Scorpion eye sensitivity is considered the highest among the arthropods though, unlike other arachnids, they do not possess strong eyesight.

Also, the four pairs of scorpion legs are attached to the prosoma. The sensory structures in scorpion limbs, called pectines, are brush-like appendages attached to the abdomen. The sensory hair provides them with the ability to detect vibrations. Compared to their predatory body, scorpions possess a small mouth and can only imbibe the liquids from their prey and do not eat them, they extract their nutrients, leaving the solid matter behind. When they do capture prey to eat, it generally lasts for an hour.

There are around 45 toxins present in the scorpion venom, which allow them to overpower their prey. Each of which works on different animals such as insects, crustaceans, vertebrates, and other types of prey they consume.

Types Of Scorpions

The different families of scorpions include Chaerilidae, Pseudochactidae, Buthoidea, Iuridae, Bothriuridae, Chactidae, and Scorpionidae.

Among these families, there are believed to be about 2,650 described species in the world, among which 1,004 species are accepted globally. Of these, 25-40 species are established to be a threat to humans.

Thankfully scorpions are not human predators. The deathstalker scorpion and the Arizona bark scorpion are a few of the known species of scorpions whose venom and sting are poisonous enough to kill humans.

A venomous scorpion is often indicated by the size of its tail and pincer, suggesting that scorpions with small pincers and thick tails indicate a red flag and they are more likely to be a venomous species.

Number Of Legs On A Scorpion

Do scorpions have 6 or 8 legs?

Scorpions are a predatory arachnid species with eight legs.

Being an arachnid, however, the scorpion body has eight legs similar to that of a spider. Technically two of the legs act as pincers. When you look at a scorpion, it may appear like they have three pairs or six legs.

Do all scorpion species have the same number of legs?

Scorpions are arachnids. Like spiders, scorpions belong to the class Arachnida whose body has two segments, the thorax, and the abdomen. Typically, almost every arachnid has eight legs. They may vary in color, size, or in toxicity of venom and the habitat in which they live.

Though scorpions are spread across the world in a wide range, most of them are secretive and nocturnal. There are various myths in distinct cultures that scorpions have special powers. People born in November fall under the zodiac sign Scorpio, which is represented by the scorpion. Scorpions are associated with the goddess Isis, who represents a devote mother, similarly, scorpions are protective of their young and carry them on their back.

One myth is that scorpions sting themselves to die when exposed to fire. However, scorpions are immune to their stings. Africans believe that dead scorpions can attract scorpions to them. However, scorpions do not seek other scorpions except for mating. The legs of a scorpion allow them to climb any height, so beware that your shoes and clothes can be their favorite places to rest in your home.

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Do all scorpions have 6 legs?

How many legs does a scorpion have? If you look closely at the design recently tattooed onto the skin of BBC Question Time presenter David Dimbleby, the answer appears to be six. But scorpions - members of the arachnida class along with spiders - actually have eight legs, as well as their distinctive pincers.

Are scorpions Eight Legged?

Scorpions are arachnids and have eight legs like their cousins—spiders, mites, and ticks. They can quickly grab an insect with their pincers and whip their telson, the poisonous tip of their tail forward and sting their prey.

Do scorpions have 8 legs and 2 claws?

Scorpions. Scorpions have eight legs, two strong pincers, and a flexible tail with a venomous sting. They belong to a group of animals known as arachnids, which also includes spiders. Scorpions hunt smaller animals for food, crushing them with their claws or poisoning them with a sting.

Does a Scorpio have 10 legs?

Scorpions are predatory arachnids of the order Scorpiones. They have eight legs, and are easily recognized by a pair of grasping pincers and a narrow, segmented tail, often carried in a characteristic forward curve over the back and always ending with a stinger.