Does my floor have to be perfectly level for vinyl plank flooring?

Hi hope all is well. Looking to lay down lvp on concrete slab. Before we get into heated debate 2 flooring companies recommended vinyl floor after inspecting floor. Both said they would need to level floor yet they didn’t test is or lay down a single measurement. A few years back someone came in and said they could use vinyl because it’s forgiving, they thought they could manipulate the planks without leveling anything because they didn’t think it was that off. The floor looks flat on inspection, walking over the floor I don’t feel any dips or humps. I laid a 6 foot level all over the floor and a lot of spots hit level. Anything off is very slight, it seems to have a gradual slope in some spots. Maybe I’m just confused somehow not using level correctly. There isn’t a tool that makes this easier? Laying down the floor is easy but not sure if I want to tackle leveling the floor down myself. Seems like a difficult task for me, but it’s nearly 2000 for either company in labor to install floor. How forgiving is lvp, does it depend on the thickness? Does underlayment help with slight deviations? Can I hire a mason just to level the floor, it’s 360 square, not sure what I should expect to pay for that in labor.

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Does my floor have to be perfectly level for vinyl plank flooring?
Does my floor have to be perfectly level for vinyl plank flooring?

Does my floor have to be perfectly level for vinyl plank flooring?

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  1. Does my floor have to be perfectly level for vinyl plank flooring?
    Expert Member

    NICK KEENAN | Aug 08, 2021 10:53pm |

    My experience is guys who spend all day laying flooring can walk a floor and tell if it's not flat without measuring.

    LVP can tolerate small imperfections. The failure mode will be when tiles bend so much they start pulling apart at the cracks. LVP doesn't hide the imperfections, they will be noticeable long before you get to the point where the floor fails.

  2. Does my floor have to be perfectly level for vinyl plank flooring?

    Mark_Nagel | Aug 08, 2021 11:50pm |

    If you want to verify properly just take a look at what the manufacturer states as being the requirement for the given flooring that you're considering and check for yourself. If you cannot convince yourself that there is ZERO doubt about your floor being good enough then either do the work yourself, or if you find someone who will do it w/o any leveling work be sure their work is warrantied (to your satisfaction). Once the flooring is down is too late to make things right.

    I'm not a professional. I have, however, had to do a bit of leveling in order to lay down some flooring (laminate planks- 10 years ago and there has been zero issues with my work), and I can state that it's one of the last things I'd ever want to do again (using leveling compound). I'd think that professionals' feelings about leveling isn't any different, that they will only do it if it's necessary.

  3. Does my floor have to be perfectly level for vinyl plank flooring?

    this_page_left_blank | Aug 09, 2021 12:48am |

    Level and flat are two completely different things. You can have a ramp that is perfectly flat, but obviously not level. Likewise you can have a floor that is level but not flat. Flatness is what you're concerned with for LVP. Flatness isn't very easy to measure, as it will vary across the floor. Gentle slopes will be tolerated well by LVP, as long at they are not overly compound. More localized droops and peaks, not so much.

  4. Does my floor have to be perfectly level for vinyl plank flooring?

    walta100 | Aug 09, 2021 01:14pm |

    I agree with Trevor flat is what you need for the tile to fit nicely together.

    Put a 2 foot level on the floor ignore the bubble and try to slide a quarter under the level. If the quarter will not fit no matter where the level is on the floor I say you are good to go. If you find a spot where a stack of 4 quarter fits under the level. I say the floor will need some work. If yours fall in between the answer depends on your tolerance for imperfection the tile you choose and the installer’s skill.


  5. Does my floor have to be perfectly level for vinyl plank flooring?
    Expert Member

    Deleted | Aug 09, 2021 01:41pm |


  6. Does my floor have to be perfectly level for vinyl plank flooring?

    thegiz | Aug 09, 2021 09:03pm |

    Thanks for the advice. It certainly is flat enough when tested as you guys suggested. I have a high tolerance for imperfection, it is a basement after all. Thanks again for the advice as always, I will flatten any small areas I find with a trowel, use the labor costs somewhere else.

    Is vinyl flooring good for uneven floors?

    Moreover, if your floor is just slightly uneven, keep in mind that a vinyl plank over uneven floor can provide it with full coverage, as well as other sturdy materials. Not only do these types of materials give the floor the illusion of being more even than it really is, but they're also easy DIY flooring options.

    How smooth does a floor need to be for LVT?

    Glue-down LVT floors are one of the most complex floors to lay. They are stuck directly down to the subfloor. This does mean that the subfloor needs to be completely flat, dry, and even with no exceptions. If there are any discrepancies, these may be visible once the floor is installed, which is not a good look.

    Can luxury vinyl be installed on uneven floors?

    Preparing An Uneven Concrete Floor For LVT If the subfloor you are laying your LVT on is made from concrete - it's important to look for imperfections in the surface of the floor before laying the vinyl. If any are identified, then you can level the floor by sanding.

    How do you level a floor before installing vinyl planks?

    Pour the liquid-like floor leveler onto the subfloor and smooth it out with a trowel. Gravity will help it settle into the low areas. Remove any excess floor leveler and feather it around the edges so it blends with the rest of the floor. Let the floor leveler dry overnight or as indicated by the manufacturer.