Do you tip for Botox Reddit

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I don’t tip… he is a board certified plastic surgeon. So nah but I do appreciate him!

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I've been to establishments where they offer injectables and other esthetic services (facials, brow shaping). The tip option was included for the estheticians, nobody expects you to tip your nurse injector.

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Same for where I go. You have the option to tip for things like facials and chemical peels but that’s it.

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In my country botox and fillers are only done by doctors not even nurse injectors

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Yes I only tip the esthetician and very well: not the doctor, PA or NP.

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I asked the lady at the front desk what tip was appropriate after my last time and she told me its not a service people tip.

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I think that’s the real difference. It’s not really a “service”, it’s a medical procedure performed by medical professionals. Tipping, at least in my opinion, is reserved for services performed by customer service workers.

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It's a medical procedure, nobody tips.

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In the US, it is not appropriate to tip a medical professional.

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My MedSpa has a tip line on the receipt for fillers and Botox (and my injector has implied in her IG story that they appreciate tips) but I think it’s kind of ridiculous

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Holy wow. If these people were making minimum wage maybe but I hope that’s not the case. It would turn me off going to that place immediately

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Tbh I stopped going to a particular medpsa cause the tip line felt so inappropriate. If my provider was doubling down tip requests on IG I’d be horrified. Are they not being paid? Or just ridiculously greedy?

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That seems unprofessional, maybe they offer other normally tipped treatments like massages and the receipt just doesn’t change.

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Just playing devil’s advocate, it’s probably the same receipt format for every service they offer. But I’ve never tipped an RN for the procedure.

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I would wonder about the professionalism of that location if they can't pay their MEDICAL STAFF well enough from what they charge that they won't need tips.

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I wish I would’ve read this years ago 😭 google says differently and I feel like it’s regional maybe? Either way I stopped tipping long ago but that was BEFORE I was guilted/prompted into thinking I had to 🙄 don’t tip, Botox/fillers are already up charged

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These aren’t underpaid women doing pedicures. These are medical professionals doing medical services.

I don't tip.

Getting a medical procedure is not like getting a spa treatment.

I've been to 7 clinics for botox/filler treatments, and I can say with confidence that the best providers who are true medical professionals would never accept a tip. The first clinic I went to, the machine would automatically ask for a tip. I thought that was a little weird, but just went for it and tipped 15% because I was inexperienced and didn't know the norms.

When I moved, I went to a much more professional clinic and when I was paying I mentioned that they didn't have a tip option, and the receptionist sort of laughed and said they wouldn't accept tips- this is a medical establishment and I'm a patient not a customer.

That really changed my perspective. And it's one of the things I advise when giving others advice on finding a good practitioner- if they ask for a tip, they don't see themselves as medical professionals performing a procedure. Which is a red flag in and of itself.

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I don’t. Mine are done by my dermatologist at her office. It would be weird to tip a doctor.

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What if you were at a med spa? Do you think you would? Or still no, because it’s a nurse doing it?

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No, you don’t tip for medical procedures.

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Mine is done by a doctor at a clinic so I don’t. Man, tipping culture is so weird. I wish we just paid people properly and left it at that.

Edit: of course I do tip people when appropriate/expected. I am very opposed to stiffing people like servers and hair stylists.

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Tipping pisses me off lol. I always tip at least 20% but man that shit bothers me because they should be paid by their employer. Now you're expected/asked to tip at at food places smh. Somehow Europeans arent expected to tip and everybody gets by🤷‍♀️ Pay people what they're worth!

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I agree. It gives me great anxiety and I feel so cheap if I don’t. Those stupid square machines are everywhere now. The other day, one didn’t give me an option at all for no tip. I had to pick a percent. I always tip anyways because I feel guilty so if I’m picking up food and not even being served I’m tipping. It’s so awkward and uncomfortable and I think maaaaaany people now guilt tip because of these machines

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No. Tipping culture is out of control.

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In Canada, health care providers cannot take tips (goes against licensing); but if you want to let them know you appreciate their services, a good review goes a long way, so do kind words in a note!

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This is good to know going to get my first botox treatment soon and was wondering

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This is also true in certain states in the US (laws vary), but in general even if it's not illegal it's considered unethical for medical professionals to accept tips.

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I go to a dermatologist, so no, I don't tip.

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It’s a medical procedure, tips are not required. Tips are meant to incentivize good service. Medical services have a standard of care, and you should not affect the standard of care by tipping. If your place accepts tips, it’s sketchy af and go somewhere else, please. Same with Groupons.

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No. At my medspa the tipping prompt doesn’t even come up when I do Botox. Only when I do facials and stuff.

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I wish the one I just went to did that. It came up for Botox. Felt awkward

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NO. They are medical professionals. They don’t work for tips. I went to one place that gave me the option to tip and I didn’t. It’s inappropriate.

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Not if you’re getting it done by a healthcare professional, which you should only go to for these type of procedures

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A PA does my injections, so no, I do not tip.

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There wasn’t a tipping option on mine and I’m happy about that. Their “tip” is included in the price of the units.. so I don’t see why you’d add any extra. I personally think tips are over used now a days.

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I stopped going to a med spa clinic because they encouraged tipping on their services. The work was great but for the life of me, what about this exactly demands a tip? It was so uncomfortable. The first time I was at the desk paying on my way out and the girl asked “would you like to leave a tip?” I was dumbfounded. I had no idea what to say. It was sooo uncomfortable. The next time I went in, the injector and I were in the room and she opened “on accident” a drawer that had a bunch of tens and twenties in there that were obviously tips from the day’s clients. She didn’t say anything but did look at me to make sure I saw that there was, apparently, a tip expectation. I stopped going after that and only recently found another person who I really like and she doesn’t do tips — I specifically asked.

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I do Botox and always decline tips! Wouldn’t really trust someone who will accept the tip, actually

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Absolutely not. Nurse injectors are paid well.


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